THe "ask Steveawesome" thread!

:erk: Behemoth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dimmu
pleasantly buzzed on coors light. I will continue drinking while typing this.

Shit, what is it with all these threads!? :lol:

Anyways, whats the secret to being awesome?

Chronic Masturbation

Yes it was, it's the ask SteveAwesome thread! would one become a "man of 1000 voices"....besides having to become a man first?

As a child, my bedtime was 8:30-9ish. I was always a hyper kid so I was NEVER tired until WAY after I "went to bed". So I would stay up for hours imitating voices. I guess after all those years I'm still good at it.

Söy;6309357 said:
won't you come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with meeeeeeee?

Only if you provide the booze and broads.

Stevez0z, did you chose already your stage name?

No. The thread died before anyone came up with anything good.

Why is the sky blue?

because then the color "Sky Blue" wouldnt make any fucking sense at all.

whats your phone number so I can find you at testament?


Dear Steve,
What the fuck?
Love, Princess Wildchild :lol:

Because t3h forum needs some spicing up with an enema of awesomocity.

Am I not up to par? I'm married to Nikki, dumbass. :p

Can I assume that "once you go black, you never go back" only applies to black men, and not black women?

I dated a black chick and I had little difficulty transitioning back to white women. So yes. Yes it does.

Dear Steve,

Why am I so awesome?

and why can't you live closer to Philly?

A. You are awesome because I chose you to be my wife
B. Because I haven't graduated from college yet.

Dear Steve,

What colour should I dye my hair?


Dimmu or Behemoth?

Behemoth murders Dimmu in every conceivable way. Plus the members of Behemoth don't look like Pedophilles.

Yo Stevie, hows your band coming along? Also, what other bands do you like that are not heavy metal/hard rock?

A. Excellent, Justin has almost finished learning his bass parts and we are about set to start doing shows again
B.I'm a HUGE fan of Alice in Chains. Hole, Nine Inch Nails, the Violent Femmes, Stone Temple Pilots, and the Beastie Boys

Dear Steve, is it possible to have two noses?

Who the fuck nose. AHAHAHAHAHHA I KILL ME.

Did you have a favorite Spice Girl?

Posh used to be pretty bangin' until she started looking like a crack whore. I guess I'll say Ginger. That girl had some hips.

Do you think time would really seem slowed down in the eyes of an observer if an object is about to pass the event-horizon of a black hole? If so, how would you explain this?

Not sure, but I think its linked to those little balls of static electricity that you buy at the museum gift shop.

There you have it. If you enjoyed it, I'll do it again next week.