the altered state of consciousness thread

LSD isn't meant for small doses, IMO.

It depends on what your looking for, I think. From what I've noticed, on smaller doses you can still get some of the benefits of the drug without having to commit yourself to a full trip, and that might be appealing at times. Just like smoking a little bit of weed instead of getting blazed out of your fucking mind. I agree that larger doses are a better, but I think there's a place for smaller doses too. Obviously I haven't used the drug much, but this is what I've gathered in the few times I have used it.
^ Exactly.

You hit many points already Neph, which ill elaborate on a little more.

on smaller doses you can still get some of the benefits of the drug without having to commit yourself to a full trip

But once you experience the drugs full potential, anything short of it is almost boring for me. I might just be saying this because I have a lot of experience with it, so I know exactly what to expect, what to watch out for, and how to control and guide it in any way I want. But thats just it, the predictability of it is now boring to me.

With larger doses, you are forced into hyperspace and you dont know what the fuck is going to happen. But you have to be confident in any situation and be willing to continually surrender yourself each moment because if you dont, you end up fighting, resisting, and in turn bad tripping. But the beautiful side is you are rewarded with the most beautifully intense and spiritually uplifting realizations.

Even though you did not ask, and this might not pertain to the topic, ill say it anyway. If you decide to dabble more with the substance, keep with the small doses for now Neph is my .02. Like you said, they do have their place, and right now I think its a perfect place for you to swim in and learn more about it and how you react to it. Learn to crawl before you can walk. Its not a race to get there the fastest, but rather to make sure you get there in one piece and on the right path. And who knows this one might not be the one for you.

Psychedelics are not for everyone, and I know LSD is not for everyone either. A lot of people prefer mushrooms over LSD, and vice versa. Or youre like myself and like em both ;)

It depends on what your looking for, I think.

I have plenty of friends who trip just to trip, are not looking to experience any higher state of consciousness and just wanna fuck around. They dont care about being launched into hyperspace and experiencing ego death. Which is fine. But there will be a time when that shit presents itself unexpectedly, and they wont know how the fuck to handle it, and in turn have lost one of the greatest experiences their life has offered them.
In my experience, using L the way you use weed is not the best idea. Weed is fun and carefree, and L is likely more serious than anything in your life unless you're a Buddhist monk or something.

But ultimately, using L to change yourself spiritually is not the most effective method in the long run. L puts you in a different state of consciousness that's gone when the drug wears off, so it will be incredibly profound while tripping but the substance of it will be gone afterwards. It's like reading the greatest book ever and forgetting everything but that it's the greatest book ever. Not to say it's totally useless. It's great for learning lessons, but the overall learning takes a lot of work while not tripping, and it's not nearly as fun as being blasted into the mysterious, meaningfully arbitrary nature of sentience and reality.
I disagree and agree.

There has to be a continuity of right effort to bring you to higher states of consciousness in a sober way, in whatever way is fit for the individual. But there is no denying that LSD can bring about PERMANENT changes in ones view on them self, the world they live in, and/or the Absolute Truth. To deny that is absurd. The substance of many of my profound trips still linger with me, they are not lost like a good book.

LSD is merely a tool. It is not the way. But its a great tool for showing people the way. And its not the only tool you have to have in your toolbox.

The real work, the real pay off comes from your own sober effort. No denying that. But there is also no denying the lasting benefits psychedelics can bring.

Together, continual right sober effort with occasional psychedelic use is the right vehicle for me to ultimately take me to the place where the psychedelics are no longer a vehicle to ascend, in which case I will get out of the vehicle and walk.
We agree, but with what we can present with words out of our total conceptualizations, it'll be a debate. That was probably the most profound and annoying realization I got from L, that words by themselves only convey part of what a person is thinking and feeling and most disagreements are pointless as fuck but for reasons that are difficult to express because they're too simple for words.
But ultimately, using L to change yourself spiritually is not the most effective method in the long run. L puts you in a different state of consciousness that's gone when the drug wears off, so it will be incredibly profound while tripping but the substance of it will be gone afterwards.

It's not like acid zaps your memory entirely. There would be little reason to use acid if you weren't able to remember at least some of the stuff you learned/experienced.

LSD is merely a tool. It is not the way. But its a great tool for showing people the way. And its not the only tool you have to have in your toolbox.

The real work, the real pay off comes from your own sober effort. No denying that. But there is also no denying the lasting benefits psychedelics can bring.

:kickass: Nicely put....

BTW, I definitely plan on trying shrooms and DMT eventually, but is anything else (like 2Cs) worth trying?
Never dabbled with any shit like 2C-B or others of the like, ill let others talk on that if they want...Ive just stuck with LSD and Mushrooms. Those two substances resonate really well with me.
It's not like acid zaps your memory entirely. There would be little reason to use acid if you weren't able to remember at least some of the stuff you learned/experienced.

I didn't say gone entirely. I said it doesn't preserve it all entirely so tripping alone isn't what's needed to learn the lessons. While tripping, the brain is in a higher/cleaner state of consciousness and when one goes back to sobriety, stuff will come with it, but not enough of it to completely retain the state of the trip. It takes time and effort cleaning out the mind to get back to that state as a baseline that doesn't require any substances to induce.

BTW, I definitely plan on trying shrooms and DMT eventually, but is anything else (like 2Cs) worth trying?

Naturally-occurring things that have been safely used for millennia are fine (if you're not latently crazy), but modern synthetic substances are more unpredictable. Synthetic drugs are more or less educated guesswork. The longer and more ubiquitously something has been used safely, the less likely you are to have a bad experience.
Never dabbled with any shit like 2C-B or others of the like, ill let others talk on that if they want...Ive just stuck with LSD and Mushrooms. Those two substances resonate really well with me.
2CB is probably one of the most enjoyable and manageable psychedelics I've had. The high is similar to large doses of ecstasy, albeit with more visual effects. A lot easier to control than LSD as well. Unfortunately it's a lot, lot harder to find though too.

I tried a little bit of purple drank last night, and it's fucking overrated as fuck. I was asleep within an hour of sipping because of the promethazine. Pills are much better.
I dont trust that fucking shit. I browsed it one time with a friend and his computer got all sorts of viruses.

Plus, how the fuck do you guarantee you get your shit? I feel like a lot of people would get their money stolen.
I dont trust that fucking shit. I browsed it one time with a friend and his computer got all sorts of viruses.

Plus, how the fuck do you guarantee you get your shit? I feel like a lot of people would get their money stolen.

You can't, you have to trust the vendor's reviews.
I'm not looking for hallucinogens/uppers/downers so much as general feeling of well-being/anti-anxiety/relaxed-but-not-sleepy. Every now and again a cup of coffee will actually have a very relaxing/at-ease effect, but more often than not just jittery. I'd also like to try some Sativa, but difficult to find from the asking around I've been doing. Its mostly indica around here. I have troubles in that I tend to go from full-on to sleepy (alcohol hits me pretty hard, even a small glass of scotch makes me pretty sleepy)

Has anyone tried kava? Supposedly good anti-anxiety. I'm thinking of trying some kava tea and then maybe get some extract if its good.
The difference between Indica and Sativa is overstated. It's still all just Marijuana.

And considering you live in a state where it's still illegal, a lot of people probably don't even know what the fuck they're smoking.