The Black Symphony: Two New Releases Available


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
After several years on hiatus, the band has returned with a new vocalist. I considered "Tears of Blood" to be a classic so I was pumped to hear they had new stuff coming out. However, it's a strange situation. Locust pointed out to me they have "two" new discs available on I-tunes only.

There are no reviews, no promotion, no discussion, no anything to let the world know they are out. It's just a link and info from their website. I'll post some thoughts soon as they are downloading as I type:


Sowing the Seeds of destruction black Symphony’s 3rd record was actually written in 2003 with Ric Plamondon on lead vocals, but after all the usual record company type problem Plamondon grew frustrated and left the band in a mutual agreement with main man Producer/guitarist Rick Plester. So the hunt was on for their new vocalist.
This process took a year and a half and 517 different singer auditions to finally find vocalist Randy Reeman. Randy actually is a keyboard player extraordinaire too but when he sang every one agreed he must be the singer. A factor was also the re-entry of original keyboardist Robert Vasicek a amazing player himself.
Rick Plester quickly took Randy into the studio to re-record Ric Plamondon’s vocal parts.
Soon enough the record was again ready for production and with a whole new record already in a writing stage the band wasted no time getting it done. After completing the 3rd record and a new one almost done they decided to wait and release the records as one double record but after completing the 4th the decision was a little more clear and so the 3rd and 4th will be release at the same time but as separate records as the vibe was just a little to different to make it one record.
Joining Rick on this record is Rev Jones (x MSG, Fuel, and Paul Gilbert) on bass, Pete Holmes on drums (x, Ted Nugent, MSG, Yngwie Malmsteen, Ian Gillian, and Black N Blue), Randy Reeman Lead vocals/keys, and Robert Vasicek on Keyboards.

Black Symphony IV recorded days after vocalist Randall Reeman finished up the tracks on Sowing The Seeds Of Destruction this 4th record was actually going to be part of the Sewing The seeds Of Destruction record making for a double record, but after completion it was obvious they were two very different records and should be released as that. On this record main man guitarist/Producer Rick Plester uses some very modern yet still classic sounds and textures making a very diverse record, with chain saw like guitar parts and Rev Jones scaled back mandolin parts the ear is pleasantly surprised. Jones also does some cool “Stick” parts as a variance from just the bass guitar. Plester is again joined by members Pete Holmes on drums, Rev Jones on Bass, Robert Vasicek Keys and Vocalist Randall Reeman who also does some nice keyboard work too..
Black Symphony innovative and creative.
I loved what Ric Plamondon did with Skitzotik and new he had worked with Black Symphony for one or two CDs. It's one of those bands I keep on forgetting to look for when ordering online or at the vendor tables at PP.

Glenn, If you like Skitzotik, how do you like the disc that Ric did with Black Symphony? Any comparisons or contrasts?
The sky is cryyyyyyinnng tears of blood!! :D
Nice to see a new album; I'm looking forward to your opinion on them Glenn.
"Tears of Blood" is their masterpiece. That is the disc you want.

"I" was really good as well. You could tell they were on to something with a bit of a unique sound with it.

"Seeds of Destruction" continues the sound of Tears of Blood, but the songwriting is a notch below overall. However, the 8 minute track "Rebirth" is friggin' awesome. Go spend the dollar at I-tunes on that song if you want to check how awesome they can be.

"IV" is goingt o take a while to get into. The modern vibe (and metal departure for the most part) isn't setting well at the moment. However, I really need to give it a chance later on after I absorb SoD. There are some cool parts, especially the stick stuff mentioned in the description.
They're both on eMusic too. I'll probably get a subscription soon, but even without one they let you sign up for a trial and download 25 songs for free to test it out which is plenty to get both the Black Symphony albums.
"Tears of Blood" is their masterpiece. That is the disc you want.

"I" was really good as well. You could tell they were on to something with a bit of a unique sound with it.

Hmmm, to me "Tears of Blood" is awesome, but the self-titled debut (or "Breathe" as it originally was called - I have both versions) is in my opinion their masterpiece and one of the best metal albums ever released. To me this album combines first class progressive metal with the melodic touches of a Saigon Kick, Racer X or Lillian Axe.

In fact, I never heard any bands use the same kind of writing style as Black Symphony until a few years ago when I heard Raintime's demo (which of course made me sign the band right away, and look what they've accomplished so far :)) and two days ago when Glenn told us all to check out Nation Beyond. Both bands are of course very different, but the writing style hints clearly at Black Symphony.

Since I hate downloading music, even if it's all legal and I'm paying for it, I'll wait till I can buy the physical copies of both these new Black Symphony discs. But damn, I can't wait for long :)
My copy of their 1st album is also the original title "Breathe," which is apparently rare since it was renamed, and it's an excellent album. "Tears of Blood" though is the most criminally under rated, under known, and under promoted album of the decade to date. Michael Peirce did a good job singing on "Breathe / Self Titled," but Ric Plamondon is fantastic on "Tears" and I hate the fact that he left the band. His work on "Skitzotik" doesn't hold a pale candle to what he does on "Tears of Blood."

For an idea of what "Tears" sounds like mix the music of Angel Dust with the early Evergrey and top it off with Ric's unique vocals. The Black Symphony flirted with breaking through to mainstream success in the late 90's. They played to national audiences on a couple of MTv's beach parties, but their chronic instability totally derailed them. The two main members Rick Plester and Rev Jones have been playing for MSG for years, and The Black Symphony has ever been sporadic at best.

The current songs on their MySpace suck in comparison with anything off either of the first two albums.
I'd suggest spending a dollar on Death or Burned to see how good they are.

I've always wanted to see them live. Here was my posted prediction / wishlist for the PPUSA lineup a couple of years ago.
Will definitely check out. Hadn't heard of this band before.

For people wanting to listen, you can find them on Rhapsody (you can listen to like 20 songs free a month even if you aren't a subscriber).

edit:: Glenn, or Shane. Any chance of getting these guys at ProgPower. This is sick. Fuck. Let em headline.
I was about to write about this band, one of my favourite and really unknown!!

I was a bit disappointed by Tears of Blood because I really love the first album, I own the black box limited edition. This album is fantastic, I wish I could find another album like that!! The singer is brillant... The last epic song, "The Black Symphony", is a masterpiece in itself!!

I registered to Itunes just to order one of their new album but I have to listen to it...
Still some of the best vocal work I have ever done was on Tears of Blood. I get a great deal of pleasure when I hear that others enjoyed it.

Thanks for the kind words.
Back in the late 90s when I used to order a dozen or more albums at a time from The Laser's Edge, The End Records, Century Media, etc, I ordered the first Black Symphony album by accident, having gotten it confused with something else. I remember opening up the package, seeing this disc and thinking "What the hell is this?". So I put it in the CD player and hit play, and thought "What the hell is this?". Heh. It was a bit different than most of what I was listening to at the time, but after a few listens I thought I was quite good. I never kept track of them after that though. Looks like I have to check out Tears Of Blood...
Wow, that's a blast from the past, I'd completely forgotten about The Black Symphony, it's been buried in my mp3 folder for years now. I'll have to check out the new stuff after I re-listen to "Tears of Blood".