The Cobot Timeline.

I'm posting once, and will not reply any more.

This is THE SINGLE, #1, numero uno, unequivocal and absolute most pain in the ASS forum on this entire site, bar none. It contains the most whiny, immature, cry baby finger pointing kids (and young adults) I have dealt with since taking over the site in 2004 or whatever it was. It blows my mind how some of you get by day to day in the "real world" as the way many of you act would not (and I say again, WOULD NOT) cut it in face to face real life. I am not directing these comments at any one person, but many.

So, that said, yeah ok, that thread was deleted because cry baby Chris reported it, and he's had issues in the past with some of you harassing him, I wasn't in ANY mood to deal with him, you all, or that thread causing more trouble. Poof see ya later thread, simple as that. Now, I saw Chris's comment about not being able to handle his liquor, I will simply not pay attention to any future request of his, fool me once...

Now, the solution? GROW SOME BALLS folks, start a friggin new thread already. You could have had it up to where it was by now anyhow but instead I'm seeing post after post (wow, deja vu) of wahh wahh mods=fags wahhhhhhh I want to do what I want, leave us alone wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's been so good. Christ almighty some of you I swear......

Get over it, or go start your own forum somewhere where you can do whatever the hell you want and whenever. Believe me, I won't lose any sleep over it (much like anything said recent and about this thread that was deleted).

GROW UP. GTFU!!! That's all.

lovely post:lol:
Cliff does the same thing at the same time on another side of the world, as a result, massive hurricanes form over the ocean.
Not leaving 100%, just severely cutting down my time on this place and giving a shit about any of you (which you little kids went all LOL INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUZNIZ about).

It's not that we care about the internet, but this forum used to be a place where a lot of people who became good friends got together and shared opinions, argued, shared pics and stories, and generally had an awesome time for the time when we were bored and online. The loss of community is what we don't like. But you weren't here for it so I don't expect you newcomers to understand.

tl;dr BAAAW WHO CARES (really)

I need a breather between these assignments so I'm gonna pretend people care what I'm saying about Lady Gaga.
this forum used to be a place where a lot of people who became good friends got together and shared opinions, argued, shared pics and stories, and generally had an awesome time for the time when we were bored and online.

Because this doesn't happen anymore? :lol:

TBF no matter what website you go on oldfags are always gonna be all "this place is used to be soooo awesome and is now shit" when in fact its pretty much the same thing. The only thing that has changed is the way you percieve it. You're just all so adamant to the thought that this place was better back then that you couldn't possibly give it as much chance nowadays as you would back when you joined.

Like I keep fucking saying

/b/ was never good.

tl;dr dickbutt
All you need to do is go to the first posts on some of the front page threads. They are from that era.

The only apparent change is that Swabs was a much happier fellow :lol:

Same shit, different tards