The clothing style of katatonia fans?

Are you crazy? A bow tie? Jeez, she might think I'm desperate or something.
No, I wear a normal tie, but like tshirts, it has a band on it. I usually wear my Regurgitate "Carnivorous Erection" tie. The ladies love it, and when they laugh and point at my crotch, I know it's the tie they're laughing at.

I wear blind guardian t-shirts, savatage longsleeves, I have a very bad old italian Guns 'n' Roses longsleeve...good enough for a katatonia fan???

On fesivals I wear a metal church T-shirt, white tennis socks, some kind of sports shorts and...old stinking plimsolls (what's that???)

Originally posted by falling bird
Yeah, and on Katatonia concerts you wear a party hat, but we already know that ;)

Yeah! Actually I have nice litte hat that would also suit to great Mr. Frodo Baggins (if he had one he would have this one...). But unfortunately I don't have a ring of power. Hm, anyway I wouldn't know what to do with it. Maybe I would use it to make all Katatonia musicians SMILE, haha!!!
I wear lots of neutral colors, i don't like to stand out. . I recently dyed my hair black, and really enjoy the look of that. I love jeans, regular fitting. I hate huge baggy jeans. only picture is my avatar.