The Conspiracy Thread


Nov 19, 2001
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Post and discuss your favorite conspiracies--that have some philosophical value--in this thread.

(P.S. If this meets with favorable results from all posters--comments would be appreciated--we will move threads of a conspiracy theory nature, into this thread. Thanks all).
This is a very good idea. I would like to start by asking people, why is it that even though the BBC has written an article about the "Operations road map" some people still like to call this "conspiracy theory"?
Lord SteveO said:
Can you fill me in on what Operation Road Map is?

I seem to recall reading the name recently, is it that internet based CIA thing?

Yes that is the one. See Pentagon's war on the web thread.
This kind of thread is an insult to the facts and research I do. Although I know much about the illuminati, and the decendents of ruling classes that extend their power all over the world, I don't see why such things which can be proven are called theories. Obviously if you are planning something in which people are not going to agree with, you are going to do anything possible to prevent that information from getting out. And if you control the money and the governments(either through co-operation, bribes, or people with like minded agendas) then it is easy to keep information from people. It should be quite clear that the filtering process of information goes on all the time in the media, but it's not to protect us, it is to keep us ignorant, and that old saying that "Knowledge is power" is true in every sense of the word.

If you don't want to deal with it that is fine, but denying somethings existance does not make it go away.

Conpiracy theory, is a buzz word for people who can't comprehend the information they recieve, and like Atheist explaining the inaccuarces of the bilbe to a christian, it is rejected simply because it doesn't fit into their view of the world. The more often then not, is the reality that is seen on the news , in the news paper, and in the education system.
Silver Incubus said:
This kind of thread is an insult to the facts and research I do. Although I know much about the illuminati, and the decendents of ruling classes that extend their power all over the world, I don't see why such things which can be proven are called theories. Obviously if you are planning something in which people are not going to agree with, you are going to do anything possible to prevent that information from getting out. And if you control the money and the governments(either through co-operation, bribes, or people with like minded agendas) then it is easy to keep information from people. It should be quite clear that the filtering process of information goes on all the time in the media, but it's not to protect us, it is to keep us ignorant, and that old saying that "Knowledge is power" is true in every sense of the word.

If you don't want to deal with it that is fine, but denying somethings existance does not make it go away.

Conpiracy theory, is a buzz word for people who can't comprehend the information they recieve, and like Atheist explaining the inaccuarces of the bilbe to a christian, it is rejected simply because it doesn't fit into their view of the world. The more often then not, is the reality that is seen on the news , in the news paper, and in the education system.

If others agree with you, I will get rid of it. But I dont know what else to call some of these ideas. If you have a better term, please share.
the idea that lee harvey oswald killed kennedy is something that's noticeably physically impossible, yet there are still people that believe it

You know the Discovery Channel did a renactment, and it proved it was possible. Do I trust the Discovery Channel?--no. But it is food for thought.
speed said:
If this meets with favorable results from all posters--comments would be appreciated--we will move threads of a conspiracy theory nature, into this thread.

Good idea; or a politics thread/subforum

Reminder to conspiracy people -- sometimes, there is something hidden to fear.

Not sure I think it's a conspiracy though!
The use of the word conspiracy does not denote truth or falsehood. Something like that above is clearly true, but was covered up.

There's a difference between things that are simply (intentionally) hidden from public knowledge, and others that are not well known because there is little to no truth behind them. I think the latter is what we could use less of here. This thread is fine in my mind for the more borderline theories. Where as something that can be sufficiently substantiated should maybe have its own thread if it warrants that.
What is a "conspiracy theory"?

"Many books have been written describing a secret organization whose aim it is to tyranically control the entire planet. It's what is known as THE CONSPIRACY FOR WORLD DOMINATION."

"Stories about the members and methods of this conspiracy go back hundreds of years, and are always belittled by the people in power and the mainstream media. People who try to bring the discussion out into the open are refered to as CONSPIRACY THEORISTS and are vilified by the people and organizations they are trying to expose - and, ironically - by the people and organizations they are trying to enlighten."

