the altered state of consciousness thread

Okay! It's my iPad, it gives me spellings I don't bloody want and puts hyphens and other stuff where there doesn't need to be any!!! There's no need to shout at me. . . Yeeesh ;)
Great advice thanks guys. In case you guys are curious about the results and or effectiveness of flushes...

Basically the person trying to get clean, took the flush and drank a ton of water. Apparently with the flush and a combination of a 5 hour energy shot he got sick-ish and his poop turned blue/green with bad diarrhea and fast heart beating. He took a few bikram yoga classes also. He had a week to get the weed out for the drug test. Long story short, the tests came back inconclusive aka his piss was too clean. So gotta take another test. But this time doing it the old fashion way with some of what you guys say worked: water, cranberry juice and exercise.

Flush works but apparently too well , but if you need to stall more time the flush seems like a good idea so far. Companies really need to chill with the weed situation though. It's really ridiculous and annoying.
Pot and caffeine in the right amounts can be amazing for my ADHD. Too much of both and I feel tired and energized at the same time, which is really uncomfortable. But if I have the right amount of each, I'm alert, but mellowed out so I can go with the flow and not get caught up in long, pointless trains of thought or overanalyzing shit.
A hybrid. It makes some amount of difference, but depending on how much and when I smoke, it doesn't make much difference. If I have a sativa dominant one, I just have to smoke it before and wait until I feel a bit burned out before I have caffeine. With an indica dominant, I can do both at the same time. Ah, nothing like coffee and a smoke.
zabu of nΩd;10810476 said:
Any of you guys get irregular heartbeat from stuff? I had to quit the bud a few weeks ago, but last couple nights after settling in bed I've shot straight up after a feeling like I skipped a beat + a kind of suffocation. Happened a few times when I was using too. I'll see a doctor as soon as I catch some free time.

I had a similar experience on several occasions on three separate days when I bolted down 2-3 Red Bulls on a day before a concert: get home from the gig, go to sleep, wake up gasping for breath a couple minutes later - even though I could breath just fine two seconds after that. The first time I was like "WTF!" but by the third time I figured out the Red Bull correlation. It's true that I did drink said Red Bull mixed with copious amounts of alcohol, but I've never had alcohol alone do that to me, and it hasn't happened since I quit the horny maroon one, so I know who the culprit was. Do you consume anything similar to, or with similar effects to, Red Bull?
Unless you see the Grim Reaper. I would not worry to much about what is going on with your yourself.
I've asked this on other sites, but I wanna ask you guys who have experience with vapes this too:

I'm thinking about investing in a portable vape, but I only have enough funds at the moment for one type, so what should I get, one for concentrate or one for flower?
zabu of nΩd;10810958 said:
I don't drink much caffeine or alcohol, and very rarely have them together.

I'm scheduled for a physical tomorrow, I'll see what the doctor thinks.

How honest are you with your doctors?
I'm personally not a fan of vaping flower. I have an extreme q and it takes longer for me to get just about the same amount of high that I would get from my bong. I've only hot knifed concentrates but I imagine vaping them is the shit.
I'm personally not a fan of vaping flower. I have an extreme q and it takes longer for me to get just about the same amount of high that I would get from my bong. I've only hot knifed concentrates but I imagine vaping them is the shit.

Yeah, everyone is saying to go with the concentrate, so that's what I'm going to do.
Going to pop a couple Norcos tonight. Hopefully it's fun!

EDIT: Took about 18.5 mgs worth of Norco (Hydrocodone) about 30 minutes ago and it's real nice.
I just finished the longest meditation session I've ever done without music. So many thoughts and feelings are redundant.