the altered state of consciousness thread

I've never had any problems ingesting mushrooms even after I've eaten a meal a couple hours before. San Pedro juice on the other hand is probably the most vile fucking thing I've ever put in my stomach.
Okay so made the tea and am now drinking it (mixed it with ginger white tea and peppermint tea and lemon juice). Godspeed! I think should be watching a movie or something… Felt a weird tingling in my stomach, but it went away. Better not puke. Feeling a little different… not much but a little. Anyways, should get off the interwebz. :/

I looked up that San Pedro juice. Ha it looks like its supposed to be healthy.
@Vimana: Thanks for the suggestion! I never heard of that before. Would that "weaken" the trip, though? Since wouldn't be directly eating it?

Not at all. In fact, it may make it more potent if you have an empty stomach. Just time it as you drink it. I stupidly chugged it the first time and the comeup was really uncomfortable.

I've never had any problems ingesting mushrooms even after I've eaten a meal a couple hours before. San Pedro juice on the other hand is probably the most vile fucking thing I've ever put in my stomach.

It's much better to put it inside of a capsule than to take it straight.
It was incredible! I felt really happy and everything started to sway. I put on the movie Into the Void on Netflix and started analyzing the crap out of it with my friend. And all the visuals were just really overpowering sometimes my vision became blurry. I would also see like rainbow sparks shooting out from things. And also felt this awesome warmth throughout. Everything was really warped and watching that movie while on shrooms was definitely a great idea.

It lasted about 4 hours (think because I allowed the shrooms to become really dry). The stomach ache wasn't that bad I actually smoked some mj and it really helped the nausea a lot. Hell I started to eat during it and was perfectly fine after. All in all a great experience!

Edit: I'll post a picture of the shroom tea concoction I made when on a computer.
Mixed Valium with some old Adderall tonight. I felt good, but the adderall didn't feel as strong. I'm not sure if that has to do with the age of the adderall (a few years old), or the fact that I also took a bunch of valium.... which I need to stop taking so often.
That sounds like a terrible idea. I think you may have died if the adderall weren't so old.

Anyways, I took a hit of pot a couple days ago and it gave me a different perspective on my life. I realized I have this underlying anxiety that dictates a lot of how I react to things in subtle ways, and it's another thing to work on with meditation. Meditating while high was pretty cool. There was one point I thought I was sober, but once I got into the trance, I was like, "nope, I'm still high."

Unfortunately, my thoughts have been a little more active these past couple days. That's an issue pot always had with me. If I had some underlying thing I needed to think about but didn't think about, pot would shove it to the front of my mind and scream "analyze it!" Definitely not smoking for a while. At least not until I think I need a different perspective on a problem and meditation alone isn't cutting it.
That sounds like a terrible idea. I think you may have died if the adderall weren't so old.

Most of the people on said it should be okay. I actually wouldn't be surprised if people with ADD and Anxiety were prescribed those medications quite often. I probably won't do it again out of circumstance anyways, though.

And hell, if it killed me, so what? Life is kinda shitty anyways.
Oh, and I tried meditating the other day and I just ended up falling asleep. I'll have to ask my mom to help me out one day, she meditates all the time (she's Buddhist).
The key is to let the sensations of your body take over your consciousness. Absolutely any thought and feeling you get has to be let to pass and not acted upon, but you must focus on staying in your body. Don't think about how to do it. Just do it. It can be frustrating or boring at first, but the mind eventually eases into a "lock" where it's much easier to meditate than it is to think.

At that point, meditating is also kind of fun, as odd as it sounds. It's because you're not thinking about time and the movements of your body are entertaining since you're not wanting anything to happen or expecting anything to happen, but something is still happening. When you can be entertained by such a low amount of stimulation, the world becomes a lot more fun.
I didn't try this for recreational reasons, but yesterday I tried some Diphenhydramine to help me take a nap. Then I fucking slept 15 hours (as I mentioned in another thread).

I heard you can trip if you take enough of this stuff, but I heard it's a pretty unpleasant high, and it's probably hard as fuck to stay awake to feel the trip.
Benadryl is the best sleep aid.

I had a really mediocre acid trip in the desert and I need to calm down and stop expecting magic to happen when I don't put myself in the BEST setting. We got chased by bees and I was pooping like every hour. No good.
I'm having trouble with expectations myself. It's annoying because of how they sneak up on me. Sometimes I don't realize I made them until after. One of the things I'm working on with meditation.

I had been in a bit of a funk about life lately, so I smoked some pot a couple days ago. It was pretty illuminating. I realized I basically neglected to acknowledge everyone's humanity including my own. I also realized that the only self-love I show is narcissism. And I get so ridiculously empathetic that I just shut it off entirely, even to myself. Otherwise it's pretty much impossible for me to socialize. I get trapped behind this wall of "this is a human being. It has great emotional depth" and I don't want to say the wrong thing.

Then I went out in public and got a second look at my social anxiety and realized just how ridiculous and egocentric a lot of my thought process is in a social setting.
It's not long before I turn 21, so I'll give it a try.

I did drink last night and uncovered more unpleasant stuff, but overall it's been good to know it's there so I can work on it.
This is fascinating Vimana, because you and I have a lot of the same observances etc but act on them in entirely different ways.

When I was coming down crying and freaking out about how I was going to take months of intensive psychotherapy to feel normal again, PP just laughed at me and discounted everything I was feeling - at the time it hurt a lot, but then I woke up in the morning and felt totally normal and realized he was right. No need to acknowledge a problem that isn't a problem and make it actual.
Well, we're both humans after all. Converging emotional experiences are inevitable. One thing I've found always helps with emotional problems I encounter is knowing I don't have the full picture. I can attest to it because I'm really emotional and have created/encountered and defeated many emotional problems. A problem may seem impossible for me to deal with, but I've found there's always some little change in perspective and/or circumstance that can render the problem solvable.

For example, when I go to work, I can bitch to myself about how I'm going to be doing a bunch of dull tasks with middle aged people at the same pay grade who probably think I'm lazy for not hauling ass to impress the managers and not freaking out when things go wrong. Then I can dread work because it's just another day of them getting in my face and trying to push what I perceive as a "setting up a table properly is a matter of life and death" mindset. I can go even further and hate how much food the place wastes and how they overcharge for things and judge American culture for what I perceive as mindless materialism, meaningless wastes of time, and the neglect of all of the meaningful aspects of being human in favor of shit that we're merely told is meaningful but don't feel is meaningful. Then I can say that I'm better than the job, better than the people there, better than America, and that I should be doing neurological research and writing novels instead, that this is the only life I know I have and that I should not be wasting it fucking folding napkins and filling glasses of water when my imagination can take me further than any of the people in there who have no desire to find out how the universe works.

Or I can just not look at the clock and not wait until it's over. I can realize how much I don't know about the people I work with and not judge them for it. I can immerse myself in the feeling of being an ant in a colony of seven billion who is slowly figuring out how it all works. I can focus on the tasks I'm doing, my surroundings, and the sensations of my body. I can try to make my coworkers laugh. I can make up stories in my head. The list of things is endless.

After it's over, I carry the experience with me. Do I want to carry something unpleasant or something pleasant? Of course, doing certain things to create pleasant feelings for myself and others like greeting my coworkers when coming in didn't feel natural for me at first, same with letting things go, but then I thought, if I want to do it, how is it unnatural for me? I don't need to come at every single thing in my life with the same passion I approach dancing or philosophy, and that's okay.