The Axis Of Perdition - "Deleted Scenes..." REVIEWS

from MONSTER MAGAZINE (norway - printed)

rate: 2/5

At denne britiske gjengen har vokst opp med black metal, er ikke vanskelig å høre. Onde islett smøres tjukt utover veggene, selv om det samlede uttrykk har mer til felles med industriell doom metal. Selv synes de sikkert denne myra av babbel og dissonanser er fryktelig progressiv. Det er den altså ikke – bare avskyelig kjedelig og kunstnerisk avstumpet. Finn på noe bedre!

(Geir Larzen)
from HMP portal

Esplorazione e malattia, senza paura alcuna di osare. Sembrerebbero essere questi i vettori principali atti a muovere la ricerca stilistica made in The Axis Of Perdition, entità britannica giunta con questo Deleted Scenes From The Transitinon Hospital al secondo full in carriera, capitolo che segue a breve distanza temporale il mini Physical Illucinations In The Sewer Of Xulchibara, che non molti mesi fa suggellò il sodalizio della band con la nostrana Code 666.
Deleted Scenes. Probabilmente solo queste due parole riescono appieno a dare un'identità alla proposta di questi signori inglesi, che di uscita in uscita sembrerebbero essere sempre più lanciati verso una via di non ritorno indirizzata verso gli abissi più profondi ed inesplorati della psicosi post-industriale; Axis Of Perdition incarna un progetto assolutamente unico, che, partito dal personalissimo post-black metal di The Ichneumon Method, si sta dirigendo sempre più verso una tangente dedita alla destrutturazione del concetto stesso di schema canzone a favore di un olocausto sonoro in piena regola, forgiato in un crogiuolo che vede fondersi al suo interno beat impazziti, frequenze distorte, riff di chitarra di matrice black metal completamente decontestualizzati, ritmiche di drum machine a dir poco chirurgiche ed inumane e molto altro ancora. Indubbiamente una proposta come questa si presenta come chiaramente colta ma anche enormemente difficile da digerire per i canoni dell'utente medio, necessitando oltretutto di un elevato numero di ascolti e di un'attenzione più che accurata per essere assimilata; tuttavia ciò non può minimamente precludere il palese fatto che The Axis Of Perdition rappresenta attualmente un progetto che possiede la rara dote di riuscire a dipingere delle vere e proprie vedute sonore sulla desolazione urbana e sulla freddezza del clima sociologico post-industrialoide che attanaglia la società attuale, il tutto supervisionato da un occhio intossicato dalle psicosi tipiche dell'essere umano.

Arte malata
This is the kind of review I like to read:


THE AXIS OF PERDITION “Deleted Scenes From The Transition Hospital” (2005) code666 (8 / 10)
A travel into the underworld would be a journey you wouldn’t want to repeat over and over again. Demons, darkness and lurking figures with shining eyes all around you, ready to take a bit, to fulfil your worst nightmare.
Once inside, there’s no escape. No green exit-signs, no guardian who informs you which way to go. No smile, no help… …you’re left in this void of nothingness…
Sounds all around you, sounds that make you shiver, they haunt you every living minute, you are desperate. The red rose has turned black, the purple rain has turned black, the white cloud has turned black. Heaven? Hah, did it ever exist?

Some, if not most, bands consist of members that turn into members once they get an instrument or a microphone in front of them, while being all nice taking care of their families the rest of the time. Could be this goes for those four in The Axis Of Perdition, but if I should judge by the music only, I think it’s time for them to visit their shrinks. Could be the men in white would throw away the keys as well…
This album is a journey in black, without a single sign of hope. The slow passages of Black Metal remind me of some Burzum, while the ambient-industrial parts could have been parts from Ulver’s “William Blake”-album. But the intervention between the two is nothing I have ever heard before. I can’t come up with one single band that reminds me of The Axis Of Perdition, and that’s a certain sign of…, well, if not necessarily quality I would at least speak of originality.
“Deleted Scenes From The Transition Hospital” is, if you dare, a dive into your own darkness, hopelessness and insanity. Personally speaking I don’t know if I will ever want to listen to this again. Maybe I should get drunk, pump up the volume and stand in the middle of the room just to figure out what will happen. I have no real idea.
Walk, if you dare, but be open-minded because this album demands something from you, and I am sure most of us are not ready at all. (
(Roy Kristensen)

