The Axis Of Perdition - "Physical illucinations..." REVIEWS

Emi said:
post here all the reviews

I'll make it quick. This cd is amazing. The feeling on this disc is overwhelming. Those guys went above and beyond when composing this. It's everything the first album was and more.
Quite possibly the best extreme metal cd I've purchased all year, and definitely the best industrial black I've ever heard.
Those 666 copies will be gone very soon.
Christopher said:
I'll make it quick. This cd is amazing. The feeling on this disc is overwhelming. Those guys went above and beyond when composing this. It's everything the first album was and more.
Quite possibly the best extreme metal cd I've purchased all year, and definitely the best industrial black I've ever heard.
Those 666 copies will be gone very soon.

great review... hehehe :loco:

BTW the only chance to get this piece of hell before it's sold out is from our mailorder: (only 8 euro)
I orders it a few seconds ago. Can't wait to listen to it, as it's blowing the top of any expectations I had for the end of a year that has provided us with some of the finest albums in decades... and a few nice revelations in between.

Anyway, I wonder how their split contribution with the incredible Blut aus Nord sounds like...
Anyway, I wonder how their split contribution with the incredible Blut aus Nord sounds like...[/QUOTE]

If I am not mistaken, the music on this ep was supposed to be featured on the split with Blut aus Nord before things fell apart.
After that, it became its own entity. Anyway, the guys from Axis could inform you better than I.
Emi said:
great review... hehehe :loco:

I didn't find it necessary to write a song by song interpretation. I think I got my point out quite clearly. Anyone that visits this forum regularly should already assume what I thought, and those that don't should simply take my word for it. Fuck 'em if they don't. :puke:
unhinged said:
I'm not allowed to have credit cards....
You can use paypal with no credit card.

AND you can order from our webstore without using paypal... ;)

BTW i confirm that the split with Blut Aus nord is deleted, the next release will be the Second Full-Lenght.
My Review:

Another success from the Axis guys it seems. I was understandably anxious to get the disc into my player as soon as it arrived from Fausto.

Track 1 would to serve as a sort of intro into the rest of the disc, chaotic noise somewhere between coil and a black and decker power-sander insues... a clear progression from the last disc is evident in the way the guys use the more noisey elements to greater effect. The sounds present reek of urban decay and broken machinary. Instantly the listener is plunged into a horrific world.

Track 2 is when we're all familier with so i shan't waste time telling what we allready know.

Track 3 continues in a similar vein, electronic blasting and manic riffing aimed directly at the listeners throat. The listener who is familier with Axis will be at home in the soundscape on offer here. For the uniniated... it is black metal pushed beyond its limited ideology and into a new place previously inhabited by the industrial/noise/dark ambient community. Not for the faint hearted.

Track 4 is a kind of segue, air raid sirens permeate across the dense industial soundscape before the listner it thrown into the most suprising track on the disc...

Track 5 is the real departure here, it seems even maybe a little melodic at first, although the melodies are far from pretty. I'll leave desciption here to give the potential listener something to discover for themselves. :)

A success on many levels, taking Axis beyond even the places they have solely inhabited in their previous releases.


From Chronicles of Chaos


by: Pedro Azevedo (6 out of 10)

On this half-hour EP, The Axis of Perdition indulge in mixing a greater amount of dark ambient with the hyperblast blackened metal of _The Ichneumon Method (And Less Welcome Techniques)_. The rhythm machine driven black noise is still somewhat reminiscent of countrymates Anaal Nathrakh's less polished days, with often abstract vocals on top. The production is relatively lo-fi, which favours the ambient side of things but detracts somewhat from the metallic sections. The dark ambient passages are well integrated into the music, and the first couple of tracks are quite interesting. Unfortunately the rest of the EP is let down by a lack of driving, memorable riffs and passages, which means the listener is left with some reasonably interesting but not very playable tracks. Granted, The Axis of Perdition probably tried to do just that, creating an uncomfortable and extreme listening experience; but this EP is unable to provide worthwhile material throughout. Nevertheless, even though _Physical Illucinations..._ fails to live up to its potential, I'll still be waiting for the next full-length.
Myklon_B said:
That Chronicles of Chaos review is a textbook "bemused onlooker" reaction, which is fair enough considering we're hardly accessible fare. I think we'll be seeing a good few more of those...

I've got to add that the same reviewer has been commenting on the startling change of direction of the new Anaal Nathrakh material, while simultaneously calling "Physical Illucinations" still very close stylistically. My only conclusion is that he had the cds in the wrong boxes.
Myklon_B said:
I've got to add that the same reviewer has been commenting on the startling change of direction of the new Anaal Nathrakh material, while simultaneously calling "Physical Illucinations" still very close stylistically. My only conclusion is that he had the cds in the wrong boxes.

