The Beauty Thread

UnConscious said:
well i was curious about the writings in hebrew and english rather than the rest of the arabic one because that one you translated (thanks a lot for the translation btw) seems to be chosen on purpose, to express the sympathy between the three religions. i wonder if the excerpts from the Testaments are also something like that or not

We should ask the designer, he'll propably know what he wrote.
Prison of desire By After Forever. This album is one of my favs.

I imagine you saw the movie "Boat trip"
I'm not sure. It doesn't sound familiar. I remember the Swedish Bikini Team from an episode of Married With Children. Kelly came home telling Al how "boring" it is to be young. During her story, she said she got home with the Swedish Bikini Team. Al asked if they were still by the door and she said no. They wanted to go in for beers but she knows how much Al hates having guests and taking his beer so she told them they cannot come in. "But if it makes you feel any better Daddy, the guy they went home with was a lot older than you"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The one on the right sure has a marvelous rack:)
eurotrip differs from other teen movies because it contains full frontal nudity and there's also a cenzored version but yeah you have a point

and no...I don't have a special thing for christianity...I oppose all religions including judaism

Were you jewish before?
Were you jewish before?

yes for the past 24 years and that's not about to's not like I can change my origin...religion is a creation of man and not of god so it's bound to be flawed...and when you base something of flawed laws you get what
I call bullshit chain reaction and eventually people use this bullshit as superior law causing damage to themselves and to other in the name of god...
well that's just fucked up