the altered state of consciousness thread

Oh, I had this one awesome experience a few days ago.

So I was riding my bike while high and listening to music, and this song came on and I just HAD TO dance to it, so I got off my bike and danced on the sidewalk. This old lady walked by me, said I was awesome, and high-fived me.

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Tried DMT for the first time yesterday.

Was outside, it was a little windy so I couldnt get a proper hit, but enough to be introduced to the substance. I had music going, which at times was really beautiful, but kept me more in my body I felt. The trip in general, was very in my body. I could feel and hear my breath and my heartbeat, but got a few minutes of some really vibrant color patterns. Nothing special though.

Overall left me feeling a bit underwhelmed and not understanding the hype. Ive tripped so much harder off LSD or mushrooms than this little trip. Im going to try again tonight and not make the same mistakes I did the first time.
This book I read about it suggests going "past" the colors, because that's where the cool part of the experience is.
Completely the opposite of this thread, but it fits in its own way. The past few years due to work/long commutes I've gotten little/no exercize. I'm not in terrible shape or anything, but after running/working out over the past week and going in to work it makes things SO much easier. Easier to wake up in the morning, situations that would be stressful aren't, I mentally beat myself up less over mistakes.

Endorphines are a pretty amazing thing.
Endorphines + weed is even better. I just got back from a high run. I listened to Grimes and my mind just flew out of my body.
I got a volcano vaporizer and it's really awesome. Normally can't feel weed unless I eat it or smoke it through a vaporizer. That's probably due to not smoking it right but the vaporizer is tough and makes me cough a lot more. But it's awesome nonetheless.

Edit: is DMT that drug where people say it replicates how it is to die or like the moments before you die?
Tried DMT for the first time yesterday.

Was outside, it was a little windy so I couldnt get a proper hit, but enough to be introduced to the substance. I had music going, which at times was really beautiful, but kept me more in my body I felt. The trip in general, was very in my body. I could feel and hear my breath and my heartbeat, but got a few minutes of some really vibrant color patterns. Nothing special though.

Overall left me feeling a bit underwhelmed and not understanding the hype. Ive tripped so much harder off LSD or mushrooms than this little trip. Im going to try again tonight and not make the same mistakes I did the first time.

I meant to talk to you about this - I came across some and am sitting on it waiting for a good time.

The process sounds very challenging - from what I've been told/read/gathered you have to inhale 3x and hold it in for 15+ seconds each time. How did you smoke it?

Down the rabbit hole of alphabet soup chemicals - tried out a combo of research chemicals intended to replicate MDMA with less neurotoxicity at Movement. Was not disappointed and rolled for 2 hours longer than friends who had MDMA.
The process is very challenging because after your first hit, you are immediately feeling the effects. Not in full effect, but man, taking a second hit is challenging just to know what the fuck youre doing, and a third I can imagine being damn near impossible. I would think you need someone else to help you.

This time I got 2 good hits, but after that second one, I knew I needed another, but I vaped it all so I couldnt. Its hard imagining taking 3 good hits, because after 1 good one, it gets exponentially harder to take another because you immediately get rushed with this warm, euphoric and almost opiate like feeling where all I want to do is lie down. Ive read and been told the three hit rule as well, and I do hold it in for as long as I can, sometimes over 15 seconds. Holding it in as long as you can makes all the difference in the world.

How I smoked it was on top of some weed. It melts into the weed from the heat of the flame, not direct flame. I will say, there is nothing like the feeling of getting a good hit, holding it in, and when you blow it out, that feeling of euphoria and warmth is unlike anything ive done to date. But my motor skills are dramatically compromised after that first hit.

That being said, my third time I try it, I will be taking as many hits as possible until Im in hyper space.

I also think I have a few roadblocks. Last night, when I was under, all I could taste and smell was that metallic gross taste from the D. The fact I have to smoke it, sets the trip for me to be a bit dirtier, making it harder for me to let go. I will never, ever hit it out of a pookie, even though everyone says you get a better hit and high. Thats too crackhead for me. So, while I was under all I could taste and smell was that and it grossed me out.

Smaller dosage amounts like Ive been doing would be far more useful while peaking on some LSD. Hopefully I can get more and try it out fully cause now I think my trial and error runs are over and have a better grasp on what I need to do. Third times a charm, yeah?
Is "pookie" a crack/meth pipe? I think when our time comes we may do that...

TBH if there weren't such stigma/I had proper cleaning equipment I think intramuscular (not IV, that's too dangerous) injection would be my preference for most drugs. I like needles and stuff and it's easier to inject into your thigh muscle (big target) than to hold in mothball.

Good luck in future ventures! It sounds like you were a little nervous/had high expectations and having someone to help you with hit #3 might be helpful.
Yeah a pookie is a meth pipe. Being an ex meth head, I will never, ever touch one again. Even if theres no meth in it. Fuck that.

Yeah im prepared for time #3. When it comes, ill make sure its done right.
Oh shit I didn't know that about you. You've certainly made a wonderful comeback health-wise. :)

This is going to sound really stupid but I'd like to try meth once. I think being awake for 30 hours and the crash after would be punishment enough that once would actually be enough.
I'm somehow "eating" my highs with meditation. It's not bad, just a little strange. I'll take a few hits, then start meditating, and after a while the feeling of being high gets absorbed by the typical feeling of peace. Then I'll feel more sober than I really am until I talk to a person.
I've been fucking around with Diphenhydramine (aka Benadryl) periodically as of late. It's a real dumb trip, as all you get is audio hallucinations with the occasional corner of your eye visual, and lots of paranoia. You also get this really weird high where you feel like a brick (can't even lift your fingers), but I kind of like that part, and it's pretty much the only reason why I keep doing.

It's definitely one of those drugs that you only take when you have nothing else to use outside of weed and you really want some sort of high.
Nephilim, please don't become one of those stupid people you see in drug "education" videos.
This is how people get into bath salts.

That mentality is definitely destructive, but I wouldn't compare DPH to Bath Salts. One is an OTC drug that children can legally buy (they don't even card like they do for DXM), and the other is a designer drug (no, they're not actual Bath Salts) that is probably one of the most lethal drugs out there, if not the most lethal. Also, the amount of DPH you'd have to take to have any serious medical problems is pretty high, and I'm not that stupid. It's like comparing Caffeine to Cocaine. They do similar things, but one is about 1000x more powerful and dangerous. Once I'm old enough to buy my own Robitusssin, DPH will become obsolete, and I'll never use it again (and I'll probably do the same with Robi/DXM once I actually find some good sources for better, harder to obtain drugs).

With any substance, you just have to be responsible with it, and you have to know what you're doing. The people that end up totally ruining their life with drugs are people who weren't all that bright or mentally strong to begin with. Hell, just look at KafkaX, he's a former Methhead, but that didn't really stop him from becoming an accountant (IIRC) and opening up his own Yoga studio. (Not saying I want to do Meth, just an example).

And hell, even if I actually did end up like one of those fucked up people in the videos, it's not like I had that much going for me in the first place... but I'm not going to let that happen, so moot point.
We have polar opposite approaches to drugs. I collect obscure research chemicals based on extensive Internet research and never do them unless I'm at a festival or party or some special occasion. An eighth of weed lasts me like 6 months, and I have beer in the fridge from a year ago.