the altered state of consciousness thread

Same as my outlook too. But I don't do weird ass obscure chemicals. I stick to LSD, mushrooms, MDMA and now DMT. I'm weeding out the MDMA. Shit wears too hard on me. LSD, mushrooms and DMT have no noticeable negative effects on my brain chemistry like with MDMA. I ALWAYS feel better after those trips.

Beer is practically a daily intake, and weed I go through phases where I smoke a lot to nearly any at all.
My body can't process alcohol very well, half a beer with dinner the other day had me feeling hung over until like noon the next morning. Sad times.
I'm a complete drug novice and am totally lost when it comes to all of the verbiage people throw around. I've been doing a fair amount of cocaine lately, but I frankly haven't felt any legitimate effects from the dozen or so times I've indulged in the past couple of months. It's not a lack of quantity either, as I've only done it for free around more "experienced" types of people.

I dunno, Cody, you know me well enough to recommend something decent and non-destructive to start out on. Hit me.
You're saying you don't feeling anything at all after using cocaine? Literally nothing? I've never fucking heard of that. Maybe the people you do it with are fucking with you and they're giving you baby powder?
You're saying you don't feeling anything at all after using cocaine? Literally nothing? I've never fucking heard of that. Maybe the people you do it with are fucking with you and they're giving you baby powder?

Nah, one of the people is a pretty serious cokehead, and the other is one of those types that just does all kinds of drugs all the time. Last night, for instance. I did a few moderately large lines, and while everyone else was clearly amped from it, I had trouble telling if the very slight adrenaline rush was anything more than a placebo effect of sorts.

Not really complaining, I just find it odd. I literally only do it when it's around and offered for free, as it's always seemed like a boring, pedestrian drug for stupid, rich white people.
Crazy trip on the yopo last night.

After two hits, I just felt my energy loosen up on its own. It was kinda freaky. After a couple more, I noticed I was moving into this weird headspace and beings were shouting at me. I decided that was enough and didn't take any more hits, then one of them told me to take one more hit, so I did. Then this feminine presence came to me and kind of held my mind still while she put something inside of my head. It was weird. It felt like some heavy, thick air was being put inside of my skin like between my cells. At one point, my mind trailed off and this being "grabbed" it, seemed to indicate the thought was stupid and pointless, then finished putting that weird stuff inside my head. Overall, it was a pretty uncomfortable experience for my body, but she told me it was going to be alright. And it was.

Guy, cocaine just makes you feel sober and a bit impatient unless you're doing A LOT of it. I think everyone should do LSD and mushrooms and MDMA, you can learn stuff about yourself and the universe (but it's ok if you don't) and you might even break down your own personal barriers you thought were permanently established. There is great potential to become a giant hippie though, so be ready for that. There's also a lot of fake LSD and fake MDMA going around so be careful and don't die.
I dunno, Cody, you know me well enough to recommend something decent and non-destructive to start out on. Hit me.

I agree with Laura. And Schmidt. From what I know of you, I think alcohol and philosophy is a fitting formula. You want my opinion, Id say drop the fucking cocaine for good, take a tab of LSD and listen to the Grateful Dead. But just as Laura said, it might turn you into a hippie, like it did to me. So be careful.

Laura also brings up valid points about LSD/Mushrooms/MDMA, BUT they can also bring up shit that is too deep to deal with while under the influence of such substances and cause a fucking shitstorm that will fuck your shit up for life. Ive had it happen to myself because I wasnt ready, and Ive seen it first hand happen to many others, so I would advise you to strongly use your intuition if you think youre ready for something like that, and not just something to do for the sake of doing it. Id recommend to not do MDMA just cause of the depression that sets in after the usage. It takes too much out of me and is hard for my brain to bounce back after and dont wish that upon anyone for a few hours of fun. Highly addicting too, which I dont like. LSD and mushrooms are no problem afterwards and not addictive to me, which is why they are my drugs of choice.

If properly set up, thought out and you are ready for it, psychedelics take you to meet your Atman, your higher self that will show you truth, consciousness and bliss like youve never imagined or experienced. However, if improperly set up and rushed when you werent ready, it can take you to the depths of hell and show you darkness, pain and fear like youve never imagined or experienced.
Laura: Cheers. I've already done LSD a couple of times, with no serious results. Every time I've basically gotten back into my head an convinced myself that it was neurochemical trickery and nothing special, and just end up superficially enjoying the sensory distortion until it's over. Ugh, I'm a fucking dork. I only did shrooms once a few years ago; and I have no idea what sort of quality they were, but again, just a day of sensory distortion and not much more.

Cody: The only thing I haven't tried mentioned thus far is MDMA, and your mention of the triggers with depression is troublesome, since I've been diagnosed with clinical depression. Hmm, I think I might pester the ladyfriend into finding some shrooms (she's said that she wants to do with with me on numerous occasions) in the near future and see if it does anything for me this time around.
MDMA is cool but it's probably a lot cooler if you're autistic or have bad social anxiety. I don't think it's the sort of thing people should regularly use over and over again - it gets predictable and you know what's coming.

All these things are important to only use alone or with loved trusted ones, since you will be SUPER VULNERABLE under their influence and may be easily spooked or drawn to people of questionable character.
But surely when we are talking about MDMA and depression triggerings we are talking about the day after right? I didn't think it was humanly possible to have a bad time on MDMA otherwise, not counting death by dehydration.
Yeah its not even the next day. Next day I feel fine. A bit groggy. Im talking for about a week after, for me, it really sets in and lasts weeks. People say I get bad shit, but when I only take 250mg and get floored, I find it hard to believe.
250 mg is a huge dose! Standard is like, 120 mg I thought.

I hate how short lasting it is and how once you "drop off" it's really obvious that you're just like, forcibly talking shit to random people. I don't get bad week after hangovers from MDMA, but I always did from 6-APB (the roll lasts like 8 hours and it's more like MDA than MDMA).
I tried MDMA once and thought it felt fake. I've been happier sober and have no interest in trying it again. The best synthetic thing I did was LSD, but while I think psychedelics are fascinating, my interest in doing them is waning since deep meditation feels just like LSD without the mental "vroom" which I can do without.

I do miss different altered states sometimes, though.