The Clean Vocal

Should Soultorn keep the clean vocals?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 94.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters


The Pain and The Darkness
Aug 11, 2002
Willits, CA
Howdy folks.

I'm posting this thread to get some opinions on clean vocals. From what I have learned alot of you like clean vocals in metal, so I'm sure this is a good place to get help.
Now, as you know, clean vocals are as variant as DNA, and not everyone's is the same.
The band that I am in has clean vocals, and for awhile now people have been saying "he can't sing", or "he sucks ass". Why? Well let me tell you why.
Most of you have heard Garm, from Arcturus, or Ville Lahila from Sentenced. They have that inflection to thier voice, which is hard to explain... it's deep... and well it's got this little tone ripple to it when changing notes.
I guess, I have that, from what I've been told. But I continue to get bad comments again and again to the point where it makes me feel like it's not worth doing clean vocals anymore. It's how my voice is and I can't help it. It's really gotten depressing, so I want to leave it up to you guys, that's why there's a poll.

Here's a link to some of our songs.

PLease post what you guys think, good or bad. All opinions are welcomed. Should we continue to have clean vocals?

Thanks in advance
I say yes.

All you need to do is put a bit more emotion into them, rather than drone. Singing should be a workout, it should test you. Maybe try a slightly higher pitch. Or, maybe try some growling with the melodic singing, kind of like a thrash vocalist... like errr... old James Hetfield... or Chuck Billy's melodic side...

Hope that helps...
While I think that you do the harsh vocals much better than your clean ones (your harsh ones kick ass!), I don't think you should give up the clean. First off, it gives a much richer variation to your music. Secondly, while you don't sound like the majority of clean singers out there, I don't think you sound bad at all. Your voice actually reminds me a bit of the singer in the old NWoBHM-band Angelwitch. Third, It makes you stand out from all the other vocalists out there.

Another thing - hearing a studio recording and a band playing live are two different things. I've heard singers that were great on record but sucked live. Most of those also played an instrument, and live their timing and the amount of emotion put into the vocals just fell apart. Pepper Keenan of CoC is one such example. If I remember right, you also played bass live? It's hard to tell from your live recording if this is the case, but if so, you may want to consider taking in a dedicated bassist so you can put all your effort into the vocals.

I love your song "Away". While I think the clean vocals are already good, maybe you'd get a better result if you tried articulating the words more? I don't know. I hope you'll find something that works. If you feel that going to all-harsh vocals is the way to go, more power to you.

Hey, I really like this band! Great riffs, great vocals! :)

You should keep the clean vocals, but you should watch out for the pronounciation. Sounds like the clean parts have a bit of an accent... :confused: (but where from, you're american!)

Ohh, by the way, I think i'll be browsing this board more often, and if a thread about singing shows up, please stop me from acting smart as I always do on other boards... :lol:
Ok, not sure if I got this, Soultorn, but are you the singer of the band?

Ohh...I listened to some more...
In "Fallen" it seems as if the vocal chords are tight...err, not sure how to explain this...
You should just free your voice. It sounds as if something's blocking you. Just relax and sing... :)
Your Distorted Vox are realy good, but the clean vocals arent that great in my opnion, only because they sound too Punk/ Hardcore ish, rather than metal. I think its because you are singing very fast in your clean vox, but singing slower in the distorted ones, any way what FX do you use to get distorted vox like that? And i realy like the guitars in your band
I'm kinda flattered guys... you like them, to a point, it seems. But I still get shit from people. I guess I'm supposed to have a power metal voice or something in order to "be able to sing".
For christs sake.. I've been singing for 6 years now.. and I've only been doing harsh vocals for about 3 years. I mean, heh... I KNOW what I'm doing... as far as what notes I'm hitting and how I'm pronouncing the words and all.
What are some good clean singers in your opinions? What do they "have"?
The accent thing can be solved with a few singing lessons.
Good clean singers? Kai Hansen, hehe ;) Hm, try Mikael Stanne's and Ville Laihiala's clean parts. (sine your into that kind of music).
I just checked out "Away" and I must say your clean vocals sound MUCH better than in the live track you had linked from your main page some months ago. Honestly there were moments in the live track that I really, really didn't like at all BUT I understand how things go live. Anyway, keep the clean vocals as they definitely add variety and maybe try a vocal lesson or two - a couple lessons couldn't hurt. Keep up the good work and don't let the comments of others get you down.
Dude, I'm downloading "Away" right now, but I can say this before I even hear it: keep the clean vox! Whatever happens, I doubt you'll get *worse* the more you use them. What I'm trying to say is that you will find the way eventually. There are shitloads of metal vocalists out there who couldn't hit a clean note when they started out, but a few years later they sounded great! Just keep it up and you'll get there!
Ok, now I've listened to the song, and I agree with whoever said the clean vox sound a bit "punk". Not that it's bad, it just seems a bit rough (hehe, stupid word to use about the clean vox, I know ;) ), but nothing a few vocal lessons wouldn't take care of.

Cheers, and keep it up!
Well, I really like the growling, for lack of better words at the moment... it's fuckin' harsh, man! As for your singing, I find it a little thin? Maybe you should try hitting lower notes to get a thicker sound? Don't get me wrong, it's fine how you have it, but if you get that thick atmosphere in there before you go thin and higher, then it could really add to the atmosphere. But then again, lol, that's only my opinion.
More good stuff.

To answer all the tightness and "roughness" questions.. I usually do all my vocals in one take, so my voice does get a little less loose.
Now for the punk thing.
I've heard alot of comparisions to Johnny Rotten :lol:
That all has to do with the pronunciation, though. I have alot of inflection in my voice, when singing. Also.. what might contribute to the weirdness.. is not many artists have clean verses..... and verses tend to have more lyrics... so thus there aren't as many "soaring" vocals, it's closer together

What I want to know from you is... do they sound.. out of key? Try and be specific.. use examples. What's the first thing that comes in your head? Do they sound BAD, or just odd?

And by the way... I've decided to keep the clean vocals going... it'll be more like 75% harsh 25% clean from now on...