The American Taliban is on the March

lizard said:
Fucking rules.

Yeah, this dude sucks. I think Necro is dead on with the bigger scarier issue though.

I used to love the high school argument of anti-abortion even in rape cases. "Well Jesse Jackson was a rape baby!" Ignoring the issue of whether or not you find the Rev a complete and total fucktard aside, that's hardly the main thing to worry about in such a case. "She's my sister. She's my daughter. My sister. My daughter." etc.
unhinged said:
so in some states abortion is illegal but in some states you can marry animals?

Prior to 1973, it was 100% left up to the individual states, and what wound up happening was the bible belt and more conservative midwestern states were all outlawing abortion, which led to lots of young women (especially young women it seemed) traveling great distances or going to great and often risky lengths to have the procedure done. A lot of times women had "underground" i.e. very dangerous procedures done by backroom hacks too.

Roe v. Wade was supposed to establish some sort of guidelines for how this would work moving forward, and is probably one of THE landmark Supreme Court rulings of the past 40 years. South Dakota has now become the 1st state to challenge this since then (as far as I know), though the Supreme Court could still overrule this, I believe. Not entirely sure.

It's going to be interesting to see what, if any, precedence this establishes.
Agreed that basically a complete ban is just ridiculous. I understand that cases of rape and incest can be hard to 100% and often end up he said, she said, but the ability to choose to have an abortion in those instances outweighs the difficulty of proving those cases.
america! Land of the free..... provided it's purely politically correct, economically profitable, politically convenient and religiously appropriate.