Parin vuoden takaisella debyyttilevyllään tyylinsä selväksi tehnyt brittibändi jatkaa omalaatuisten polkujensa luovimista. Kokeellisen, eri tyylilajeja sekoittelevan ja metallimusiikkia kummallisesti toteuttavan bändin tyyliä on suoraan sanoen mahdotonta lokeroida vedenpitävästi, mutta se tuskin on tämän bändin kohdalla tarpeellistakaan. Jazzia, ambientia, industrialia ja äärimetallityylejä yhdistelevä ryhmä tekee musiikistaan omaperäistä, jopa itsetarkoituksellisen kuuloisesti.

Vaikka levyn promokirje, sekä varmasti muutkin mainospuheet, mainostaa bändin tyyliksi elokuvamaisen ja teollisen black metalin, on levyn tunnelma ja tyyli varsin kaukana siitä, mikä yleensä mielletään black metaliksi. Puolet levyn massasta toki koostuu industrialin ja ambientin kylmästä ja konemaisesta ristisiitoksesta, mutta levyn metallisempi puoli on keinotekoisen hirviömäinen ristisiitos. Kappaleiden kestot vaihtelevat lyhyehköistä, reilun kolmen minuutin rykäisyistä pitkälle yli kymmenminuuttisiin sessioihin.

Levyn synkimmät, ja samalla sanoen parhaimmat hetket koetaan juuri lähes instrumentaalimaisissa koneosuuksissa. Tummanpuhuva metallikin toki pyrkii uhkumaan pahaenteistä tunnelmaa ja synkkiä hetkiä, mutta onnistuessaan tavoitteessaan vain puoliksi. Tempoa löytyy niin doomahtavista hidasteluista nopeisiin rytkytyksiin, mutta kokeileva, jopa jatsimainen luonne tekevät kappaleista hankalasti innostuttavia. Omalla tavallaan levyn ja sen musiikin voisi tulkita jonkinlaiseksi soitinmasturbaatioksi, jolla ensisijaisesti tyydytetään soittotarpeita ja vasta toissijaisesti pyritään tekemään toimivia kappaleita.

Levyn tuotantopuoli on asiaan kuuluvasti kliinistä, konemaista ja tunteetonta. Analogisesta tai orgaanisen tuntuisesta soundipolitiikasta on turha edes haaveilla, sillä rummuista lähtien jälki kuulostaa muovin ja metallin yhdistelmältä. Kitarasoundit ovat pääosin voimattomat ja innottomat, mutta ehkä tämä vain tukee levyn epäorgaanista ja teollishenkistä ideaa. Lauluosastolla löytyy ääntelyä niin puhtaiden mieslaulujen saralla kuin jonkin sortin örinääkin. Tavanomaista ja mieleenpainumatonta, yhtä kaikki.

En lähde edes arvailemaan ketkä tai mitkä saavat levyn tarjonnasta täydessä innostuksessa kiinni. Tällaisenaan Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital ei kuitenkaan ole näiden tyylilajien - niin teollisen, ambientin kuin black metalinkaan - mestari, vaan pikemminkin perverssi ristisiitos ja mutantti. Levy onkin eräänlainen Frankensteinin hirviö, jota vain harvat edes haluavat kuulla ja vielä harvempi kuunnella.

Serpent, 12.04.2005
Spirit of Metal webzine:

Le premier album du groupe anglais avait été clairement une déception due à une surcharge peu réfléchie de sons indus/ambiants masquant les bonnes intentions structurelles et malsaines du groupe. Ajouté à cela une absence de point de vue et une certaine prétention des musiciens, cela donne une véritable déconfiture, certes traversée de fulgurances inédites et audacieuses mais noyée dans un ensemble globalement trop brouillon.

