the best set closer


Jul 2, 2008
Just think how badass it would be to close the set with Karma. That ending alone would be so amazing in concert. It fucks shit up then it just busts out with that clean chord and ends. Demon of the fall has been done to death. Karma is just so perfect.

If Mike sees this you have to add that to the North American tour. I would cream my jeans
Harlequinn Forest. That way, people will actually want to leave when it's over.
I was happy on the Progressive Nation Tour when they closed with the Drapery Falls. They also close with Blackwater Park sometimes which is awsome, but I would like a little change of pace. Something that would seem totally out of the blue but would just kick ass. Karma is great, but there are a lot of other ones they could choose too.
Harlequinn Forest. That way, people will actually want to leave when it's over.

Dude, you keep impressing me. Usually new members will start topics that have been discussed 1000x but you bring up a topic from rare threads that are lost in the pack but are right on the money!

Karma would absolutely slay!:kickass:
IMO the best closer is Blackwater Park. That song is close to the perfect encore. I was actually almost disappointed when they played Demon of the Fall after it. Demon is a great track, but they've been closing with it for so many years now, that it's probably time for something else.
IMO my fav song dirge for november would be a great closer. the outro is disturbing, people would feel weird once the song is over.