the altered state of consciousness thread

So I took shrooms again on Thursday and tripped the hell out.
It was probably one of the best experiences of my life.
So much went down I am still kind of sorting through it all in my mind.
I'm really happy that they worked this time and I for sure plan to do them again sooner than later.

However on a side note I did break my bong (not while on shrooms), Its really annoying I have broken 2 bongs, 2 pipes, a down stem and a bowl all in the last month.

after work today I am going to go buy another bong. 3rd bongs a charm hopefully. Man this is such a bummer. I love smoking out of water though. I might end up just getting a bubbler. Not sure yet. I will post a picture later of my purchase.
Shroomed Saturday night with friends camping in the woods. Everyone had a nice chilled out time, with the exception of a scary incident where one friend (who is a rather severe alcoholic) disappeared for a few hours and freaked us out quite a lot. He returned safely before the night was over.
Shroomed Saturday night with friends camping in the woods. Everyone had a nice chilled out time, with the exception of a scary incident where one friend (who is a rather severe alcoholic) disappeared for a few hours and freaked us out quite a lot. He returned safely before the night was over.

I think wandering off is one of my bigger fears in doing shrooms. I did them for the first time last week alone in my apartment and it was fine. But I for sure think out in nature I'd vanish!
Well I've given up alcohol (1month), drugs (1.5 years) and energy drink (1 week), but I was wondering about acid. Is it worth trying?
250 mg is a huge dose! Standard is like, 120 mg I thought.

I hate how short lasting it is and how once you "drop off" it's really obvious that you're just like, forcibly talking shit to random people. I don't get bad week after hangovers from MDMA, but I always did from 6-APB (the roll lasts like 8 hours and it's more like MDA than MDMA).

Really? Man. The people I roll with take GRAMS at a time. Their tolerance is fucking ridiculous.

Well I've given up alcohol (1month), drugs (1.5 years) and energy drink (1 week), but I was wondering about acid. Is it worth trying?

Youve given up alcohol and drugs, why do you want to try LSD?
because the trips sound totally wild and i don't plan on having it as a lifestyle thing, just a try once thing. i kind of don't want to either though, because I don't want any depletion of my mental state or ability.
Since you asked, my .02 is to read up on it and understand what you are getting into and make your own decision. You know whats best for you and what you want.

I used to recommend mushrooms and lsd to anyone because I felt everyone could use learning from what these substances have to teach. Sink or swim. But after seeing how some people are just not ready for it and the repercussions of it, Id say whats more important is educating yourself in what you are getting into so you dont end up in a sticky situation and have a bad trip.

For whatever its worth, different psychedelics obviously have different strengths. Something like weed is so mild, that all it does it augment the state you were already in. It doesnt override your current state and personality. But with the stronger psychedelics like mescaline, mushrooms, lsd etc., they tend to override your existing habit patterns, and most people who are not prepared or have a great understanding of what they are getting into start to freak when their entire structure system starts to melt away.

So, if you read up on it and still feel that youd like to try it, I *highly* advise with your first time to have something like a calming place, with minimum paranoia, where there is good music, art, or something that you can surrender into so you can get maximum benefit out of it.

Do you have any experience with psychedelics in the past?
no, i tried shrooms but i didn't have enough of them to have a trip and i had taken speed not that long before, so i think the effect was blocked
In my experience, LSD is a much more milder and manageable trip than mushrooms.

You definitely didnt trip cause of the speed. Lack of mushrooms could be it too, but coke/speed do not mix with mushrooms, at all. In fact, I remember one time I was tripped on mushrooms, hit a line of coke, and immediately my trip was gone and I felt normal.

The only thing that should be mixed with psychedelics is weed, imo.
Last time I smoked pot I had some beers with a friend a few weeks ago. I have not drank in alittle more than 10 days. And like usual do not know why I touch the shit to begin with. It's just bad.

Aslong as I have coffee and tabacco I'm good. I got one of these recently. It is much cheaper just to roll. Not specifically this one, but similar. I never run out.

Had the last trip I'll ever need last night. A couple hours in I got all I ever needed from tripping and then had to spend the next ten hours entertaining myself. It worked out pretty well. I'm satisfied.