Et c’est maintenant qu’arrive le nouvel album d’Axis of Perdition. Que nous donne l’écoute de ce "Deleted Scenes From The Transition Hospital" ? Tout d’abord, sachez que pour saisir l’essence même de la teneur musicale du groupe, cet album ne s’écoute pas, il se ressent. On n’écoute pas cet album par simple envie. Il faut se mettre dans l’obscurité et muni d’un casque, car c’est là que le concept d’Axis of Perdition m’ait clairement apparu. Et aussi invraisemblable que cela puisse paraître, j’ai adoré ce disque !!! Le groupe a tout simplement remis les pendules à l’heure. On prend sa lampe torche et… Explication.

Comme je le disais, il n’y a pas cinq lignes, cet album ne s’écoute pas comme n’importe quel disque, c’est une expérience, lâchons le mot. La formule a effectivement changée, terminés les bidouillages bordéliques, la musique se fait plus calculée. La structure est modifiée. L’album se compose en dents de scies passant de passages ambiants/indus bien plus travaillés et plus répandus à des segments black/électro/ambiant moins furibards, moins chargés, plus longs et plus orientés dans l’atmosphérique insidieuse. Mais avant, tout passons sur le concept de la chose. L’expérience auquelle nous confis The Axis of Perdition trouve son point d’ancrage dans des références cinématographiques et télévisuelles. On pense à l’excellente série de Lars Von Trier "L’hôpital et ses fantômes", sa version américaine "Kingdom Hospital" ou bien des films comme "La nuit des mystères" (à la rigueur, "La maison de l’horreur", le remake bouseux) ou encore, "Death Tunnel". Pourquoi ? Tout simplement parce que le disque est empreint du visuel et de l’ambiance spectrale, malsaine et morbide d’une évocation hospitalière comme antichambre des enfers et refuge d’esprits tourmentés.

En cela, les voix sont changeantes et multiples : chœurs morbides, grognements atmosphériques, cris de souffrance atroces, chants clairs semblant sortis d’une autre époque, chacune transposant l’état d’esprit ectoplasmique d’anciens pensionnaires où se mêlent tortures, morts violentes et âmes en peines. Les segments ambiants/indus donnent froids dans le dos : brouillages radiophoniques et indus bruitistes, gouttes d’eaux tombant sur un sol poisseux, mouvements d’ombres spectrales, mise en marche d’un ascenseur descendant aux enfers, digne de "Angel Heart". On s’y croirait !!! En plus, les éléments instrumentaux sont parfaitement placés avec double grosse-caisse à l’appui, riffs de guitares mécaniques, nauséabonds semblant venir de l’Au-delà.
Et pour tout dire, dans les conditions adéquates d’écoute, la lecture du disque se révèle sacrément flippante !!!!! C’est à soupçonner que l’on se trouve dans un de ces hôpitaux crasseux où chaque parcelle d’ombres est chargée d’énergie surnaturelle, où chaque ombre est une hallucination. Jouant à fond dans la carte horrifique suintante, le groupe anglais se permet une incursion jazz surprenante et flippante comme passage dans un autre temps nous transformant en visiteur infortuné et bizuté.

Après plusieurs écoutes (d’ailleurs j’écoute l’album en ce moment, il est deux heures du mat), l’impact est toujours aussi scabreux, aussi horrifique, aussi malsain. Là, je l’admets, Axis of Perdition a réussi son coup. Cet album est machiavélique et manipule son auditeur comme une marionnette, le faisant même sursauté, le situant dans une posture désagréable, nihiliste qui pue une mort errante qui n’a pas beau visage.
Conclusion, "Deleted Scenes From Transition Hospital" est une surprise totale, ambiance malsaine, point de vue fantomatique et sadique, cet album est une tuerie d’atmosphères fétides et hantées. Comme quoi, quand on lâche du lest, l’ensemble est plus structuré et imaginatif.
Un de mes coups de cœur de l’année…
It strikes me as a bit insane that people aren't able to grasp your sound. There are a lot of lower scoring reviews, and I can't understand why. It's as if the world were trying to tell me that Ice Cream tastes like shit.
In most of those cases, from what I can gather from patchy online translation software, the low marks seem to be not because it's bad, just because it's extremely unpleasant and not something the majority of people would willingly listen to. Not all of them, mind - the 2/5 review from Monster Magazine dubbed us "abhorrent, annoying and artistically blunted", but then we've always had a fair few of those, too.
I think of Axis as like Blue Cheese - to some it's a hideous, smelly glob of crap with horrible mouldy bits, to others it's a delicacy. It's just always been the way with Axis reviews....
The odds of Axis being huge in Germany remain on the decrease...

