The bottom line IS

I was actually pretty disappointed with the movie. Parts of it were rather drawn out, and while there were some cool action sequences, they were edited poorly so as to make it hard to tell what was happening. I'm not saying it was bad, far from it, I enjoyed it, I just guess I expected more from the hype it got. I remember a few specific things I really liked and some others I didn't, but I don't wanna spoil it for those who didn't see it so I won't go into detail. It's worth seeing, but far from the best movie ever.
Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Rings was a great movie. Sure, it wasn't as the book, but come on, like it really could be. It surprised me. I didn't think that they could do it, but it was good. Another good movie is Ghost in the Shell. Animes rock :rock:
Originally posted by retarded penguin
It wasn't rebelling dude, it was not having an e-mail that would be accepted at these boards.
Same w/me when I first got to this board...and I was too lazy to register.I was just some random unregistered person.
Btw,I wanna see Brotherhood of the Wolf,too.
Well, I loved the action sequences, they were dark, cloudy. Everything is not spelled out in this movie. Kinda like my posts, you have to desifer them. BUt yeah, sometimes the action was a bit of blur, but man. ITs a great film.

I also loved the way they drew some things out. I loved the way they would speed up the camera for just a split second, then hit the slow motion button for a second, then right back to normal. AWSOME! The way the naked woman, her body transformed to a snow capped scene, very nice camera work. The way the rain was hitting the ground at the mohawks feet in slow mo, and the way the rain was pouring off his fighting stick.

A small discription of the script.

ITs about some french guys, its a french movie as a matter of fact. No subtitles, english speaking.
BUt anyway, the WHITE man, he is the royal gardener, taxidermist, philospher, healer, BAD ASS. The mohawk, he is his blood brother from the 1st french and indian war. They are both very good at throwing their feet and fists around.

The brotherhood of teh wolf, its this seceret society, who will turn the wolves on ya if you deniy God. The mohawk, and the white dude, they are there to stop it.

A great film, i suppose it will up to you to agree or disagree with me after you watch the flick. BUT WATCH IT! Thats the key words here..WATCH IT.
that's not easy to the beginning i thought the movie was cool (you know the chase...) but with the time the whole thing changed and it became so unlikely. i got the feeling that the producer fucked it up and tried to mix two different movies and make one out of it...that way it became to long. it needs a certain degree of skill to make a long movie (compare to fight club eg)...
Your right, he did sort of mix things up. I suppose i sort of like movies like that. The ones you really ahve to follow, and you may even need multiple viewings.

Im gonna buy this movie for my home library.

How did you like the slo motion/ speed up parts?

I did think some of the weapons were a bit out of place. I will say that.
forgive me but i saw the movie about 7 months ago...cant remember exactly haha......

The ones you really ahve to follow, and you may even need multiple viewings.
>>> i dont understand....almost everything was explained....a real movie to think about is lost highway eg....haha...
That is a giood movie N, a very good one,. hahahahha

See you guys later. its been great to chat with you guys again,. Hope to do it agian soon.
I'll tell you what I think of the movie tomorrow ledmag.I downloaded the first and second half-but the second half fucked up, so I gotta d-load it again.From what I've seen in the first 70 minutes it is pretty interesting.

BTW, Mani sure can kick ass.Goddamn.
YEs, MANI can. Wait till you see the rest of ass kicking. hahhahaha

You saw the rain scene then? Oh yeah, a very good one.

Glad your checking into it.

I HAVE FOUND that there is some truth to this film. over 100 ppl were killed by this supposed beast, during the rule LOU the 19th. He actually sent these men in. Cool hey!