The best PPUSA Friday 1st slot band?


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
In the history of the festival, who do you think was the best received Friday 1st slot opening band (Showcase or pre-party bands do not count)? If you need to jog your memory since the main website is not showing the history right now, reference the PPUSA Wikipedia site.

The reason I ask this is because I think it's one of the most important positions in the fest (especially for a relatively unknown band), and can set the bar for the rest of the weekend. While I enjoyed this year's offering (Illusion Suite), I found the reception from the audience to be rather indifferent. This may be due to the early start, but so be it.

I have only attended since VI. I seem to recall the reception for Pyramaze to be off the hook, probably due to the fact that it was intended to be recorded for a DVD. Thoughts?
I've been to V, VII, X, and XI. Here's how I would rank the openers' reception

1. Pyramaze
Of course, they played to the smallest crowd just because it was so early, but people clearly were loving it and were very enthusiastic, as was the band themselves.

2. Into Eternity
This was my first trip to ProgPower and hearing those first guitar lines to Splintered Visions or whatever song they opened with was electrifying. I remember thinking, "NOW I'm at a prog metal show!" I think others who were there felt similarly.

I most regret missing the Manticora slot. I know the announcement was greeted with excitement, and they whooped ass on tour in 2008. I'm a big fan now and getting bigger every time I get another album (bought the new album this year from the Nightmare table). They are on my list of low-slot one-timers who are definitely due for a repeat.
I think Raintime was the best opening band I've seen, but I've been to four progpowers and the crowd wasn't hot for the opening act at any of them.
Raintime. Another band that if Glenn didn't book for this fest I probably wouldn't of ever heard of. Still one of my favorite bands and show I got to see.
I can't remember which bands opened the show on Friday, and which ones opened on Saturday, but if Redemption was a Friday band, then I say them.