The best thing about living in Finland!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
The metalheads here know who Dan Swanö is.

Which means playing Say Goodbye to Love for them results in much disbelief and hilarity as they try to reconcile "Dan Swanö" and "So long, farewell..."

hee hee!
lol I try to share Swano with my friends in bumfuck Ohio but they can't comprehend it's too much for them to wrap thier little minds around lol
Well maybe it's just your friends ;)
...just kidding...

the different Swanö projects have worked pretty well for my friends...
as long as I don't play Edge of Sanity for someone whoe hates growling :)
I've done my best to spread the Swano goodness, although I find American metalheads to be a bit less friendly and less apt to be buddy buddy with you if you don't listen to similar bands. I remember in college I was not too into Opeth, and when I started telling people my favorite bands and musicians were mostly Norwegian (Enslaved, Mr. Swano, Mr. Vintersorg. Edit: Mr. Cenzu says Swano is Swedish but I'm taking a revisionist stand on this and will claim Swano in the name of the King of Norway) I was treated like I was from the Ice Age or something.

Of course, I like Opeth fine, more so now than I did then. Point is, Americans are very particular about their music, very loyal to whatever they listen to, even if it's not very good. Music patriotism sounds silly, but it's a very American thing. I make that generalization as someone who grew up in the USA, and of course there's the positive side to that; you'll find those American metalheads with open minds are simply the best music fans you'll find in the world.
are we now? :lol:

I know what you're saying though. They have their "band" and they stick with 'em even if the band starts to suck, even if they hear something more interesting to them, no matter what they gotta root for their team...

As for being from the Ice Age.... fr0stbitten goodness :kickass:
Therionized said:
lol I try to share Swano with my friends in bumfuck Ohio but they can't comprehend it's too much for them to wrap thier little minds around lol
:loco: Awesome

I actually wore my Crimson II T-shirt to this one Ozzfest and I was approached by a guy who was like: "Awesome shirt dude" Then we had a nice talk about Dan and European metal scene. Was nice to meet someone who doesn't make a blank face when I talk about Opeth and Nightingale.

Another time I also wore my Crimson II T-shirt to Sounds of The Underground. The one that Opeth was in (saw them first time and was pissed they only played 30 minutes:-( ) But some dude also aproached me and shook my hand saying he loved Dan and Edge of Sanity. I swear this T-shirt is lucky or something

But overall when I say Swano here in USA I get a lot of
Naglfar said:
and when I started telling people my favorite bands and musicians were mostly Norwegian (Enslaved, Mr. Swano, Mr. Vintersorg)

I don't want to be a nitpicker or anything, but... see anything wrong with this quote... :D

yes, Swanö is swedish, not norweigan...

i'll go get my goat...
today in dutch newspaper:

story about lordi

i think you'll understand what it's about. link = band, motorzaagbuffet = chain saw buffet, gezellig = cosy, nice

so how do the finnish feel about lordi?
half of the population is scared like shit about sending them to the eurovision song contest... the other half doesn't believe that it will bring any success, but hopes it makes an impact....

that's about how we feel :D
cenzu said:
half of the population is scared like shit about sending them to the eurovision song contest... the other half doesn't believe that it will bring any success, but hopes it makes an impact....

that's about how we feel :D

similar to German rankings in that contest, it cannot get worse anymore, so there is really nothing to worry about :D

The Finnish participants of the last two years, even though a certain audience likes that kind of singer from 2005, really are not memorable at all and they had extremely boring songs. That all is a pity, seeing that there are so many fantastic bands from Finland.
Why can´t you choose some really nice pop artist, such as Tehosekoitin, Maja Vilkkumaa or Deep Insight? Best would be Värttinä of course, but probably they all don´t want to get associated with this contest and I can understand that ;)

But in general that Eurovision song contest is overrated. Most of the participants are just one "hit" wonders or were already famous in their homecountry, but can´t expand their audience beyond that, because of different mentalities.
well... because in general we finnish people aren't very bright... :) least when it comes to things like this...
seems they always want to try a simmilar act, as the winner from the year before... :)
Has anybody of you already realized that the Swedes from Scar Symmetry are heavily ripping off Mr. Swanö and doing damn good with as far as reviews and publicity are concerned? - The power of Nuclear Blast.
Scar Symmetry is frickin amazing. Pitch Black Progress has been one of my latest favorite albums because it has that powerful punch and touch for melody that I love so much. They sound like Soilwork+Inflames+more of both, which can hurt them with people calling them 'ripoffs' as they just might be, but they do it so damn well, that i'm inclined to shrug it off and keep headbanging.