the altered state of consciousness thread

I'm an acid noob, so I'm pretty excited.

Only one piece of advice, double your dose. :kickass:

My rules that I kindof just made up right now:
- Never, ever put shit up my nose.
- Never, ever use needles.
- If it aint weed or psychedelics I dont give a fuck.
- Never again will I hit a pookie. Even if its to hit some D, that shit is fucking crackhead status and brings me back to being a dirty meth head.
- Stay clear away from speed, cocaine and heroin. Dont even like to be around people using or under the influence.
- I think Ive pretty much ruled out MDMA in my usage. Shit took too much out of me and that was doing only maybe 2 to 3 times a year. LSD and Shrooms make me feel better after I trip, not worse.
- Last but not least, fuck pills.

Probably smart!

Do you guys have "rules" for yourselves concerning use? I have a few.

-Always observe generally accepted safe timing between uses (duh)
-Never do "hard" drugs out of boredom or restlessness
-If downers ever become my drug of choice abort all use immediately and go sober

All good rules. Especially the last one. :lol:
I've done shrooms 3 times, but this was years ago. Atleast 8,9 years ago. I had fun and would do them again. I tried acid a few times and never liked it at all. I would not do that shit ever again aslong as I live.
My rules that I kindof just made up right now:
- Never, ever put shit up my nose.
- Never, ever use needles.
- If it aint weed or psychedelics I dont give a fuck.
- Never again will I hit a pookie. Even if its to hit some D, that shit is fucking crackhead status and brings me back to being a dirty meth head.
- Stay clear away from speed, cocaine and heroin. Dont even like to be around people using or under the influence.
- I think Ive pretty much ruled out MDMA in my usage. Shit took too much out of me and that was doing only maybe 2 to 3 times a year. LSD and Shrooms make me feel better after I trip, not worse.
- Last but not least, fuck pills.

Pookie is crackpipe right? I'm totally interested in hearing about your methhead times btw, how you got yourself out of it and whatnot, how you've managed to not fuck your brain's reward systems and find presence and mindfulness and shit.
I think I broke through during my meditation session last night. I got really relaxed and let go and felt this break around my pineal gland and a rush of warmth down my brain stem. Then I felt like I was floating in a cozy, timeless void. The void paradoxically was still and peaceful and exploding with love. Kind of hard to describe. But it only lasted a few seconds. It was SO nice. I don't know if I've ever felt anything better in my life.
Just breathing, letting go, and letting things do their thing. But I do focus on chakras to see what's blocked and unblock them.
Life really is better without drugs. Just give yourself enough life experience and decent none depressive contemplation to attain a good state of mind most of the time.
Yeah, that was the most extreme thing I have ever gone through. It was awesome for the first 3 hours, but after that it turned into fucking hell. Holy shit.
So it sounded like during your peak you flipped because it takes about an hour or more to fully kick in. Without getting into too many details of your experience, and set and setting on a open forum, I advise next time to have something like a calming place, good music, make art, or something that you can surrender into and always to do it in a place where there is minimum paranoia because most people who are not prepared or have a great understanding of what they are getting into start to freak when their entire structure system starts to melt away with the walls around them.
Don't resist the negative thoughts, but don't attach to them. Thoughts are just simulations of the mind. L tends to try to clean out the useless/toxic from the mind. If you resist, you tend to get a bad trip. If you totally surrender and ride it, you can actually look at things in ways you would have previously found disturbing/unthinkable and be totally fine doing it. I once did something I'd normally find pretty disgusting to show myself my actions don't necessarily need to be ruled by my thoughts and emotions and that's okay.

Just wait until ego death. The drug can make thoughts come up, but you are ultimately still there in your awareness and decide what to do. It can be very alienating to have your ego even poked at because what you think you are is often arbitrary thoughts you attach meaning to and L (depending on the dose) can make it very clear that's not the case, but you have to accept that no solid conception of what is real is real because real is known by sensory experience, not idea. I hope that helps with your next trip.

But L doesn't do a real ego death, but kind of forces you to see what it's like. Real ego death takes time and attention to detach from ideas, memories, feelings, experiences, etc. while still going through life and putting them to use. Ego builds lots of programming that can be pretty subtle and powerful and takes some dismantling. If you so choose. Life without ego is chill.
Thanks, both of you. I think one of my biggest problems was that I was trying to do to much, and I ended up overwhelming myself. I think I'll try again next week, and now that I kind of know what to expect, I'll probably be able to handle it better. I'll let you guys know how it goes.