The Body

I am technically obese due to my BMI levels, but I do cardio 5 times a week and don't look at all like 99% of obese people. I would consider myself healthy except for the weight I have

BMI is absolutely retarded. Don't pay any attention to it. LaDainian Tomlinson at 5'11" 220 would be considered "obese" (30.7) using the BMI. Anyone who follows football knows he's pretty cut up. Body fat percentage should be the standard that is used in determining whether or not someone is obese, not BMI.
This is true, but like I said earlier, just go out in public and look around. Those aren't tricep folds flapping over elbows or abs hanging over belts. Using a professional athlete as an example doesn't fly for the general population.
According to a random net-based BMI calculator I am in the 'normal' weight range with a height of 6'1" and a weight of 179lbs, giving me a BMI of 23.6.
Supposedly one of the better tests for fat % is the "pinch" (forget the actual name of it) test, haven't had one of those done in a while.
I'm like V5. I eat pretty bad, although I don't overdo it. I hover right above the underweight part of the BMI. I exercise a little and I walk a lot. I think this is an issue where you just can't care about what other people do or you will just go insane. You can't change fat people's mindsets and once you're fat it's even harder to become not fat.
Well it wouldn't be as much of an issue if fat people didn't cause issues like the plane seat or MRI type things. Getting offended when they get called out on being fat. It's not like it's an opinion, it's fucking fact.
I used to be pretty damn skinny for most of my teen years, I only began 'filling out' in the past couple of years, though I am not sure if this is considered good or not.
according to Wii Fit at my friend's house, i am at the very bottom of "normal" BMI, just a few points from underweight.

i eat almost anything. i do stretches and pushups when i remember to.

Wii Fit is fun, lol
Well it wouldn't be as much of an issue if fat people didn't cause issues like the plane seat or MRI type things. Getting offended when they get called out on being fat. It's not like it's an opinion, it's fucking fact.

Part of me feels it's my duty to insult fat people to try to shock them out of their ways. But unfortunately I'm not enough of a prick. I'm really against the whole political correctness thing when it comes to fat people.
Part of me feels it's my duty to insult fat people to try to shock them out of their ways. But unfortunately I'm not enough of a prick. I'm really against the whole political correctness thing when it comes to fat people.

I think things like that the entire time I am in Walmart or going to the theater or whatever.
I was going to create a thread on the similar subject at hand.
Everyday i wonder to myself why the McDonalds drive-thru is out to the street at lunchtime or how a person could eat a "McGriddle" and call it breakfast:erk:
The majority of Americans are obese partly because fast food chains are shoved down their throats by the media but when you come right down to it people really don't care about their health unless something major happens where they HAVE to go see a doctor. How hard is it to exercise 3-4 days a week? You don't even have to join a gym. Lazyasses.
Actually, you recall incorrectly. America is still winning in the fat cunt department. But Australia is catching up.

:kickass:fat cunts seem to be everywhere,it's like good drugs,do it too much and it will fuck you up,people just get it into their heads that it's too hard to exercise,not eat that double whopper,discipline is the key
but when you come right down to it people really don't care about their health unless something major happens where they HAVE to go see a doctor. How hard is it to exercise 3-4 days a week? You don't even have to join a gym. Lazyasses.

"Doc, I'm a lazy dumbass who's retarded lifestyle has fucked my health up, gimme a pill to make my problems go away and make the Gov't pay for it."
