The bass market

Kenneth R.

Oct 28, 2004
Hallways of Always
So I did a search for general bass gear threads and didn't find one. Didn't look too hard though.

I'm thinking about picking up a bass. Bass gurus, bring on the recommendations and advice. I've been looking at Ibanez SR-500 and SR-505.

That's about my budget range and style. What else should I be looking at?
I once owned one Ibanez bass and liked it. And If I needed a new bass now and wouldn't wanna spend over 600 on it, I'd probably go with that SR-505.
The Sterling (lower end musicman...the new OLP if you will) stuff is really good. It costs a bit more than the Ibanez you're looking at, but I like it a lot more. I'm guessing this might not be what you're interested (based on your choice of the Ibanez), but I'd also advise at least looking into a p-bass or jazz bass, or a close variant thereof...especially if you're getting something mostly for recording.
Interesting that you're looking for Ibanez SR basses. I own an SR300DX, which has combined P and J pickups instead of humbuckers, and love it for its fast neck and its active electronics. Highly recommended if you don't want to/can't spend more than 400 €. Also available as a five-string (SR305DX).
So I was just at the store and shocked myself because the best sound I got was with a Schecter Damien 4 (keeping it simple here) and Ampeg BA 115 combo.

I'm shopping for basses because 1) I don't have one 2) It'd be nice to have one and 3) The wife agreed that she wanted to learn and jam on. So it's for Rin.
I've recently started officially associating myself with playing bass, just picked up a knockoff of a Warwick. Wasn't too expensive but has solid mahogony body and active pickups, and just sounded and felt great. Awesome slap sound, now gotta try and learn Marcus Miller's line from 'Run For Cover'... :D
I always like the way ESPs sound and feel but I find the strings to be too close together on basses with more than 4 strings.
Correct me if I'm wrong(I only play guitar) but can't you lift the strings or alter the neck so the strings wouldn't be so near to the neck..?
Correct me if I'm wrong(I only play guitar) but can't you lift the strings or alter the neck so the strings wouldn't be so near to the neck..?

Lucius probably means the space between strings is too narrow.
Actually on some bass bridges, you can move the bridge pieces on each string to make the space suitable for you.
Yeah that's what I meant. I was talking about ESP basses that are 5 strings + always feel like the spacing between the strings is too small, which is better I guess if you play with a pick. I don't really know about that many basses otherwise.
The Ibanez SR series are great instruments for the price - I've got a early 2000's SR480 that I've been playing again while my baby (Musicman Stealth bongo 5 HH) is overseas getting some work done (the neck and body are being replaced due to problems with the finish).
So I took it to the next level and purchased a fretless bass the day before yesterday. The brand is Fame in case anyone is interested, from the same manufacturers as Mayones guitars. Hella sexy thing and I don't really know how I'm ever supposed to play fretted instruments again.