The BORED thread:


Apr 1, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
HAI GUYZ.. help me out pretty please? I'm bored with your facebooks, and your myspaces, and well I just spend too much money on ebay, so seeing as I have no purposeful thing called a life in my daylight hours (aside from playing the Sims for hours on end) I was wondering what's some cool/addictive sites that are worth visiting?

Come one come all, be it sites that are good for reading (witty bloggers and Maddox-clones alike), puzzles or games that may have taken a firm hold of your 'nads at some point in your interwebz existence, or anything of semi-decent interest that you would like to share, all is welcome..
well, I can get lost on Youtube sometimes. That mostly has to do with me being a music nerd and just watching various bootlegs and other assorted videos of different bands/guitar players I doubt that would be as fun of a route for you. Sometimes I'll look something up on wikipedia and with all the cross referencing end up just reading shit for well over an hour at a time...usually not ending up on anything close to where I started. Urban dictionary can be good for a quick laugh here or there too.

i usually just have the computer in front of me while I'm practicing all the time so I can check forums/email a few times throughout the day so I usually don't spend enough time actually on the interweb to get bored with it. Sorry I can't help more:erk:

One of the best ways to kill time is listening to talk radio. I listen to the Adam Carolla show

That and if you don't already start watching The Sopranos and Entourage two of the best shows ever. You can download them for free on any torrent site.