the altered state of consciousness thread

That sounds insanely fun. How was the afterglow/hangover/whatever?

Oh, and I definitely know that already, but thanks anyways. I always read/ask things on this forum: before I try anything new.

Yeah I figured you knew that already, but also figured it's better to say something just in case.

I don't remember much of a hangover. Just a little hazy the next day. But I personally have only had hangovers from booze and coke.

Mostly, you just have a ton to think about the next day because it's such an insane experience. Oh also, you might want to have some ambient, drone, dissonant classical or something else minimal or abstract on hand to listen to. I find it compliments the experience really well.
Ugh DXM. You people are crazy. Make sure there is no guaifenesin or acetaminophen in it, that'll make you even sicker.

Shpongle/Desert Dwellers was so amazing.

PP and I intended to have a super mild candyflip with 1 tab of AL-LAD and a half dose of 5-MAPB but we ended up blasting into outer space, experiencing total ego death (first time for both of us) and leaving earth for a good two and a half hours before realizing we were at a concert. It was the most intense experience I've ever had visually and spiritually - it was like my brain was projectile vomiting the universe. I smiled so hard my head devoured itself, and while practicing meditative breathing to calm myself down, I stopped time and space and ascended above the clouds (and saw my Buddhist neighbor who I meditate with up there, AHAHAHA), and I saw and felt divinity, God, the spirit, whatever.

When I was in 6th grade I made up an alternate universe called "Psycho Sugar Cane" as a form of escapism to combat my loneliness and growing pains. I totally went there on Friday.

Don't you need a prescription for that though? What's the trip like on that stuff?

Yup, prescription needed. Had me all super drowsy the two times i did it. But, once one of my buddies had a bottle of that stuff and a bunch of yellow norcs and made someshit he called a "codeine cocktail" ... a little cup with the prometh+7up and topped of with a crushed up yellow tossed in each. Had me all fucked up, I was seriously "leaning" and dragging my ass all over the fucking place, lol. That shit was too much for me, plus i found out later that the 'cocktail" is a pretty dangerous mix.
Yup, prescription needed. Had me all super drowsy the two times i did it. But, once one of my buddies had a bottle of that stuff and a bunch of yellow norcs and made someshit he called a "codeine cocktail" ... a little cup with the prometh+7up and topped of with a crushed up yellow tossed in each. Had me all fucked up, I was seriously "leaning" and dragging my ass all over the fucking place, lol. That shit was too much for me, plus i found out later that the 'cocktail" is a pretty dangerous mix.

Haha, that sounds like my pussy ass after a few dabs. Sounds fun.
Ill take alcohol for having me leaning and dragging my ass all over the place.

That cocktail sounds like a recipe for disaster on your body, imo.

EDIT: Seriously, whats the fucking hype of cough syrup? That just sounds childish, and fucking stupid to me.
Ill take alcohol for having me leaning and dragging my ass all over the place.

That cocktail sounds like a recipe for disaster on your body, imo.

EDIT: Seriously, whats the fucking hype of cough syrup? That just sounds childish, and fucking stupid to me.

Well with DXM, it's the only drug that is easily obtainable. It sounds childish because it is childish. It's the only thing children really have any access to.
Ill take alcohol for having me leaning and dragging my ass all over the place.

That cocktail sounds like a recipe for disaster on your body, imo.

EDIT: Seriously, whats the fucking hype of cough syrup? That just sounds childish, and fucking stupid to me.

It is a recipe for disaster, a kick right to your fucking liver. It's a super downer, and people love downers. Like I said before, I stay away from anything "synthetic"(dont know if its the right word), so any type of cough syrup is a no-go for me ... they're basically liquid pills.

Green is the way to go, fuck the rest. You should pick up Neph one day and come *up here to Pasadena or Hollywood or wherever so we can blaze a fatty together and hang out. We'll have an "ultimate metal" sesh. lol

edit: Crimson too, but I can't remember if he blazes.
You should pick up Neph one day and come *up here to Pasadena or Hollywood or wherever so we can blaze a fatty together and hang out. We'll have an "ultimate metal" sesh. lol

edit: Crimson too, but I can't remember if he blazes.

Totally down for a Southern California UM smoke out. Picking up Neph would be quite the task considering I live in Ventura County...But, did you mofuckas RSVP for Scion Rock Fest? That shit is practically around the corner.
Damn, I don't know why I always thought you lived somewhere in LA, like around Hollywood or something. Speaking of hollywood, I'm going to make my way down to Amoeba sometime this weekend ... I fucking love getting stoned and digging through used vinyl's and cd's.

I'm still not sure about the Scion rock fest, haven't even really looked into it outside of checking out the lineup from the other thread.

edit: Just went to their site and it says that the RSVP is full. Also, where do I get the tix from?
Yeah, I mean Im in LA practically every fucking weekend, but its a bit of a trek for sure.

Fuckkk, I think that shit is wait listed now, which means there still is a possibility of you going, just more hoops to jump through. You should see what you can do; its free, and its in Pomona! Its like a 20 minute drive from Pasadena!

All that being said, Ill contribute at least a little to the thread and say Im about to smoke a doobie, and gonna watch weeds. I seriously love this show.
I'd be down. Maybe in the somewhat distant future when I get a car, unless somebody picked me up. Too bad Unknown doesn't smoke (I don't think), he's the closest to me (he's probably my neighbor and I just don't know it).

I might make it to Scion Rock Fest, but probably not.
I felt myself beginning to break through during meditation last night. It surprised me because I didn't expect it to happen as quickly as it did, if ever. I got excited and started thinking about it, which made it stop, but it was still cool. In contrast to the feeling on psychedelics of my ego being torn from me and my inner/outer self being united to the energy with a force like the fist of God, it was much calmer, like I was taking my ego off like an article of clothing with each breath.
I don't know the name for it. I just close my eyes almost all of the way and focus my entire mind on my body, mainly my breathing. I also let thoughts come up and fall if they're pointless, and deal with them accordingly if they're toxic.
I do the same thing only my tinnitus kills me sometimes. I usually have to put on some rain sounds to off set it. Sometimes I put on some ambient music. I can't really get back into that zone though. It was the same zone that comes with running when you get to that second gear and you're not thinking or even concentrating on your breathing. It's pure unconsciousness.
You mean like when you feel like your body is sleeping, but there's a bit of consciousness there that's saying something like, "this body is there" constantly?