The bottom line IS

thanks for reccomending that movie.It kicked ass, lotsa surprises too.

Fronsac is a badder ass than Mani, he fucking snapped on those muthafucka's.

I liked how the movie showed the paranoia within the church and how they will go through such extreme measures to enforce their will upon society.Killer shit man,killer.

As for the action scenes, great, I don't know what the fuck you guys were talking about(a blur?).I saw everything fine and I was watching it on my pc.I wouldve liked to see more fight scenes with the beast(that was one BAD motherfucker).

Overall.Only problem I had was Mani's loin cloth.

On a side note-LotR wasn't that great, It sucked the big one compared to BotW.
The caterpillar and his hookah and the mushrooms and the boxes of cake that say"Eat Me" and the bottles that say"Drink Me" and the White Rabbit and the Cheshire cat...No other movie even comes close to the greatness of Alice in Wonderland...
RP>>>HELL YEAH DUDE. Froncac did snap hahahaha. HE was sort of a JACK of all trades hey? hahaha.

YEah man, i love the film. I am still planning on buying it.

ANd yep, Manis loin cover, it was small wasnt it hahahha.

SO glad you liked it dude. ITs still fresh on my mind. The french KNow how to make a movie IMO.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
9th Gate
13th Warrior

If you havnt already seen them.
As I said before, Princess Mononoke, best fucking anime ever made. Then, Ghost in the Shell, second best fucking anime ever made. Of course, no one here probably cares about animes. I haven't seen Botherhood of the Wolves, I am going to have to check it out. BTW, LotR:FotR, was pretty good in my opinion. I guess it's because I expected it to suck, because the book was so damn good.
Too many anime's for me to try and get into them. Only one I've ever really watched was Deep Blue (Perfect Blue?, something like that). It was cool, and really weird. Kind of thing you need multiple people there to figure it out.
I know a Perfect Blue but I have never heard of Deep Blue so it was probably Perfect Blue. All animes are pretty much weird and confusing at times but they are all very good.
We were Soldiers is the best movie that I've seen this year!! I'll check out Brotherhood on Friday to see if it's better.
RP>>Ok man, i posted the other one before i noticed we had 2 pages.

LIQUID TENSION>>>Your right, that is a very good movie as well. VERY GOOD. I like BotW better in its own way, i suppose all the cool ass scenes and stuff. But WowS is high on my list.

LOM>>>My problem with LOTR, is i read the story at least 2 times a yr, and i followed the movie page on the net for ever, and they just bragged it up being right on with the books. Then BAM, no Tom Bombidil, no BARROW DOWNS, No Glorfindle, etc.
Fuck ledmag, Fear and loathing in LV is TWO HOURS!!!

Well, I'll watch it in about 30 min, Im gonna go eat something soon...THEN I will watch.
As long as we are talking about movies...

Dark City was written and directed by the guy who wrote or the guy who directed The Crow (don't remember which). It's a pretty cool science fiction kinda movie, and really artistically shot. It's also cool because it goes right along with some of my twisted views of reality (I don't know if anyone besides SD has heard them yet).
F&L is awsome my friend. I have the movie. Watch it all the time. Its about drugs, and drugs, and drugs hahahaha.

Its a true story. ABout Hunter S Thompson. He was a wildcat dude. Still is. Great movie. I cant wait to see ho wyou think of this one. Its a bender on the old mind. You need to really pay attention.

When JOHNNY DEPP (as HST) is in the bar, and he says, "shit, THATS ME", look at the guy in the viser, its the real HST, he is old now hahahhaa. ACID can do that to ya hahahaha. The movie takes place in 1970 or 71.
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
As long as we are talking about movies...

Dark City was written and directed by the guy who wrote or the guy who directed The Crow (don't remember which). It's a pretty cool science fiction kinda movie, and really artistically shot. It's also cool because it goes right along with some of my twisted views of reality (I don't know if anyone besides SD has heard them yet).

I think ive seen that film. My mind is drawing a blank, please elaborate a bit.