The Beer Thread

^^^ well if you turned up more often, you would have found it quicker! :P

@Katie, download and bloodstock?!
I'm only at download now m'dear, can't be arsed with that much trekking during the summerOOOOoooohhhbutterflycakes XD

UK supermarkets are brilliant for cheap alcohol, but it unfortunately means we end up with angry, drunken chavs sitting at bus stops yelling at old ladies and anyone with a half decent music taste
I know, just been too busy lately, it's been like 5 months since my last visit, just popped in cuz I needed a review and I thought I could stay for a while again

anyho: BEER!
jumping on this a bit late

my favorite beer currently is bristol's laughing lab. its a scottish style ale.

currently i'm enjoying some rising moon (white ale) and sam adam's white ale. hurray for spring seasonals