the altered state of consciousness thread

I actually ended up scoring some Kava last week.

Some dude came up to me and asked if I drank it, I said Ive never tried it and he ended up gifting me a fair amount.

How much do you use per serving? And do you need to strain it?
I've never really measured. Just drop a decent amount in hot water, let it sit 20 minutes then strain it. It is very bitter and tough to drink at first. Definitely mix with another tea and/or honey.
So i said fuck and decided to give edibles another shot. Went for the indica and deca-dose cheeba chews ... and nothing. Same goes for this one ...



there is no way real potheads can get high off these bullshit edibles. Flowers ftw.
I think I would smoke weed again but I suspect I might end up going completely paranoid and end up institutionalized.
I think I would smoke weed again but I suspect I might end up going completely paranoid and end up institutionalized.

You have to smoke it with a few close people. I have not smoked it in awile. It's still illegal besides a few places. I have a warrant out because did not pay my fine for my DWI. I was driving with a suspended license when I got it and almost had to do 2 years. Aslong as I do not get arrested it will not matter. So I do not worry about it.
You have to smoke it with a few close people. I have not smoked it in awile. It's still illegal besides a few places. I have a warrant out because did not pay my fine for my DWI. I was driving with a suspended license when I got it and almost had to do 2 years. Aslong as I do not get arrested it will not matter. So I do not worry about it.

The potential to get arrested at any moment doesn't seem worrying at all...
Trying a Kava Chamomile mix this time, with honey. Should be mellow. I should probably just get some pot, but I've been applying to new jobs lately and want to be 100% clean for an impending drug test.

Also, I've been taking DHA pills (concentrated fish oil pretty much) and it helps greatly with mood, concentration, and makes mornings so much easier to deal with in general.
I don't like to take mushrooms at night because you can't fall asleep. Also, it's more fun to wander around in the sunshine instead of the darkness. I haven't had any in about a year. Last time I had them, I read a book while waiting for them to kick in. When I found myself enamored by the contrast between the ink and paper pulp, I went for a swim and had a blast. If they're dried, I prefer to make tea instead of eating them.
Took 1 gram a couple hours ago, don't really feel anything besides a weird head high and some nausea, but I kind of expected nothing would happen. Wanted to start off real small. Going to take at least 2.5 next time, whenever I decide to do it.
so yeah, two hours in and I know these shrooms are weak, but I'm not sure how weak. I'm pretty sure I feel/felt some effects (more so than when I took 1 g), cause colors look a little more vibrant, and I felt a strange spaciness in my head for a while, but other than that not much. Pales in comparison to my last psychedelic trip (with acid), because that was extremely fucking intense and this is definitely not that. I'm not really upset, just a little disappointed. Not disappointed about being down 20 bucks or anything, that doesn't really matter, just wish I could've had more of an experience.

Definitely going to have to give it another go eventually. I'm going back on prozac soon, which is good, but it also kind sucks since I'll probably have to take a week or two off to attempt to trip again. Not a big deal, I've been on and off it many times before, it's just a bit of a nuisance.