The cheesiest power metal video ever?


Glorious Imperator
Oct 16, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
You decide.

This is so cheesy, it's admirable. I mean, look at them! Leather all around, a singer who'll rip his pants if he tries to force his legs any further apart, the mask, the posing, the fact that the DRUMMER is singing along to the chorus ...

Don't get me wrong, though, I absolutely love it. :kickass:
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WOW that is one cheesy song! I don't think the video is all that different from any other PM or Symphonic metal band standing around in a field of snow/abandoned warehouse/forest glade, other than the addition of the singer's face mask.

I'm not sure I like the singer's voice. He's got a nasally vocal tone that I can't quite get past.
Definitely Power Metal by the numbers..not a bad thing, but definitely not original..Midnight pulled off the mask wearing vocalist a lot better!
I wonder how many MANOWAR covers they can do?

I am NOT saying that to be insulting in any way. I agree - while they are cheesy, it is that good kind of cheese that spreads really well on a thick slab of artisanal bread, while you quaff a mighty ale from the horn handed to you by a beautiful wench.

In the night.
This is fucking awesome!!!!!! As for the "cheesiest power metal video ever"... ever seen Rhapsody's videos? :lol:

This video was nowhere near as cheesy as I expected. I mean, when an entire thread is dedicated to how cheesy a video is instead of a "this band kicks ass" thread, I expected something much cheesier.

And anything with Mats Leven kicks, even if it is just a guest appearance.:headbang:
I like this a lot actually.

Now if you honestly think this is the cheesiest video ever, you obviously haven't seen this...

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This is fucking awesome!!!!!! As for the "cheesiest power metal video ever"... ever seen Rhapsody's videos? :lol:

This video was nowhere near as cheesy as I expected. I mean, when an entire thread is dedicated to how cheesy a video is instead of a "this band kicks ass" thread, I expected something much cheesier.

And anything with Mats Leven kicks, even if it is just a guest appearance.:headbang:

Yeap this whole album kicks ass! Been a Wisdom fan since 2006!

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I like! Who is the singer? Reminds me a little of Olaf Hayer.

The singer is called Gábor Nagy, but also uses the moniker Crossfader.

As for being THE cheesiest PM video ever, naturally that was tongue-in-cheek, hence the question mark. There are shitloads of other bands who have made 'worse' vids, among them Rhapsody of Fire, a group I also like.

Again, this has nothing to do with the actual quality of the music. As I said, I absolutely LOVE this kind of music, which includes Wisdom.
Yeap this whole album kicks ass! Been a Wisdom fan since 2006!
Goddamn this band kicks ass! I can't believe this band fell under my radar! I think these will be the first three albums I pick up at PP this year...if anyone has them!

As I said, I absolutely LOVE this kind of music, which includes Wisdom.
Oops. I admit, I missed that part in your original post.
These are the cheesiest i've ever seen. I'm sure i've seen worse, but these 2 always stick out. Here ya go... Gaia Epicus, and Kaledon...

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haha all of this is just to over the top. I wonder if they bands were completely serious when shooting something so obviously cheesy... haha!