the altered state of consciousness thread

I think you just had "becoming an adult" collegiate/social awareness thoughts. Everyone feels like they're going crazy as our brains mature.

I might have the HPPD, I tripped balls from smoking regular weeds a couple nights ago and full-on ROLLED while running the other day. No complaints.

Seeing SHPONGLE a week from today!!!
I think you just had "becoming an adult" collegiate/social awareness thoughts. Everyone feels like they're going crazy as our brains mature.

That has happened to me, even while smoking weed - generally only if I'm alone or people I'm comfortable with. Last weekend I was at Hempfest with a bunch of people I had never met, really wasn't pleasant at all. Was actually pretty paranoid. It's really strange how the company you keep (or lack thereof) affects your high.
Stay away from that shit, seriously. One of my best friends started with Oxys and ended up getting addicted to heroin. Found out two days ago that he wasn't dead.
I've railed Dexedrine before. That shit was fucking gnarly. Great though. Major rush, burst of energy, and I was up and alert for like... 30 solid hours.
I had a friend who was wayyyy into stimulants. Like he would snort adderall on a nightly basis. He ended up having horrible acne and got disgustingly skinny. Turned into a way more serious drug problem... let's just say it didn't end well.
No, he didn't die, but he did go to prison and get deported to Bulgaria. And snorting it makes you get the "high" quicker.
No, it doesn't. I snorted Adderall once, assuming that it would be the same as snorting meth, and it didn't do shit. Orally or up the bum are the only ways to take Adderall.

I've been told that it doesn't make a difference, but you can definitely feel something if you snort it. That is, if you don't end up sneezing it out like my friend when he did Molly.