The Colony Appreciation Thread


Oct 1, 2002
Rumson, NJ
This is a thread for all of you Colony lovers to discuss and rant about why Colony is simply the best IF album, as well as one of the greatest albums of all time!

First of all some things must be said, in no paticular order, about this album that raises it above all...

1. The Vocals - I have never been a fan of Anders on TJR or Whoracle, sorry but I think he sounds a little rediculous. However, on Colony, he sounds awesome! I don't know why but he just sounds excellent here and delivers some of my favorite growls ever. Later albums are more high pitched and not as good, but I still like them a bit better then early Anders.

2. The Energy - This is probably the most non-stop, energetic, kick-ass album I own. Ever song gets me really pumped and has that "kick-ass" feel to it. You can say that the other albums all have "kick-ass" songs on them, but in my opinion this is the only album that is just non-stop "kick-ass". (i know, its kinda hard to explain)

3. The Guitars - I love the guitar sound here. Lead guitar (which is very prevalent on the album) sounds great, as well as the rhythm guitar. Just listen to Scorn to get a good example. Great sound! And lets not forget that this one has the best guitar solos of any IF album, hands down. And theres lots of them too!

4. The guitar riffs - All IF albums have excellent riffs, but nearly every single one on this album is to die for. Scorn is probably my favorite IF song simply because of those guitar riffs (the james murphy-esque solo doesn't hurt either).... lets see.... it starts out with one of the greatest riffs ever, followed by one of the greatest riffs ever, followed by one of the greatest riffs ever, and this is only the first 35 seconds of the song! holy crap thats good. Its a good thing theres a WHOLE ALBUM of these kick ass energetic riffs and guitar lines.

All of these factors combine to make some of the most kickass songs ever Embody the Invisible, Ordinary Story (the chorus fuckin kicks ass), Scorn (my favorite IF song), Colony, Zombie Inc, etc etc.....

Quick review? A kick-ass metal album (notice a pattern there?), one of the greatest of all time.
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Colony is a good album, but aside from Subterranean and Reroute to Remain, it's my least favorite of In Flames. Ordinary Story is an awesome track, so is Colony (and Man Made God), but the rest of the album is just "meh".
You post an appreciation thread, yet you show no respect what so ever for other people's views and thoughts. You fucking suck and should not be allowed to post again.
Oh but I will! I take stupid fucking posts pretty fucking serious as they are nothing but a waste of bandwidth. Stop posting stupid fucking threads. Please.
stupid fucking threads. are you serious. how long have you been posting on this monsterous community? haven't you noticed by now how large it is? If this thread is you idea of a stupid thread well then.... christ. I started a thread for fans of a certain album to discuss why they like it, and this thread couldn't be MORE relevent to the In Flames forum. And as for wasting bandwith? please. i don't even have an average of 4 posts a day, why don't you go bug some of the people that have around 14,000 posts worth of spam about wasting bandwith if you think its such a big deal.
Colony is a good album, but aside from Subterranean and Reroute to Remain, it's my least favorite of In Flames.

Subterranean and Reroute to remaine as the least favorite albums? That's gotta be an unusual combo

As for c-o-l-o-n-y.. it's an OK album, but to me it's just another step on In flames path to mediocrity. But of course, there are quite a few people out there who disagree with me :)
The thread it self isn't very bad, the problem is that you are a flaming fucking idiot. Don't express your opinions in a thread, when you do not tolerate others.
Sorry.. I meant

Colony is the best In flames album ever hands down!!
I have listened to the album thousands of times and it justs keeps getting better. There are no bad songs on the album - they all rule!!

The solos are awesome, and the riffs are even better. Anders growls are the best I have ever heard. Uhm.. and.. the artwork is cool too!! Yeah!!

I don't get the point of having a thread only saying things like that. Instead we should discuss what we like/dislike about the album in question (IMO). But of course.. That's just my two cents
Ok listen.... first of all im not flaming anyone. And second, im not saying anyones opinions are wrong, but I inteded this thread for Colony Appreciation, not to discuss its weaknesses. I wanted more of a discussion between fans on what they love about the album. Instead I got someone flipping out on me and calling me a "flaming fucking idiot" because I simply said "no" in that I disagree.
Everlost said:
Sorry.. I meant

Colony is the best In flames album ever hands down!!
I have listened to the album thousands of times and it justs keeps getting better. There are no bad songs on the album - they all rule!!

The solos are awesome, and the riffs are even better. Anders growls are the best I have ever heard. Uhm.. and.. the artwork is cool too!! Yeah!!

I don't get the point of having a thread only saying things like that. Instead we should discuss what we like/dislike about the album in question (IMO). But of course.. That's just my two cents
Apparently you have taken this thread the wrong way..... when did i ever say i was forcing you people to agree with everything i am saying?
You don't have to do that, I intended this thread as more of a tribute to the album rather than an overall discussion of the album. If theres anything positive you wanna say put it here and thats all i was going for. Im not saying Colony is perfect, there are a couple problems (small problems) with the album, but it isn't my intent to discuss them here.
Yeah well that was pretty much my point :)
You don't want to discuss the flaws of the album, which is fine by me. I on the other hand don't have all that much positive to say about the album other than it really does have nice artwork :Spin: and nice melodies/riffs. I just prefer the older style in writing on Lunar strain, subterranean and most of TJR. So I'll leave this thread to people who actually love the album. Otherwise it would just fill up with useless posts like this one