The Cobot Timeline.

*Looks back at the post history*

Most threads you made in early 2007 were fail :lol: (I was not around but I see. I was not better myself though)

and wow the wall of text


I have no life. I actually looked those up. I vaguely remember I lurked at times and saw some of those though.


yeah...i was a complete 13 year old idiot :erk: i was seriously just trying to be retarded
ive come a long way since then :lol::lol:
but it was always me vs. joe, like i guess we really didn't totally hate each other but we always had a little rivalry, but obvious he always won because he rules :notworthy

Holy crap, we forgot the Nikotini pics! (volume 1 &2!)

i was gonna say that!!

When was it when Zakk appeared on TV?

nov 2008 :)
International Rights? I assume not humanitarian concerns then, because if I remember correctly, he's a massive racist :lol:

i guess :lol: said (Yesterday at 18:11):
*entre a la unam
*I succed
when was the nikotini pics?

2006. That woman was the best troll this place has ever seen.

Her naked pics got people banned so many times over the years, and even got Nick de-modded (which sucks)... most of all the time she made a thread with where she was LOLing at a dead black guy with gore pics got the whole forum BALEETED :lol:
We forgot the time where we all trolled Janne into saying this place was a "sorryass excuse for a forum" :lol:
Who gives a fuck? The only good trolling he did was when he posted on topic and let 'Alexi' post drunk on his account and caused the most epic tidal wave of fanfaggotry I have ever seen.
The only time I did invade this forum was when I was moderating the BH forums. COBOT became my recycle bin i.e. all the threads I didnt like the look of got moved to this forum. Good times.:p

That was legendary :lol:.
"This is shit, and belongs with the rest of the shit..."

Followed by mass confusion on both sides.
Also lol@Led by the Hendrix.

The Bringer was pretty intense too. That was the first big thread I was involved in :p

Fetish thread was great too.

I like how I hid a meatspin link by masking it as amputee order to get people to click it, and how many people were disgusted when it wasn't amputee porn.

2006. That woman was the best troll this place has ever seen.

Her naked pics got people banned so many times over the years, and even got Nick de-modded (which sucks)... most of all the time she made a thread with where she was LOLing at a dead black guy with gore pics got the whole forum BALEETED :lol:

I dont remember almost all of it, As soon as BH opened I stopped posting here as it was dead as fuck, then some new fanboys joined and it was the leftover trolls going apeshit on them.

I remeber the pussy-sandwhich though, but I never saw this dead black dude or anything.

Who gives a fuck? The only good trolling he did was when he posted on topic and let 'Alexi' post drunk on his account and caused the most epic tidal wave of fanfaggotry I have ever seen.

Or this
2006. That woman was the best troll this place has ever seen.

Her naked pics got people banned so many times over the years, and even got Nick de-modded (which sucks)... most of all the time she made a thread with where she was LOLing at a dead black guy with gore pics got the whole forum BALEETED :lol:

Do you know which month?