The American Taliban is on the March

yes. I used to laugh about it all the time when american tourists criticsed canada for not selling beer in the grocery store, because they're "from the land of the free"

for the sake of those who likely vetoed that thread... this is amusing...

Conspicuously Absent said:
yes. I used to laugh about it all the time when american tourists criticsed canada for not selling beer in the grocery store, because they're "from the land of the free"

Yeah, but we (I'm saying "we" because I was born in Ontario,
so I'm allowed to say "we" when it comes to Canada, right???
right???) have the Beer Store!!!! :cool:

Basically...there are good things and bad things in every country...
I'm not dissing on "Ameddika" but I think the religion aspect
is just so fucked up here....
yeah. America does have a lot of things that deserve respect. But the religious influence on government policy is not one of them.

YAY BEER STORE! (PS, being canadian born bumps you up 10 points in coolness factor)
MadeInNewJersey said:
so wait...

either it was great that Roe v Wade allowed the decision to be left in the hands of the states, or it wasn't

which is it?
it was, if i'm not mistaken, the one where i didn't refer to roe v. wade at all in my post. what makes you think it's that ruling that i was attacking? that kind of ruling shouldn't be necessary in a supposedly enlightened society.

cthulufhtagn said:
it was, if i'm not mistaken, the one where i didn't refer to roe v. wade at all in my post. what makes you think it's that ruling that i was attacking? that kind of ruling shouldn't be necessary in a supposedly enlightened society.


I can't even follow what you just wrote, but this is real simple:

Roe v. Wade was instrumental in allowing the states to have their own choice about what to do re: abortion legality. Before that, things were illegal and all sorts of fucked up (in short).

So you either support the Federal Gov't's allowing the states to choose (you know, staying out of the affairs of local gov't, something liberals & libertarians LOVE to huff on about), or you're against it, in which case you should have no problem with this South Dakota ruling.

Can't have it both ways.
if prolifers really cared about unborn children they'd try to do something about poverty, abusive families, the stigma of being an unwed mother, etc. and then BAM in a few decades there would be fewer abortions. but since that can never be achieved in less than six years i think it's safe to say the "abortion debate" will always be about getting knee-jerk reactions in the voting booth.
Mark I'm with you on your description of Roe v. Wade, are wrong about liberals wanting less local govt control, at least until this administration, conservatives wanted less, that's why some fairly prominent conservative scholars have criticized Bush for his intrusion into civil rights.

I know its tempting to get a boot in on liberals :)
i bet all 12 residents of south dakota are up in arms about this.

edit: or maybe all 12 are happy. i dunno. maybe ill call them all. should just take a couple minutes.
oh jesus, make the bad men stop:

Combating the radical gay penguin agenda.

A children’s book “about two male penguins who raise a baby penguin” has been removed from the kid’s section of two public libraries after complaints it had “homosexual undertones.” The book is “based on a true story of two male penguins, named Roy and Silo, who adopted an abandoned egg at New York City’s Central Park Zoo in the late 1990s.”
it's no longer baabaa black sheep. It's now baa baa rainbow sheep (so instead of offending the black man, now you're offending the mutts).

So let's all go to the local "Caucasian"(white) Spot, and have some Rainbow Angus beef.