The commemoration thread.

Sad Madrigal

Mar 22, 2008
I hope the admins won't delete this thread.:)
I'll start first R.I.P. Layne Staley....It's hard to believe that there are 7 years without you.:cry:
Also R.I.P. Kurt Cobain, although I don't like Nirvana that much.
I will never understand the incessant unearthing of the dead for momentary 'commemoration'. Such behavior directly contradicts the phrase 'rest in peace'. I'm perplexed by this hypocrisy.
I will never understand the incessant unearthing of the dead for momentary 'commemoration'. Such behavior directly contradicts the phrase 'rest in peace'. I'm perplexed by this hypocrisy.

You know we live in the age of the Celebrity, don't you?
I will never understand the incessant unearthing of the dead for momentary 'commemoration'. Such behavior directly contradicts the phrase 'rest in peace'. I'm perplexed by this hypocrisy.

i totally disagree, ken. i believe everyone would like to be remembered for their contributions to mankind after their death. as for the living, by commemorating, we spread the word of the dead's achievements and, in other cases, unfortunate deeds.

for instance, by just commemorating staley, im sure we let a few people know of alice in chains' remarkable music. so there :cool:
R.I.P Chuck Schuldiner. Unfortunately, his last album still isn't properly released ... yet, i haven't given up hope.

R.I.P Freddy Mercury. I don't listen to Queen often, these days, but the songs pop up in my mind every now and then.

R.I.P Jeff Buckley. He could have made so many great albums ...