The Amesoeurs/Alcest Debacle


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
From the Amesoeurs myspace:

Ladies and Gentleman, Amesoeurs does not exist anymore.

Neige has decided to split up the band, because of his new girlfriend, who is jealous of Audrey S' participation, forced him to stop everything.

Winterhalter, who has nothing to do with this story, was fired too, even if he doesn’t know it yet. The same for Fursy.

Conclusion : Byes, and have a nice Sunday.

Audrey S, who still doesn’t understand why Neige is a b…

Neige's answer: "Amesoeurs is dead" I have read the Audrey's statement and all the comments below. What a spectacle, really. She stole and changed the Amesoeurs' page password, I can't access to it anymore. Indeed I'm leaving Amesoeurs but it has no much to do with any "girlfriend" gossips. I do it for several personnal reasons that apparently Audrey can't assume and understand. I never prevented her to keep on the band with the other members if she wanted to. I hope people will be conscious enough not to believe everything written there. No more to say.

Mail du 28.05.08 de Neige à sa copine :

"As I told you on the phone, of course I never thought Audrey was an excellent person (I always told you how bad I feel when I am with her). How could she be after what she did to me? I am not totally stupid. She is even not a friend. I told you these things because I wanted to impress you, to give you the feeling that I was surrounded by interesting and talentuous persons in my band. You know as much as me that this is a lie. The only thing she has is a good tone, but like you said me yesterday, obviously this is just a question of chance, like people who born with blue eyes or so.

For prooving you that I do what I say and really plan to put an end to this band, I will tell it to Audrey tomorrow. I can't stand to see you suffering in this way and I don't want to break the love that still remains inside you. Then, all this will finish exactly in two months because there will not be any tour. The only thing I ask from your side is to let me finishing the album (the Amesoeurs one, MY album and not HER album). I ask you for two months, not more."

alcest's sdam was pretty cool, but fuck the french... unless they're making horror or dm.

edit: or bm for that matter
I doubt there will be any more Peste Noire albums than there already would be, since Neige is a supporting member of the band who hardly contributes to songwriting.

I'm more inclined to believe the less idiotic version, which would be the one that Neige wrote.
So it appears that the whole thing has been settled, they will record the album and release it. Neige said it has to be extra memorable since it'll be their first and their last
Any band that breaks up due to girlfriend troubles is a bunch of pussies, or at least the guy who let his girlfriend break his band up is a pussy. You're in a fucking band, ffs. It's not gonna be hard to get a new girl. Sure, you love her, blah blah blah, but obviously she doesn't love you if she wants you to break up your band. Quit being a pussy and dump the bitch.
I'm pretty sure that the stuff about his girlfriend is something Audrey wrote because she was mad, since she took it off right after he made his statement since it was so childish. Stop being stupid.