Nicht leicht zu verdauen sind die neuen musikalischen Kreationen dieser englischen Industrial Black Metal Horde The Axis Of Perdition, die es ihren Zuhörern wieder gewohnt schwer machen. Als Schauplatz hat man sich dieses mal das Transition Krankenhaus herausgepickt (welches schon auf der vorigen MCD "Physical illucinations in the sewer of Xuchilbara" herangezogen wurde) und einen düsteren Soundtrack passend dazu geschrieben. Das Album ist sehr düster, keine Frage, was besonders auf die sehr komischen und bizarren Soundsamples zurückzuführen ist, aber in musikalischer Hinsicht kann diese Band leider keine Akzente setzen. Auch wenn die schiefen Melodieeinlagen der Gitarristen gewollt sind sowie auch der etwas komisch anmutende Gesang von Brooke Johnson, verursacht ihre Version des Industrial Black Metals bei mir eher Langeweile und eignet sich, wenn überhaupt, nur als Hintergrundgeräuschkulisse. The Axis Of Perdition haben sicher ein Händchen für düstere Stimmungen in ihren Songs, aber das alleine macht den Bock nicht fett. "Deleted scenes from the Transition hospital" ist nur für Fans von Industrial Mucke geeignet.
Ok, maybe not all of Germany is against us...

Die Musik von The Axis Of Perdition tituliert man mit Cinematic Industrial Black Metal. Daraus lässt sich schon gleich schließen, dass man hier "normale" Musik meist vergeblich sucht. Soundtrackartig bewegen sich Soundgebilde wabernd durch den Raum. Manchmal nimmt man so etwas wie Gesang bzw. Sprechen wahr. Alles kommt dabei sehr fruchtsam und bizarr rüber. Industrial und Black Metal im klassischen Sinne stehen nicht so sehr im Vordergrund wie man es zuerst assoziieren würde. Am besten lässt sich die Musik nur hören, wenn man auf seiner Spielkonsole ein Horroradventure wie "Silent Hill" oder "Resident Evil" zockt. Dazu passt der alptraumhaftige Soundtrack. Ansonsten ist's doch schwer genießbar
from LEGACY MAGAZINE (printed - germany)

rate: 10 points

THE AXIS OF PERDITION “Deleted Scenes From The Transition Hospital”
(Code 666/SPV)
Das italienische Label mit dem bösen Namen spürt mit Trüffelschwein-ähnlicher Sicherheit immer wieder extreme wie interessante Bands auf. Negura Bunget seien da aus dem Programm genannt oder The Maldoror Collective. Jetzt kommen also die beiden Tommies wieder aus dem Quark mit ihrer insgesamt vierten Veröffentlichung, genauer gesagt der zweiten Full-Length. Die Songs der Briten sind eigentlich gar keine, vielmehr gleichen ihre Elaborate Soundtracks zu Horrorfilmen, sie transformieren die Angst der Kinobesucher in ein Audio-Erlebnis. Das führt dazu, das viele Metal-Fans sich erschreckt abwenden, mit der Bemerkung: „Das ist doch keine Musik“. Einige andere werden sagen: „Eben“ – und sie sind begeistert. Denn sie fühlen den Schmerz, den der so genannte „Cinematic Industrial Black Metal“ transportiert, sie bemerken die Verzweiflung. Sie entdecken acht blutrauschende Film-Musiken zum Nervenkitzel von Ekel- und Angst-Kino. Das macht zwar keinen Spaß, aber dafür kickt es ungemein. Vorausgesetzt, man hat was über für den Horror der modernen Zeit. Ganz offene Schwarzwurzeln mit Hang zur industriellen Schiene sollten vorsichtig reinhören. Alle anderen sollten einen weiten Bogen um diese Scheibe machen, sonst trauen sie sich nicht mehr mit mehreren Leuten in den Fahrstuhl, sonst gehen sie nicht mehr zum Bäcker, sonst droht pure Soziophobie. (SM)
Myklon_B said:

The Axis Of Perdition: Deleted scenes from the transition hospital (CD - Code 666/Audioglobe, 2005).

