the altered state of consciousness thread

So after 15 years of smoking, im going to have to call it quits(for now at least).

Been having weird on and off chest pains for the past few months, and even had a little blood in my phlegm(twice), or at least i think it was blood. Saw a doc yesterday and he wants me to get a chest xray and even see a heart doctor just to stay on the safe side. I'm wondering, shouldn't he have sent me to some kind of lung doc instead? :erk:
Don't like vapes.

But yeah, it's cuz im not smoking. Long time smokers usually have a hard time sleeping and eating when they quit. It even happens to me even when i run out for a day or so.

im really trying to pull through this and stay sober for a while .. at least till next year. I need to fuckin clear my mind of this haze of smoke and let my lungs recover for a little while. I cant imagine what they look like right now. So yeah it's mainly for health reasons.
Yeah, I lose my appetite too without thc in my system. Thankfully I can still get sleep without it. Hang in there, TB.

Ozz, I'm assuming your girl smokes cigarettes? Yeah, definitely try to get her off those (and good on you for trying to help her).
Cigarettes just don't do a whole lot for me. Even after having smoked a few dozen they still give me a mild headache that offsets any benefits. Pot puts me to sleep. Even alcohol is overrated by and large, despite my love of scotch I don't understand overdoing it or HAVING to drink a beer with every meal, meeting, etc like so many friends... Maybe it's because the veil between normal and sleepiness is so thin with me I just don't need any depressants.

Caffeine on the other hand is my lord and savior.
I've never understood the appeal of smoking cigarettes - I mean, what's the point if you can't get high? ;)

You get a nicotine rush, and it's somewhat like that rush to the head you you get after cumming, but not nearly as great. A lot of people like the feeling of nicotine + alcohol.

I've smoked about a dozen packs worth of cigarettes in my life, which thankfully is very little. I don't plan to smoke many more.