Well, I loved the action sequences, they were dark, cloudy. Everything is not spelled out in this movie. Kinda like my posts, you have to desifer them. BUt yeah, sometimes the action was a bit of blur, but man. ITs a great film.
I also loved the way they drew some things out. I loved the way they would speed up the camera for just a split second, then hit the slow motion button for a second, then right back to normal. AWSOME! The way the naked woman, her body transformed to a snow capped scene, very nice camera work. The way the rain was hitting the ground at the mohawks feet in slow mo, and the way the rain was pouring off his fighting stick.
A small discription of the script.
ITs about some french guys, its a french movie as a matter of fact. No subtitles, english speaking.
BUt anyway, the WHITE man, he is the royal gardener, taxidermist, philospher, healer, BAD ASS. The mohawk, he is his blood brother from the 1st french and indian war. They are both very good at throwing their feet and fists around.
The brotherhood of teh wolf, its this seceret society, who will turn the wolves on ya if you deniy God. The mohawk, and the white dude, they are there to stop it.
A great film, i suppose it will up to you to agree or disagree with me after you watch the flick. BUT WATCH IT! Thats the key words here..WATCH IT.