The bottom line IS

There is a city floating out in space, made by aliens that can manipulate reality with their minds. While trying to figure out the human soul (to achieve immorality), they abduct humans and throw them in this city. Everynight they extract people's memories, change the city, and replant new memories. It's called Dark City because they don't like day, so its perpetually night. Anything else I say will give away the plot.
ledmag, Im gonna watch that movie after I finish listening to POLITICS

I didn't get a chance to see FALILV cause I went to a concert yesterday, and the day before that I fell asleep.
know your dope fiend

your life may depend on it....

....his pants will be encrusted with semen from constantly jakking off because he can't find a rape victim.

ledmag, this movie is hilarious, the way the guy talks is so goddamn funny.

Anyway, Im about 90 minutes through the movie

Johnny Depp, hung out with Hunter for around 6 months or so before teh film. Dude, JD did a very good job at being HST.

SO, you havent read HST's books then? Man, you need to. He is GREAT. You should read some of his letters to ppl, like say...G BUSH (the old one), and clinton, he tells them off. You can also read teh replies they sent him hahahahahahah.

He is a master HST is. The movie is almost exactly as the book.

"This is bat country goddamnitt." "Scoot over you fat bastard!"
"I am AHAB" hahahaha

Good stuff. Glad your enjoying it. Watch it once a week, you will go far.
The creeping Jesus, in my sig, its from HST, he started saying that in the 60's, and he changed to bubba, and then to ye merry fuckin gods hahaha

You can read his column on he has a new every monday, or is it teusday. ANyway, i hate sports, but dude, he seldom talks about sports in his column, he always does a short stop, on sports, then rants and raves, and has flashbacks hahahaha.

Go check it out. YOu can view the archives. If you look at the articles right 9/11/2001, you can get a hell of a laugh. He live sin a fortified compound, with his own gas pumps, GUNS, etc.....go look dude, you will laugh.
All right Led!
You hate sports,finally someone who admits it haha.
I'm Canadian ,so I'm supposed to love hockey..I hate it even though
Brandan Shanahan grew up and hangs out in my area (Mimico)
Still could not get in to it. One cool thing is he has brought the Stanley Cup to our local bar every year he has won it and lets all the crew get pics with it.
Lacrosse is alright,very violent and we have the best team(the Rock)

Not much of a athletic supporter ...get it hahahjajahajahajah
Oh man, sports fucking bores me to death. I would rather fuck, play guitar, watch tv, listen to music, SHIT, etc.......hahahahaha

I have always addmitted it.

Check your PM troy. I replied.
finished watching Fear and Loathing, over-all killer movie.I'll check out that hunter dude later on.

BTW,it'll probably be awhile before I get to 13th warrior and 9th gate.
Originally posted by ledmag
Ill be here dude.

I made a list of some of my fav movies, ill giv eyou the list later as well. Just 10 or so.

ENJOY dude

Well, you appear to be hovering around...

and this list intrigues me...
oh yeah,.....i forgot the list., I made it. Hmmm. i may have to make it again...

REmemebr. i need reminding on things of this nature hahah
i was cleaning out my mail box because everytime someone replied to a thread I posted in, I got an email...about 1000 to delete.So I looked at the very first one and read about the list and went "oh shit!....I forgot".It was because the movie topic migrated to the IE vs nevermore thread.hahahha
Hey led since this very old thread was during my abscence, I'll bite and say Brotherhood was a good movie...and the DVD has original French language too.
Hey Led, try the movie Session 9. It's kind of a psychological thriller, the package is totaly misleading, it's NOT a haunted house movie, but if you see it, just stick with it and you may like it.
will do that aguy... thanks.

undercover brother is pretty funny. Black ppl making big time fun of black ppl. That trips me out dude. FUcks with my mind. But the making fun aside, it is a damn funny movie.