The Borknagar Discography. . .

Jack Damien

The Voice of the Fog
Apr 20, 2003
Hartwell, Ga
Well basically I'm a new fan and I need to know what albums have been re-released and which ones are hard to find. Opinions of the albums are welcome also. Thanks in advance to anyone who helps, see-ya.
Thanks, right after I posted I found the first one which was the one I couldn't find before, but keep posting your opinions if you want, see-ya.
Empiricism...I think this is the most well done album all around, also it has the best production quality and Vintersorg on vocals.

Quintessence would be my 2nreccomendation because there are some really great songs on there, especially Colossus.

and finally Epic would be my 3rd because its like Empiricism but with more colors and melodies, plus the guitar tones are raw and righteous.

Most likely you'll be able to find Epic, Empricism and Quintessence in stores because they are the most recent. You might have to look online for the rest, like The Olden Domain, Archaic Course, and the self titled album.
midevil elf said:
The Olden Domain, Archaic Course,
These two have always been the hardest to find in stores, as for the self titled I lucked out in finding it in a used section of a store...8 dollars if I'm not mistaken.
If there are any large music stores in your area, such as HMV, check out their metal section as they usually have a good selection. Even if they have the more recent Borknagar albums but not the old ones, you can ask them to stock them for you!