the altered state of consciousness thread

So far nothing has made me hallucinate like my overdose on ADD/Depression meds.

Shrooms, LSD, the 2c's, and DMT have only had slight visual effects for me. Things like color/texture changes, walls bending or "breathing", but never any audible or visual objects that aren't there already. The effects are mostly internal.

Am I expecting too much? or taking too little? lol
Ugh, at a festival last year some dbag gave his FOB Chinese girlfriend smoked freebase DMT after they had been drinking all day and popping pills into the night. In a hotel room full of people being really loud and she didn't really know anyone. I felt so bad for her - she had NEVER done drugs prior to that weekend.

Surprise surprise, she had a total paranoid delusional meltdown the next day (after he gave her like 200 mg ketamine and then MDMA) and literally ran away and hid for like 12 hours.
Ugh, at a festival last year some dbag gave his FOB Chinese girlfriend smoked freebase DMT after they had been drinking all day and popping pills into the night. In a hotel room full of people being really loud and she didn't really know anyone. I felt so bad for her - she had NEVER done drugs prior to that weekend.

Surprise surprise, she had a total paranoid delusional meltdown the next day (after he gave her like 200 mg ketamine and then MDMA) and literally ran away and hid for like 12 hours.

What a fucking waste of drugs.
Wait what, she was on dmt and was fine until the next day when she was given a euphoric upper? Color me confused
First experience in a k hole is probably what did it.
I've never taken ketamine with MDMA though, so I don't know.
She didn't break through or anything re: DMT. I would guess she tried 6 different drugs, some in huge doses, over 24 hours? I'd be going fucking psycho too.

The K was like 5 hours before the MDMA, since he gave her a HUGE DOSE of it she got really sick and puked.
Can someone explain the effects of Ketamine to me? Ive never done it, and probably never will given the bad taste thats in my mouth, just from looking at people on it. Looks like a huge downer, but also psychedelic?
It's an anesthetic and dissociative. Like Robotripping but you don't have to drink a lot of cough syrup. Chronic use = bladder disease.

Some people love it. I fucking hated it the one time I tried, but I'd always choose something peppy over a downer. It's like being drunk with the spins and your face is numb, and stuff glows a little bit.
Can someone explain the effects of Ketamine to me? Ive never done it, and probably never will given the bad taste thats in my mouth, just from looking at people on it. Looks like a huge downer, but also psychedelic?

BIG TIME downer ... but in a different way. You basically feel like everything is in slo-mo(speech, movements, etc). I've done it twice when I was younger.

... I also remember that shit being pretty "sticky" when going up.
Yeah, definitely not my cup of tea. Especially because you have to snort it right?

Two big "No No's" in my book. Dont like downers, and I dont put shit up my nose. Fuck that.
Yea, i snorted it .... i think you can shoot it up too*(not sure), but i never fucked with needles ... and never will. I've tried almost everything you can think of ... but never shot up anything in my life.

My main love has always been the greenz. Nowadays it's nothing but that sticky, icky for me.
AFAIK re: K you can snort it, eat it, stick it in a muscle (as they do with animals) or stick it in a vein. OR put it up your butt.
I don't think so, I'm still pretty well grounded in reality. When I start spouting conspiracy theories I will check myself. ;)

2 1/2 weeks off the wacky tobacky here. I haven't had to reduce caffeine which is great.
I smoke a pack a day. Everyday my Dad's Girlfriend gives me a pack. Smoking for 9 years. I have not done drugs in about 7 months.
Did some 25b a few weeks ago and pretty much shit my ass out through my brains.

It started to kick in while I was watching porn. Porn always seems to keep the mood uplifting and helps fight nausea for me. At first it was cool because the images became quite vivid and started to move as if I could reach through the screen and touch them. Then the faces started to bubble and deform and slide off of the bodies. At this point I was giggling uncontrollably and started sweating heavily.
I took a gulp of water and began to feel nauseous as the visual and auditory hallucinations became stronger. I jumped out of my bed and vomited all over my trash can. It had a lid so the first bit sprayed off of it and landed on me.
I puked a few more times, more successfully, and fell backwards onto the floor.

Covered in sweat, vomit, and giggling hysterically I lay on the ground and begin watching shapes form on my ceiling. All of the little cracks and dust particles came together to form what looked like fossils or bones hanging from the ceiling.
The room was filled with a wavy digital dripping sound. I dragged myself back up onto my bed and began listening to GISMs SoniCrime TheRAPY and then some Inquisition. I then began listening to Prosanctus Inferi and began looking at my hand. My hand started to blur and sharpen. It started to look rotten and I looked down at my belly. Thousands of small ants started to crawl out of my belly button and under the sheets. My stomach was covered in sores and scabs. I began giggling again and decided to listen to some Blut Aus Nord. When listening to The Work Which Transforms God I noticed how the auditory hallucinations began to make the music even more interesting. The guitars pitch shifted at times and started to bend.

I began the trip around 10 o clock at night and around 4 in the morning shit started to get old. Every noise in my house echoed. The wavy digital noise remained. I fell down the hallway multiple times to get to the bathroom to take a piss and constantly felt as though I was forgetting something.
I began laughing to myself thinking "All I fucking want is to sit down, eat a cheeseburger, and do it all without anything fucking echoing or bending". This continued until around 9 in the morning.

In all, it was quite fun and something I wouldn't mind doing once a year at the most.