The Bitching Thread

ahh, the ol "submitted leave forms but the boss didnt bother to sign them" routine. classic. We recently had a guy just not show up for work because he didn't care to listen to the boss when she told him he didn't get the days off he wanted. Apparently, he made reservations and bought plane tickets PRIOR to asking for the days off. What a dickhead.
This particular guy is a complete dumbass. I'm not sure how he made it through nursing school. I can't figure out how everyone I work with made it through nursing school. This one guy's previous job was driving a bread truck. No joke. Now he's responsible for people's lives.
dorian gray said:
This particular guy is a complete dumbass. I'm not sure how he made it through nursing school. I can't figure out how everyone I work with made it through nursing school. This one guy's previous job was driving a bread truck. No joke. Now he's responsible for people's lives.
oh thanks a lot, i'll never trust a hospital again

and that's not an invitation to tell me all the other ways our health is in the hands of cretins, capisce?
Honestly, I fear having to go to the hospital. My colleagues in dialysis are fucking morons. They amaze me with the stuff they do. The people I worked with in the ICU are almost equally as stupid.
Nurses are stupid people, folks. And until nursing education changes and/or there is no longer a shortage of nurses, it will continue to attract people who drive bread trucks for a living. Not that I'm cracking on bread truck drivers - everyone has to have a job - I'm just saying it's not a good idea, from what I've observed.
First day back at work after a weekend of camping in the middle of nowhere. I am needlessly hating life for the time being, but it'll pass soon enough.
The fact that I'm back at work after spending 3 days at 8,000 feet far above the smog. :dopey:

Eh, who cares. Nigga gotta eat = gotta go to work.
I just read yesterday that LA is 10 times as big as Nashville.
That's insane.
dorian gray said:
you mean the bread or the drink?
either, but I was thinking of a loaf-fondling bread delivery driver.

dorian gray said:
I just read yesterday that LA is 10 times as big as Nashville.


That's insane.
dude...when you hit LA's suburbs, you're still driving for like two hours more before you even get to the city :lol:

only other american city that compares to its sprawl is maybe Chicago.
Yeah I'm 30 miles away from LA county limits, 50 miles from the city limits. Up until around 5 years ago we were the quiet city that LA people didn't like so we didn't have to worry about dickheads coming out for the weekend but... nope. Now they all live here. P'oh.
LA is 90% shit, 10% amazing. The 10% makes it worth visiting but I could never live there. So instead it just comes to me, hahaha FUCK.