The Anti-Canada Thread


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
With the growing amount of overtly pro-Canada Canadians on this board, I thought it was time us xenophoes began a thread to say: Canada, you suck.

two reasons why canada doesnt suck

The point is, we have no culture. The way we live honestly is in these fucking segregated little cliques we call suburbs where culture from ones original country takes place. For instance Toronto has little Italy and China Town, Spadina and BLoor i think is just one massive greek migration, thunder bay up north has a large finnish population. I can't call this culture, its only clashing, definitely not as bad as the clashing that goes on in the states, but there are a lot of pansy fuckers here, i grew up next to the redneck capitol of Canada, but what the fuck, all I can do is bite the bullet you know. Just fucking live.
We do and we don't, you know us Canadians arent exactly born with hockey sticks i our hands, actually I really don't give a rats ass about hockey. It just depends really on who pratices harder that year and who just gets lucky when someone fucks up. Essentially all hockey is that.
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
yeah man, everybodys got their culture fetishes, whether it be their own or someone elses for instance my neighbour has some crazy schoolgirl asian fetish.
Well perhaps that's true about hardcore forms of culture.
But I hardly imagine getting laid because I eat rice and beans everyday and roast meat with a true coal oven and special spicing. Everyone does that. That's my point, what is seen as culture, it's just the way everyone in the place you live is used to.
But then again I'm clueless about canada