"In its essence 1984 is an exposure of just such a diabolical plan. Much of what Orwell describes in the nightmare world of 1984 is recognizable as having been taken from the pages of the conspiracy writings that were available in his lifetime."

The most crucial thing to observe about all the so called "conspiracy theories" is the fact that they all implicate the SAME interest group (basically Jewish/Israeli interests) as those concerned with bringing about a "new world order". If the conspiracies were random and barmy they would be expected to accuse all kinds of unrelated groups, nationalities or individuals. But they don't. Odd how the conspiracy theories always involve these same people. Here is a site where they lament how they always get accused by conspiracy theories and how it is all lies.

Apparantly the whole "conspiracy theory" thing is itself a big conspiracy against them! How ironic!

[Note: I do not intend to go on a rant about the Jews. I'm only shedding some light on the cohesiveness and consistency of all the "conspiracy theories".]
The new world order has very little to do with jews actually, and it really being created by certain bloodlines that are part of the european families that have ruled in previous centuries. These people are known for taking part of Satanic like rituals and belonging to the illuminati. Its the Builderburgs, the Rockefellers, the Royal British family and other royal families throughout europe.

What David Icke has researched it very compelling because the geneology of the royal family is quite availible for anyone to find out. The reason behind the interbreeding between the royal families is supposedly because they have special blood or aren't really human. I have heard of many different accounts of people saying that they have seen people Shapeshift into Reptilians, and those people are usually belonging to one of these ruling classes. Which in a way makes sesnse when you think about the whole "Devine right to rule" based off of their blood. Apparently these satanic rituals involve human sacrifices of Aryan children, because of something special in the Aryan genes that create a certain chemical reaction in their blood when they are scared.

The new world order started with the creation of the UN, and has been progressed by things like NAFTA and the euro. They are looking to centralize the world power so that those at the top have the most control and can keep control of all information and people. With the push for RFID chiped national ID cards, they are trying to create the tracking system to monitor people at all times through RFID readers. They even want to put RFID tags in all clothing, and merchandise, and then into people(this has already happend places)
It is understandable, Silver Incubus, that you think that the One World Order and the Annunaki lizards of the illuminati have little to do with Jews. David Icke insists it is not about Jews. The ADL (Anti-defamation League) however insist that it really is all to do with them! It is really quite funny.

We must be aware that the first discovered document pertaining to the One World Order is the infamous (and allegedly a forgery) Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This document is a best-seller in the Middle East and that goes a long way to explaining how they must rationalise Israeli plans and tactics.
In the sense that it helps us understand how people of certain countries like Iran are thinking, it is worth studying this document also - regardless of whether it is a forgery or not. (See Protocols here)

The Protocols were discovered in Russia prior to the Russian revolution, and published in book form by Sergyei Nilus in 1905. A copy is in the British museum. The Protocols were never intended to have been found (if they are genuine) and it was very unfortunate for the conspirators who devised the plan that it became public. The Protocols are the most deadly, vicious, diabolical programme for the subjugation and destruction of mankind that was ever conceived by the collective depraved minds of men. It is a secret programme to rule the world. Much of what it plans has subsequently happened. The Tsar was shown the document and warned of the implication that there would be a revolution and his family would be killed. But he chose to ignore the warning.

David Icke claims that the Protocols are not evidence of a Jewish plot, but of a reptilian plot of Illuminati lizards. Icke refers to the Anti-defamation league as being a branch of the Israeli secret service, Mossad. "Their role is to brand as anti-Semitic anyone who is getting close to the truth."

Maybe so! But that begs the questions of why the Israeli secret service is so keen to protect the Illuminati. And why they want the Illuminati to be caused to be associated with Jewry by making such an accusation!

The Anti Racist Action group (branch of the ADL) was holding a meeting in Vancouver because David Icke was going to do a speech somewhere there.
Jon Ronson, a Jewish journalist, attended the meeting in his research for his book "Them, Adventures with Extremists".

