The Bitch about Ticketmaster thread


Jun 7, 2005
Ashburn, VA
Is there any real reason why Ticketmaster just charged me a $8.50 per ticket service charge for my Dream Theater tickets? Why do they charge $4.00 to print my own tickets...wasting my OWN ink. I don't understand this and I think it is completely bogus and a total scam. Any thoughts from you guys on the matter? Or am I just being a baby because I don't think two tickets should have cost me $119 dollars when the face value of the tickets are $45 a piece ($90 do the math on how much I was ripped off). UGHHHHHH :zombie:o_O :zombie: o_O :cry: :cry:
I'm sure that Ticketmaster can legally rationalize charges like that somehow, but for all practical purposes, I agree that it's total crap. I don't think that there is any physical work to be done at all for Ticketmaster employees when you print your own tickets from their website, so I would be curious to know how exactly those charges can be made to you. me it is completely bogus to charge $8.50 per ticket. There was also a $3.00 venue charge involved bringing the total to $11.50 per ticket, haha. I'm sure they can rationalize the charges but that just seems so outrageous. Why can't they just include it in the intial ticket price ya know? Even so...If there is a way to combat this crap, I'd love to figure it out.
Stay at home and buy 13 Dream Theater albums?

:lol: sorry.

Shit outta luck man. What the fuck are DT doing charging 45McSwash a ticket anyway?
Well the problem is that when I try to buy from the venue I am redirected to Ticketmaster, lol. I just would like to know why their prices are so ridiculous. The least they could do is tell me what my $8.50 per ticket is going towards...and the $4 that I spend wasting my own ink, ha. I mean, are we in agreement that the service charges are pretty stupid?
As a consumer, given all the choices there are in the ticketing space, I feel that Ticketmaster is a great value for the money. When they charge me $8.50 in convenience fees, I smile and say "thank you, Ticketmaster, that was so fucking convenient!"

As for charging you to print your own ticket - well there's these things called Internets, which is basically a lot of computers hooked up to a lot of tubes, going to bigger computers with bigger tapes than the tapes you and I have at home (and some bigger tubes.) It costs them money to send you your ticket over the tubes of the Internets, so they pass that cost on to you so they can hope to break even since they've already given you such a great deal on your tickets.

As a consumer, given all the choices there are in the ticketing space, I feel that Ticketmaster is a great value for the money. When they charge me $8.50 in convenience fees, I smile and say "thank you, Ticketmaster, that was so fucking convenient!"

As for charging you to print your own ticket - well there's this thing called the Internet, which is basically a lot of computers hooked up to a lot of tubes, going to bigger computers with bigger tapes than the tapes you and I have at home (and some bigger tubes.) It costs them money to send you your ticket over the tubes of the Internet, so they pass that cost on to you so they can hope to break even since they've already given you such a great deal on your tickets.


:erk: :lol:
Well the problem is that when I try to buy from the venue I am redirected to Ticketmaster, lol. I just would like to know why their prices are so ridiculous. The least they could do is tell me what my $8.50 per ticket is going towards...and the $4 that I spend wasting my own ink, ha. I mean, are we in agreement that the service charges are pretty stupid?
i mean like actually going to the venue and buying tickets in person
or is that not an option
Yeah I could probably take a day off work and drive down but I shouldn't have to do that, ya know? I just think that something can be done about least thats how it seems. But I may be wrong. Other than not going to shows that involve Ticketmaster, ha.
Is there any real reason why Ticketmaster just charged me a $8.50 per ticket service charge for my Dream Theater tickets?

They are a virtual monopoly.
They locked in promoters like Microsoft locked in computer retailers.
They collude with Clear Channel.
Etc, etc.
I hope the CEOs get AIDS.
I don't think that there is any physical work to be done at all for Ticketmaster employees when you print your own tickets from their website

Maybe we're subsidizing the full time employees they have print and tear up copies of e-tickets on their end. You know, to make double super secret certain that they don't acccidentally oversell an event. :Smokin: