The Body

People who join gyms are morons. You're paying for something you can do for FREE.

The skin on the sole of my feet fell off today and I had to staple it back together, but I think I kinda messed up because some of it is overlapping. Which is rather annoying when I'm walking about and I feel a squish squish feeling everytime I take a step. Oh well.
The majority of Americans are obese partly because fast food chains are shoved down their throats by the media but when you come right down to it people really don't care about their health unless something major happens where they HAVE to go see a doctor. How hard is it to exercise 3-4 days a week? You don't even have to join a gym. Lazyasses.

One thing I've noticed since moving to France is the lack of fast food. There's McDonalds and a few other burger chains but not many, and the price is expensive. I think that must be a pretty strong reason why the French aren't as fat as the Aussies or Americans. Particularly since normal French diets are quite high in fat and sugar, and the folks here don't exercise anywhere near as much as the Australians do.
People who join gyms are morons. You're paying for something you can do for FREE.

The skin on the sole of my feet fell off today and I had to staple it back together, but I think I kinda messed up because some of it is overlapping. Which is rather annoying when I'm walking about and I feel a squish squish feeling everytime I take a step. Oh well.

how the hell did this skin fall off man? this is insane :lol:
Dude, what are you talking about?

The Gym owns.

You ever been to one? The machines at the gym are far superior than whatever you do at home.

join the Y, it's only 35 bucks a month.
I like a well-equipped gym with not too many people, but it shits me these days how when I just want to use the weights but I have to subsidise all those fat asses to flop up and down for 15 minutes on the stairmaster or whatever they call those fucking overgrown computer games. You always gotta wait for a bench because they're too tight to buy more than two, but they've got 10 ass-jiggler machines worth five grand a piece
I am not obese, but I am overweight like a 16 pounds or something like that. I remember that when I was about 12 years old I was fat as fuck but I woke up when being 16 and started oing to gym.

I watched "Supersize" me recently, and to tell you the truth, if in Poland schools dining room would have mcdonalds, pizzas, spaghetties, I would be so fat that I wouldn't see my testicles, I am pretty sure of that.