the altered state of consciousness thread

Meditation can seriously do fucked up things to your mind, if you can do it right. it is pretty much one of the only if not the only thing you could call "all natural." But seriously, it can do some fucked up shit, from hallucinations to other shit, there are just certain ways to do it.

Explain how to do this. I am much more interested in this than drugs.
Just bought $145 worth of weed at Eat N Park today. Gearing up for 4-20, I guess.

As for altered states of conciousness... gotta love the Dextromethorphan. Best damn shit I've ever had except maybe ecstacy. And it's cheap as hell and available at pretty much any cornerstore. $5 for a thing of cough medacine that'll give a great euphoria and ultimate trip.

I love how freaking amazing it makes music. So much better than normal. Just drop-dead breathtaking. Now I know how deadheads feel.
I'm planning on trying to make DXM/Psychadelic Booze jello shots after I read something online about them. Just need to find a local chemical supplier for the DXM powder because I can't be bothered with extracting the shit myself.
I like Salvia but I think it's not nearly worth it for just a 30 minute trip. It was great for me when I had no contacts, but now that I work at an Eat N Park where pretty much every employee is a drug dealer, I could spend that same amount for Salvia on acid or ecstacy. In my humble opinion it will probably stay legal, because if DXM can be on shelves everywhere across America then nobody's gonna minda Salvia. Granted that Salvia doesn't have an "acceptable" medical use and many states in the US have already banned it, so maybe I'm wrong. But if it does get banned all around, I think that's pretty strange considering DXM's easy availability.

Thinking back about Salvia though, I'll admit that the bag of leaves I got was premo. I don't remember if it was $20 or $40 but I got pobably 30 trips off of that, and that's chewing the leaves not evne smoking them. The extract stuff didn't make me trip any harder. The leaves bag was sooooo worth it.
"nobody gets high the first time"

thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. i was annihilated the first time.

"$5 for a thing of cough medacine that'll give a great euphoria and ultimate trip."

it cost more then 5 bucks to get the ultimate dex trip. for me 900mg is the threshold to the good trips. 1200mg to 1500mg is when things get interesting.

and for the salvia bit. why wouldn't you smoke it? thats when the effects are best experienced. the first time i smoked it, reality split apart like paper and it was one of the greatest things i've ever seen.
if you did smoke it, the trip would only last 5-10 minutes, not 30. unless you count onset and afterglow, which there is no reason to. if thats all that happened, you need to smoke more or get stronger stuff. i usually smoke about a 1/5 gram of 40x to get to a high 3rd/low 4th plateau.
I would like to try dexies sometime. How much cough syrup do you need to buy for it to be meaningful? I weigh about 150, so maybe it's a little lower for me than for the average person.

Also, which brand is best? NyQuil has other products in it which are dangerous in bigger quantities, which is not what I want.
Rob "Klister";7175677 said:
if you smoked it, it would take you to another world.
Statements like this always make me a little sad(maybe it's because I lost my cousin to drugs) It may take you somewhere, whatever it is that your mind conjures up at that particular moment, minute, hour, but when the feeling subsides and the out of body experience ends, what exactly are you left with--- physical pain, numbness, fatigue, perhaps a desire to try a higher dosage or get something stronger next time, in order to enhance the trip?

Drug users are such an enigma to me. I haven't seen any sound arguments for drug intake, outside of :but man, this is so mega-cool! And it'll to take you to another world, away from the crappy reality of life."
Hooray for common sense.
Rob "Klister";7175618 said:
and for the salvia bit. why wouldn't you smoke it? thats when the effects are best experienced. the first time i smoked it, reality split apart like paper and it was one of the greatest things i've ever seen.

I've smoked it probably 10 or 15 times. The extracts are typically too small for chewing in the first place. But for me personally, chewing is way better. Maybe I had some weak shit or something, but the effects were always 10 fold from chewing, and not very strong from smoking. Smoking a heavy extract in a gravity bong would get me very fucked up for about 3 minutes and that's kinda impressive but still only 3 minutes.

I would like to try dexies sometime. How much cough syrup do you need to buy for it to be meaningful? I weigh about 150, so maybe it's a little lower for me than for the average person.

Also, which brand is best? NyQuil has other products in it which are dangerous in bigger quantities, which is not what I want.

Robitussin would be what I reccomend. It and Vicks (depending on the type though, gotta check) don't have anything other than DXM and sweetners & such in them. Definetly stay away from anything with Acetaminophen. I've never had cough syrup with that in it but I've had vicodins with it and it made me throw up.

Robitussin has more DXM in the bottle. Since it's your first time, one of those little $5 bottles should definetly be enough to make a meaningful trip. Though to be fair I didn't trip hard at alll my first time, though that was on Vicks. Vicks has less DXM in it but it tastes a little better. The ones to get are brands that are stricrly just for "cough relief", not cough & cold or anything. The ones for cough alone will often just have DXM in them.

