Yes, I can undarstand this.But I hate selfless violence.Well, two guys just wanted to check, what is the feeling, when you are killing someone.It was a very big thing in Poland.Two men have thrown out from the train a girl. They didn't even know her, and they've just killed.She was going for exams to Warsaw, she wanted to study.She had four sisters, mother, father, friends, and She was 21years old.It was two years ago, and I can't stop thinking about this, It's hard to say, what is the feeling, when I think about this.It's hard to say what is the feeling when you hear, that someone just wanted to kill someone, and that's all...and you know, that she was so important for you, and you wanted all the best for her, and suddenly someone just destroys the life, and no one will be able to give it her back.Someone just treats her like a trash. And when you take strong medicines, you feel dumb, empty, but quite good, but when you stop, it comes back again.And this feeling, this pain will be always with you.Now I can't even hear about killing, about such things, that people are nothing, or something.Now everyone is important and I respect everyone's life. And I CAN"T STAND THE SELFLESS VIOLENCE IN SONGS< AND WHEN PEOPLE ARE EXCITING WHEN THEY ARE THINKING ABOUT KILLING AND THEY KNOW FUCKING NOTHING ABOUT THE DEATH!!!!AND THEY KNOW FUCKING BIG NOTHING ABOUT HOW THE LIFE IS IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE!!!!!Just fucking sad, that people are so fascinated with the killing, just so fucking sad
I think that this is different things. As I remember Peter trys to illustrate hidden parts of everyday life. For example maniacs from "Cavered Up" & "Blooddrenched" -- they have an intantion to kill someone and take a pleasure from it. Lyrics illustrate it from the maniac's point.
And I don't think that author agrees or supports his hero.

About violence in general. We have the same picture of it here. Too many degraded people and too poor life give rise to unbelievable things.
Yes, I agree with you, ....."lyrics illustrate it from the maniac's point. And I don't think that author agrees or support his hero", yes, it's true, but...unfortunatelly I've met a lot of people, who listen such music, and LYRICS. And they almost always want to listen to such text, because they love violence, they love this cruel reality in these's hard to explain for me, but I think these lyrics let them think, they are stronger, they can be such maniacs,and they are a fantastic rebel, because they think they could do such things. Maybe they feel weak, and....grey, without this feeling. Can you see this adoration for these cruel lyrics even on this forum?And I will never believe, Peter wanted this adoration, this fascination, but he wanted us to reconsider them, he wanted us to see, how important is life, and how ugly is a real face of murders.He wanted us, to respect the life, but almost nobody, can understand this.
They like violence because this have never happened with them. If the time comes, they will cry and call their moms, instead of laughing and enjoing someone's pain and suffering.
Foolish people that ain't worth our attention. They can be seemed every where even in theatres...
I listen to this kind of music and I enjoy the lirics because it makes me feel that I'm not the only one to suffer. It's brings me peace when I think that somewhere there is someone suffering like me.
It's real that my hole suffering is mental and thatit doesn't appear to others, but I'd rather die than continue feeling the Pain.
And Ido not remember that I herd any body died after listening to Stripped, Raped and Strangled(cannibal corpse).Don't u?
Ah yes I've forgotten to say that even I was dissapointed by this life I'm still loving it andenjoying every single moment of Happines (even if it isn't frequent)
Heh, I don't like my life very much, it could be better, and hmm, maybe ufortunatelly music has got an amazing big influence on my feelings. I'M ILL< I"M SAD AND...., God, maybe someone has been on any concert last days?Please, share your feelings with me, with us. Kisses:cry: :cry: :cry:
Hey, girls!
Why don't both of open such melodic and powerfull songs as "Fearless", "Fire In The Sky", "Slave to the Parasites" and others. This opportunity we have (I mean listetning to music we like) shouldn't serve by justification of our failures and sad mood or unhappy life. We rule our lifes, and the only really good thing that can happen will happen 'cause of our forces was made.
The worse thing is that not only I create my future, my life, but sometimes someone in very cruel way takes it in his hands and destroys everything I was building for ages.This is so easy to damage and so hard to make better.
Ethera said:
The worse thing is that not only I create my future, my life, but sometimes someone in very cruel way takes it in his hands and destroys everything I was building for ages.This is so easy to damage and so hard to make better.

you'd have it rebuilt sooner if you didn't stop to complain
Just reality. Shamateur, I know it sounds stupid, but is that you in this picture, or your some kind of idol, famous dude, who stupid Ethera doesn't know? Sorry, but after this shitty day I just can't say anything more intelligent.
In my picture it's me, too, I lost my job today (my boss'es girlfriend jumped into my place), does Hypo have got a lyric about loosing job?Fuck, enough, I'm going to create myself for a fucking pop star, and make some cash.:mad: :mad: :mad:
Beneath the dampened soil lies a terror from the past
The rotting corpses of the damned where evil has been cast
A deathly curse surrounding all the ancient graves and tombs
The time has come the time is now: release unearthly doom
Lightning strikes, evil night, start the dreaded turmoil
Rotting flesh appears now from above the loosened soil
Rising from the underworld, destroy the human race
Unleashed upon a dreary night to spread unholy grace
From hell they rise , with screams and cries
At death's own will
In frantic rage they set the stage
They start to kill
Evil Invaders: Death deception in the night
Evil Invaders: Corruption as they fight the fight
Evil Invaders: Spreading out to take command
Evil Invaders: The future of mankind at hand
Mutilated bodies now employed upon the streets
Searching around, seeking out the human flesh to eat
Resurgence of the damned will our cities fate defeat?
Unless we're strong and earth defend we'll fall beneath their feet
The evil force grows stronger as the terror grows intense
The panic stricken population builds up its defence
A sudden rude awakening as cities fall to dread
Amidst the human slaughter, tell us how we kill the dead:rock: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: