The cheesiest power metal video ever?

Is that the dreaded Tarrasque?!!!

Just about the only fantasy world I haven't heard a song made out of is Xanth. I think Threshold covered the Thomas Covenant world and of course everything Tolkein has been covered a zillion times.
Corsair: I would check with Underground Symphony, they might have the guts to release that. :loco: Of course, you wouldn't be able to buy it in the States, but I'm sure that doesn't bother you, right?

As long as I can personally get a couple dozen copies to distrbute by hand, then not a bit.

Tarrasques are scary mostly because it's like fighting a freakin' dinosaur that jsut happens to be nigh impossible to kill. I however have always had an affinity for

Ten bucks says he listens to black metal.
The Aboleth comes a close second, however.

All the sme, i'[d be using my own world and story, not borrowing someone elses. None of it is written down but I hve a fairly cohesive and complete universe in my head, complete with causal explanations of how things are the way they are in it!