Non si può certo dire che i The Axis Of Perdition propongano un sound immediato e di facile ascolto, difatti questo loro nuovo lavoro richiede un po’ di tempo per poter essere compreso e apprezzato appieno… Quello che a prima vista sembrerebbe un album dark ambient (fortemente ispirato al suono Cold Meat) si rivela come un qualcosa di ben più particolare nel momento in cui le sonorità oscure e alienanti a cui ho appena accennato lasciano il posto a una sorta di techno-black metal delirante, fatto di veloci sfuriate a base di chitarre stridenti e anche di momenti più atipici e bizzarri, sottolineati da vocals che sembrano provenire dall’oltretomba! Se poi a ciò aggiungete la presenza di un passaggio jazz (al termine del lunghissimo “Pendulum prey – Second incarceration” c’è pure quello!) capirete che questa non è la classica band che ha semplicemente inserito nuovi elementi all’interno di un genere ormai stantio e sorpassato come il black, ma una formazione che è riuscita a rigenerare tale stile a livello strutturale, dando così vita a un ibrido che appare come una perfetta fusione di suoni molto diversi tra loro. In parecchi hanno tentato un’operazione del genere, ma i The Axis Of Perdition sono senz’altro tra quelli che hanno creato le cose più interessanti. Per certi versi il loro cd mi ha ricordato l’ottimo (e malatissimo) Seishinbyouin degli Atrium Carceri, ma ovviamente questo paragone vale solo per una delle componenti del sound proposto dal gruppo, che come ho già detto è così sfaccettato da essere difficilmente catalogabile. Proprio per questo motivo credo che una release del genere potrà attirare tipologie differenti di ascoltatori: magari chi ha familiarità con il metal estremo e contaminato non si stupirà più di tanto sentendo i pezzi inclusi in Deleted…, ma di sicuro questi ultimi sorprenderanno (e non poco!) tutti gli appassionati del dark-industrial di stampo classico…

Edit: Er, incidentally Italian folks, what does that say, roughly?

well, it is an extremely positive review, the album is praised as a perfect fusion of very different kind of music: metal, Industrial and soundtracks. since ver sacrum is a "grey music" webzine, the reviewer is trying to push all the "dark-industrial" fans to discover this original and talented band (namely you ;) )

I thought I’ve heard lots of music in this lifetime but rarely, if ever, have I heard something like this! Of course it would have to come from one of my favorite underground label Code666 where the only limit is the composer’s imagination and somewhat twisted inner self.

Deleted Scenes…reminds me a bit of very early Pink Floyd the Umaguma (Uma what?) period for its experimental and psychedelic approach but here stops the comparisons since this album is very, very unusual and it even took me some times to grab a bit of what’s going on during these transitions. Cinematic industrial black metal ( I love this!) is what the promo sheet is calling it and this can’t be argued but only expanded…what is recorded here is dark, occult, deranged, sick, experimental, weird and far from your run- of- the- mill music for sure ! This is no happy /fluffy sing along wimpy music but rather an attempt to record what’s going on inside a disturbed mind. The ever present industrial samplings and electronics gives little way to a melodic pattern and the off the wall vocal parts are not to be sang while taking a shower either. Some harsh guitars and drum samplings are musically present to give some sense but sometimes, they too fall under the crazy influence of this environment.

The Axis of Perdition has created some of the most somber, nightmarish, experimental ant avant-gardist version of the black metal art. Prepare not to come back from this experiment!

8.9 / 10

reviewed by shadow
from HARM US webzine:

rate: 8,9/10

I thought I’ve heard lots of music in this lifetime but rarely, if ever, have I heard something like this! Of course it would have to come from one of my favorite underground label Code666 where the only limit is the composer’s imagination and somewhat twisted inner self.