Statements like this always make me a little sad(maybe it's because I lost my cousin to drugs) It may take you somewhere, whatever it is that your mind conjures up at that particular moment, minute, hour, but when the feeling subsides and the out of body experience ends, what exactly are you left with--- physical pain, numbness, fatigue, perhaps a desire to try a higher dosage or get something stronger next time, in order to enhance the trip?

Drug users are such an enigma to me. I haven't seen any sound arguments for drug intake, outside of :but man, this is so mega-cool! And it'll to take you to another world, away from the crappy reality of life."
Hooray for common sense.

*sigh* Such blind hatred towards drugs. Cars may have taken people from you too, but do you hate cars?

First thing's first: physical pain, numbness, fatigue? Nope. Maybe from alcohol, the worst drug, but I get exactly 0 negative effects or hangover effects from marijuana, dxm, salvia, and lsd. The trip may only last 10 hours or 1 hour or 15 minutes, but that doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. A vacation to Paris only lasts a week or two. A CD only lasts so many listens. A nice dinner only lasts about an hour. A meaningful talk with a friend can last a few minutes. None of those experiences are diminished by the fact that they end, and neither are drug experiences. Everything ends. But you're crazy if you think I'm feeling fatigued or I'm focused on the next big hit when I come down. When I come down from drugs the world is a better place, because unlike all of the meaningless stuff that is SUPPOSED to make me happy, there actually exists something meaningful that can. I don't ever want to do the next trip right after I've tripped. I've experienced something powerful, I wouldn't want to do it again right away. Not even for things like painkillers. After the trip I'm ready to re-enter the normal world more able than I was previously.

I'm a habitual drug user and proud of it. It improves my quality of life, and lets me experience a million things that all the non-users can never dream of seeing or feeling. Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living. I say the unexperienced life is the one that's not worth living. As far as I'm concerned, drug experiences are far more beautiful, meaningful, unique and worthwhile than any of the typical bullshit that people do in life without drugs. I've been there, I've done those things. I've experienced their side, whereas a lot of drug haters have never experienced my side of the argument. Healthy? I've remained entirely healthy regardless of my drug use. For an average healthy person, drugs aren't nearly as damaging to the body as many people just blindly assume. But if my health should some day take a turn one night while I'm dropping X and oxy-contins then that's fine because the risk is inferior to the gain.
I've thought about ordering salvia a few times, but it's expensive and not worth the money to me, since I only want to try it and wouldn't do it on a regular basis, as I'm not really into drugs anymore. I used to smoke a fuckton of weed, but I pretty much stopped at the end of college. When I was in college, I tried shrooms a few times, but they didn't have much of an effect on me. I tried coke as well, and it had almost no effect on me at all. Nitrous, on the other hand, was fucking great, but it only lasted a couple minutes. K was alright, too, and the one time I did acid it was a horrible experience. Mind you, this was all way back when I was in college. I just drink now and smoke cigs, but that's not a drug.
salvia sucks man, it just pulled me to a chair and made me feel awkward as hell for a 30 minute trip

The first time I did it made me feel awkward as well. It looked to me as though my skin was bubbling and I felt like my entire body was shaking. When I asked my friends who were doing it with me "Is this normal?" they just looked at me very strangely because I wasn't actually doing anything. Then I got ultra paranoid and thought that they were part of a conspiracy and that I'd never feel normal again. I kept hallucinating conversations with them that weren't actually happening, I was just playing them out in my head. Then I'd snap out of it and say "What?" to them, and they'd just stare at me and laugh. That lasted for about 40 minutes (I took the first hit and got a STRONG one). It kinda sucked, but looking back on it it's hilarious. Now whenever I do it, I only laugh a lot and feel super high for about 10-15 minutes.

I've thought about ordering salvia a few times, but it's expensive and not worth the money to me, since I only want to try it and wouldn't do it on a regular basis, as I'm not really into drugs anymore.

It is expensive, which is why I don't do it very often. It's also just as fun to smoke weed.

Nitrous, on the other hand, was fucking great, but it only lasted a couple minutes.

Nitrous is fun. I did it my first time at a Tom Petty concert. You can just feel your brain cells dying though.
"but when the feeling subsides and the out of body experience ends, what exactly are you left with"

back in the day i used to have a really bad drinking problem. fall down wasted 5-6 days a week. then i did my first 1200mg dose of dex. while i was in the dex hole i was going around to all my friends and asking them about my problem. it was all things i knew of course, but since the dex intensified the emotions i felt, it sunk in. on the come down i was very depressed for about 4 hours, realising what i was doing to myself. now i'm a casual drinker except for the occasional wedding/grad party type events.