Jan 29, 2008
i figured since other people have one and my freinds always ask me for advice i may be good at this, ill give it a shot.

so.....any questions???
because everyone else has one, and well i think i can do it just as good if not better than you other people.....or if what u rwally meant to ask was, "why snap, am i being such a dick about this??" the answer is, its just your nature. [ps. no offense mad respect to your thread....ive used it]
the word of the day is "FAILURE" since this morning i failed my driving test, and tommorow it will be "SHAME" because i will most likely fail again
the word of the day is "FAILURE" since this morning i failed my driving test, and tommorow it will be "SHAME" because i will most likely fail again

Fucking owned.

Next question, if this is brutally honest, you'll answer absolutely any question, no matter how sick it is?
about......20 minutes before i on here, just after to having intercourse with what may or may not ahev been your mom
cheap gonzo rip off

incorrect i thought thatn up on my own, and gonzo probably stole it from whatever two cent comic he gets his answers from, and if you wish make the same accusation about me, BUT know that you will only be bombed verablly and suffer serious damage to your anal cavity
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