Deleted Scenes…reminds me a bit of very early Pink Floyd the Umaguma (Uma what?) period for its experimental and psychedelic approach but here stops the comparisons since this album is very, very unusual and it even took me some times to grab a bit of what’s going on during these transitions. Cinematic industrial black metal ( I love this!) is what the promo sheet is calling it and this can’t be argued but only expanded…what is recorded here is dark, occult, deranged, sick, experimental, weird and far from your run- of- the- mill music for sure ! This is no happy /fluffy sing along wimpy music but rather an attempt to record what’s going on inside a disturbed mind. The ever present industrial samplings and electronics gives little way to a melodic pattern and the off the wall vocal parts are not to be sang while taking a shower either. Some harsh guitars and drum samplings are musically present to give some sense but sometimes, they too fall under the crazy influence of this environment.

The Axis of Perdition has created some of the most somber, nightmarish, experimental ant avant-gardist version of the black metal art. Prepare not to come back from this experiment!

8.9 / 10
From Metal Norge (Norway)


Det finnes overhodet ingen lyspunkt i The Axis of Perditions lydlandskap. Her hersker totalt, overvelmende mørke. Det tunge, mørke og infernalske albumet de fire britene har snekret sammen går inn i historien som et solid gjennomført, skrekkframkallende metalalbum.

Med et kaotisk, nedstemt, mørkt, tungt og maskinelt lydbilde maner The Axis of Perdition fram bilder av sinnsykdom og mareritt. Albumet baserer seg på et konsept om en person som er fanget i et slags sykehus; ”Transition Hospital”, som det heter. De fire personene som står bak har valgt å bruke programerte trommer, noe som fungerer utmerket: Her er ikke det ikke instrumenter eller partier som skiller seg ut, men i sin helhet er albumet fantastisk. Skiva starter med ”Deleted Scenes 1: In The Hallway of Crawling Filth”. Bandet beskrives som black metal, men her råder minst like mye doom og ambient. Det er så sykt og ekkelt til tider at det glatt kunne vært et soundtrack til ”Silent Hill” – hvis det er noen som har spilt det. Den ti minutter lange låta avløses av et slags mellomspill i form av ”The Elevator Beneath The Valve”, men den virkelig mugne følelsen får ikke innpass før ”Pendulum Prey (Second Incarceration)” baner vei over anlegget. Her har den skrikende og ekle black-vokalen fått en viktigere rolle. Blandet sammen i et sammensurium av samplinger, syke lyder, forvrengt gitar, varierende tempo blir det hele til et ganske frastøtende men velfungerende soundtrack. Det jazza partiet som løfter opp låta på slutten gjør det hele mer psykotisk og sinnsykt. Herlig gjennomført!

Bandet holder standarden vedlike hele veien med å ikke forhaste ting, men ta seg tid til å utarbeide det musikalske landskapet. De maler forpinte stemninger, og holder lytteren på tå hele tiden. Hør bare på den lille ”pustepausen” i form av ”Isolation Cubicle 312”, der samplinger og en ekkel feedback er stort sett hele låta. Andre høydepunkter er ”Entangled In Mannequin Limbs”, og ”One Day You Will Understand Why”. Et fantastisk gjennomført album, som fullfører 100% og får til akkurat det de vil; Et heslig, ekkelt, mørkt og forpint konsept.

RATE: 7/10
From: Lords of Winter (France)