"Wheels had already been set in motion. The Canadian Hate Crimes Unit had been alerted. So had the media. The coalition had also written to ex-Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney to inform him that David Icke was accusing him of being a reptilian child-sacrificing paedophile. But so far, to their bafflement, Brian Mulroney had declined to initiate legal action".

Regarding the Bilderberg group, Ronson felt confused that the ADL maintained that "Bilderberg" was a code for Jews, because many Bilderbergers were not Jewish.
That's fine! I didn't say the Jews were behind any of these conspiracies - only that they are heavily accused of being behind them - in a way that is historically consistent as all these conspiracies are linked to the One World Order as the plans are laid out in the Protocols - so they automatically see all these conspiracies as anti-Semitic. The Arabs see Jewish involvement behind all these things. I'm all for saying that it is the lizard aliens. So we'll stick to that.
Donald Rumsfeld may not be Jewish but, like all the neocons in Bush's administration (including Bush) he is supposed to be a reptilian. Many of the neocons are connected to the Likud party in Israel. If half of the neocons were Arabs or Palestinians, the war in Iraq would never have started.

Here is a fact about Rumsfeld from which a "conspiracy theory" reasonably emerges.

In 1997, Rumsfeld was named chairman of Gilead Sciences, which manufactures the drug Tamiflu. Although this drug is considered fairly useless for treating the effects of bird flu and may even cause complications, large quantities have been bought by the US government among other governements for use in the event that H5N1 becomes a pandemic.

Rumsfeld stopped being chairman in 2001, when he became Defense Secretary. Yet he still owns several million dollars of shares in the company.

He has made a lot of money out of the contract being given to Tamiflu. Draw your own conclusions.
Silver Incubus said:
yes i did know about that, also the vaccine for anthrax. And suprise suprise, he is the one who release that poison on society called Aspartame

Wow! I didn't know about those. That's well worth knowing, thanks!

There is anticipation and worry over when the H5N1 virus will mutate to become contageous among humans. Yet, US scientists have made samples of the "live" human form of the virus.

Allegedly, the CDC has already sent "live" samples of this virus for testing in many labs worldwide. So, the virus could escape if anyone decided to do that. Could it be that a decision has been made that the virus should be deliberately let loose, to reduce the world's over population? For once, this is a motive for a conspiracy that I find it hard to object to. May be such a culling is, regretably, necessary. For more on this story google "Will Government Experimenting Cause an Avian Flu Epidemic".
speed said:
You know the Discovery Channel did a renactment, and it proved it was possible. Do I trust the Discovery Channel?--no. But it is food for thought.
the people that were there heard 3 gunshots
warren report's "magic bullet theory" says that it was 2 gunshots and a single echo
there were actually 4 gunshots but the people only heard 3 gunshots because 2 were fired at the exact same second
the 2 that hit kennedy with a 3rd one hitting the 2nd guy with the bullet from oswald's gun missing kenedy all together and making a hole in cememt that was covered up with in an hour
oswald wasn't even on the same floor as his gun at the time kennedy got shot
the idea that one of the bullets went through kennedy and hit the other guy is totall bullshit
kennedy was still alive when he got to the hospital but several of the doctors wanted him to die for whatever reason
my maternal grandmother's oldest sister's oldest son was one of doctors touching kennedy's corpse and both of the bullets were still in him proving that there were at least 3 bullets instead of the 2 that the warren report would later claim
according to an article that i believe was in the dallas morning news several years ago claimed that there was a cure for AIDS (based on the proven fact that the AIDS virus is a viral form of the plague bactiria and the theory that the AIDS virus was a synthetic viral weapon) but that the reason no one outside of the USA government would ever have access to the cure for AIDS is because it ONLY works on black people and that if any black people had access to a cure that doesn't work on white people it would change global power systems and america would end up loosing a war where we're conquered by a black army of a unified african continent waging war on the entire white race