But since Anaal Nathrakh are so fucking brutal, the moment they stray from their norm for a second or two, people will consider it a startling change. Plus, it's very metal and fast, and people understand that. Your music has elements of both, but takes off into an entirely new direction. Most people unfortunately, don't understand that. :bah:

good day sir,

Chris :wave:
Christopher said:
But since Anaal Nathrakh are so fucking brutal, the moment they stray from their norm for a second or two, people will consider it a startling change. Plus, it's very metal and fast, and people understand that. Your music has elements of both, but takes off into an entirely new direction. Most people unfortunately, don't understand that. :bah:

good day sir,

Chris :wave:

we have a saying round our way that i think is entirely appropriate here:
'its good...but its not for you'

'you' is every one who cant seem to grasp us and i like the fact that it seems only certain people can do that :D
Babylon Magazine

"Physical Illucinations EP"

Bisogna inserirlo sul lettore CD con consapevolezza, con un presagio. Che niente sarà più lo stesso dopo il primo ascolto. Il "Timor dell'Asse", sensazione che Miklon B e Brooke sono consapevoli di ispirare nell'ascoltatore, viene manipolato con saggezza, malizia, esperienza. "Interference From The Other Side - Pendulum's Pray", è un incubo che taglia. Ti stordisce con rumori che nascono dal silenzio, dal marcio dell'asfalto umido di periferia metropolitana, rumori minacciosi di una vita sotterranea, lievi interferenze digitali sempre più striscianti. Poi, ad un certo punto, la follia schizoide totale esplode improvvisamente come una sega circolare che si pianta sul metallo. Un'assordante stridere, l'urlo della macchina perfetta. "I have come to witness the beginning. The rebirth of Paradise, despoiled by mankind / Remember me, and your true self as well - also, that which you must become. The one who will lead us to paradise, with bloodstained hands". Chi conosce gli Axis Of Perdition sa che la ricostruzione del Paradiso, con implicata vendetta sulla natura dell'uomo, è incondizionatamente legata ad uno spargimento di sangue. Musica che fa arrugginire il sangue, massacro preannunciato da "The Ichneumon Method" e che inizia con i chiaroscuri di "When The World Becomes Flesh", attimi di vuoto vertiginosi marcati da assalti frontali; chitarre cariche di presagi non certo sereni scandiscono con pomposità l'inizio dello scempio. Rispetto al precedente album, gli Axis Of Perdition sono andati sull'allucinante-allucinogeno, catturando le atmosfere più ripugnanti e terrificanti à la Silent Hill, alla cui serie parte del disco è ispirato. In mezzo a depravati e disturbanti scream scavati nella coltre di noise industrial, i rallentamenti atmosferici con ipnotici e surreali lead di chitarra compaiono come pura follia. Come brevi flash luminosi, urla lancinanti fanno visualizzare alla mente violentissimi quadri insanguinati, macabre opere d'arte criminale portate a termine con perfezione chirurgica. Nelle note più rilassate c'è il ludico sadismo psicopatico di un serial killer lucido. "Pendulum Prey Reciprocating Horror" rigetta ancora una volta una maligna scarica di odio troppo precisa e troppo ben programmata per avere un coinvolgimento emotivo. E sprofonda ad un certo punto in una raccapricciante, folle, impressionante, disumana contemplazione di tossiche distese di chitarra, effetti digitali e campionamenti da incubo, urla distorte che salgono di ottava in ottava incalzando senza limite. "Reopening Wounds Of The Transition Hospital" si può considerare un breve intervallo, che prepara ad un perfetto secondo tempo. "Heaving Salvation In The Paradise Of Rust", otto minuti abbondanti che si possono semplicemente definire: agghiaccianti.
Se fosse stato per la Appease Me Records "Physical Illucinations In The Sewer Of Xuchilbara" correva il rischio di non mietere vittime. Con la Code666 gli Axis Of Perdition hanno trovato il modo di dare al mondo 666 copie limitate di questa gemma del tormento. Vi auguro, se siete abbastanza forti per questo tipo di proposta, di essere fra i 666 testimoni di una cosa troppo disumana per essere distribuita diversamente. Le promesse per il futuro sono per qualcosa di ancora più mentale, mettendo a tacere coloro che mettono in discussione la potenzialità del duo britannico incolpandoli assurdamente per il noise troppo estremo, proprio per questo disumano, e per i tempi a volte troppo veloci, proprio per questo surreali e così drammaticamente evocativi.

Mark: 7,5

Massimiliano Monti

Do you need that in English too?