Second album d'Axis of Perdition, Deleted Scenes est la suite conceptuelle de Physical Illucinations, prenant pied dans le Transition Hospital où le précédent opus nous avait laissés. De plus en plus scénarisé (les titres et lyrics regorgent de rapports spatio-temporels), le travail des deux anglais suit les contemplations schizophéniqus d'un homme emprisonné dans ce labyrinthe et noyé dans ses propres frayeurs.
De ces errements hallucinés, il découle une expression sonore tendant de plus en plus vers l'insanité. Les murs poisseux et aliénants du Transition Hospital se dessinent au fil d'une musique au comble de la destructuration. Les rythmes se ralentissent même si très instables, les guitares disharmonieuses s'égarent en toutes directions, les vocaux sont arrachés, hurlés. Les transitions industrielles, presque illustratives, parachèvent le décor cauchemardesque de Deleted Scenes, dont l'ultime moment de folie sera le très surprenant final jazzy de Pendulum Prey. Les portes du Transition Hospital se révèlent toutefois plus hermétiques que prévu. Là où The Ichneumon Method subjuguait par sa démesure apocalyptique, Deleted Scenes finit par perdre l'auditeur, péchant par son excès de variations. La complexité des compositions ainsi que leur manque des prégnance nuisent considérablement à l'imaginaire. Il y a bien une angoisse latente, voire saisissante dans les passages lents (les début et fin d'Entangled in Mannequin Limbs sont fabuleux), mais l'ensemble n'a pas l'hypnotisme qu'il aurait fallu pour se fondre dans l'album, album dont le meilleur se trouve finalement dans les interludes. Entre la rigidité mécanique de Megaptera et le confinement oppressant d'Atrium Carceri, The Elevator et Isolation Cubicle 312 dépeignent à merveille les couloirs de l'hopital, contrastant avec une partie black metal moins bien orchestrée.
De plus en plus confuse et dissonante, l'oeuvre de Brooke Johnson et Michael Blenkarn devient délicate à pénétrer. La richesse et l'inventivité d'Axis of Perdition sont pourtant indéniables, et Deleted Scenes n'est pas un album médiocre, loin s'en faut. Il s'agira donc de s'immerger complètement dans cet univers, faute de quoi on ne tardera pas à remonter à la surface.

(Regression - 18/04/2005) - 7/10

Last years The Ichneumon Method from this sick British duo was a slithering Lovecraftian trip into the abyss of madness, but it could not decide of in was an industrial black metal album or a disturbing soundscape. Now with an added The in their name, the duo has returned with more undulating psychosis that plays as a sound track to your nightmares.

Where The Ichneumon Method was slimy, pulsing monster full of unnamable horrors Deleted Scenes… has a decidedly more mechanical feel. Along with the imagery, the whole album is like being strapped to a gurney while a rusty scalpel is being drawn across your eyeball, while archaic machines whirr and whine, pumping viscous fluids into your veins. The asylum-ish feel of the album is carried by stark mechanical programming, droning guitars and a lifeless array of haunting vocals (some only disturbingly discernable with headphones), all of it backed by the continual hum of dank shadowy corridors and derelict rooms of torture. This album truly makes the lights flicker and makes your hear things in the dark.

10 minute opener “Deleted Scenes: In the Hallway of Crawling Filth” heaves with ominous tones as a pleading victim begs to leave the horrifying hospital. The eventual introduction of the barren guitars and robotic drums don’t crash in with black metal immediacy but rather add to the sense of impending dread with a dissonant, mid paced psychotic squawk. “The Elevator Under the Valve” is a purely industrial, pulsing number befitting the title, heaving like the door way to some other realm, before “Pendulum Prey (Second Incarceration)” continues the opening track’s mix of unsettling programming and demented guitars but with a more urgent and panicked gait (even though nits jazz interlude is questionable within the framework of the album, let alone this track). “Isolation Cubicle 312” is yet another programmed interlude that set the tone for the haunting monkish chants that start “Entangled in Mannequin Limbs” before the songs caustic guitars and ominous throbs lurches from the speakers with a lifeless grin. “This Then, is Paradise” is the albums most immediate metal track, with a The Berzerker like approach in the percussion and more direct, singular vocals. Other worldly closer “Deleted Scenes II: In the Gauze womb of the God Becoming” (ewww), takes its time to reach its corrosive peak, but then again the whole album is really a lesson in palatable tension.

The whole album is far more mechanically focused than the debut’s black metal/industrial mix, as Deleted Scenes… with a more skin scrawling, torturous discordance than The Ichneumon Methods ickiness. There is less actual music, which was my gripe with the first album, as it wanted to inject real black/death metal within their cinematic sound. Deleted Scenes… streamlines that with what is essentially a more disturbingly ambient album with more fitting industrialized musical injections. The atmosphere this album sets isn’t as shower inducing but instead, is rather more ‘real’, much the same way a documentary about haunted prisons is scarier than a slasher movie. Nighttime listens with headphones prompted several sit up straight moments.

What was that? Did you hear that?
[Erik Thomas]