The Conspiracy Thread

Yeah, well not until i see it will I believe in the reptiles, although he isn't the first person I have heard talk about it. I heard some callers on coast to coast am talking about their experiences with people in regular life who shapeshifted. But I have a hard time believe such a thing is even possible
Silver Incubus said:
Well i think the fact that most people wouldn't talk about it unless there was some sort of anonymity, because they are afraid of being called crazy, although they live normal kind of lives.
this is the explination of why there is no difinitive/universally acknoledged "solid" proof of the existence of extra-terestrial life forms many of the the people that get abducted are extremely prominent people in society(laywers doctors senators and representatives etc etc) and they fail to universally prove the existance of extra-terestrials because they are afraid of people thinking they are crazy and loosing their jobs and being the spotlight of a media circus

The CONSPIRACY here is the fact that the existence of substantial White slavery is not taught to students and is kept suppressed by the establishment, wheras Black slavery is something that is presented as a racial crime exclusively by Whites and which should make us ashamed. We are very prone to feeling ashamed of ourselves, but we should take care to look at the facts first. A White American is more likely to be a descendant of a White slave than of a slave owner.

From the book "They Were White and They Were Slaves" by Michael Hoffman.

historical research in the last decade, entitled They Were White and They Were Slaves. This program is based on Mr. Hoffman's original research into documents long hidden from the public eye and revealing a very different America from that presented in the controlled media.

"There is a history of White people that has never been told in any coherent form, largely because most modern historians have, for reasons of politics or psychology, refused to recognize White slaves in America as just that.

Today, not a tear is shed for the sufferings of millions of our enslaved forefathers. 200 years of White slavery in America have been almost completely obliterated from the collective memory of the American people.

Writer Elaine Kendall asks "Who wants to be reminded that half - perhaps as many as two-thirds - of the original American colonists came here, not of their own free will, but kidnapped, shanghaied, impressed, duped, beguiled, and yes, in chains - ? ...we tend to gloss over it... we'd prefer to forget the whole sorry chapter."

A correct understanding of the authentic history of the enslavement of Whites in America could have profound consequences for the future. Most of the books on White labor in early America use words like "White indentured servitude," "White bondservants," "White servants," etc. Few are now aware that the majority of these so-called "servants" were bound to a condition more properly called permanent chattel slavery unto death. The papers legally allowing the enslavement, called indentures, were often forged by kidnappers and press-gangs; and in cases where these papers did not literally specify a life term of servitude, the slave-owner had the legal right to unilaterally increase the length of the term on the flimsiest pretexts. The so-called "apprentices" or "indentured servants" had no say in the matter. These enslaved White people are, however, never called slaves by establishment academics and media spokesmen. To do so would destroy the myth of unique Black victimhood and universal White guilt.

Today, with the massive concentration of educational and media resources on the Black experience of slavery, the unspoken assumption has been that only Blacks have been enslaved to any degree or magnitude worthy of study or memorial. The historical record reveals that this is not the case, however. The word "slave" itself is derived from the word "slav," a reference to the Eastern European White people who, among others, were enslaved by their fellow Whites, by the Mongols, and by the Arabs over a period of many centuries.

According to Thomas Burton's Parliamentary Diary 1656-1659, in 1659 the English parliament debated the practice of selling British Whites into slavery in the New World. In the debate, these Whites were referred to not as "indentured servants" but as "slaves."

In the Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, America and West Indies of 1701, we read of a protest over the "encouragement to the spiriting away of Englishmen without their consent and selling them for slaves, which hath been a practice very frequent and known by the name of kidnapping." In the British West Indies, plantation slavery was instituted as early as 1627. In Barbados by the 1640s there were an estimated 25,000 slaves, of whom 21,700 were White.

This document records that while White slaves were worked to death, as they cost next to nothing, there were Caribbean Indians brought from Guiana to help propagate native foodstuffs who were well-treated and received as free persons by the wealthy planters.

The Englishman William Eddis, after observing White slaves in America in the 1770s wrote: "Generally speaking, they groan beneath a worse than Egyptian bondage." Governor Sharpe of the Maryland colony compared the property interest of the planters in their White slaves, with the estate of an English farmer consisting of a "Multitude of Cattle."

Lay historian Col. A. B. Ellis, writing in the British Newspaper Argosy for May 6, 1893, said: "Few, but readers of old colonial state papers and records, are aware that between the years 1649 to 1690 a lively trade was carried on between England and the plantations, as the colonies were then called, [a trade] in political prisoners... they were sold at auction... for various terms of years, sometimes for life, as slaves."

Sir George Sandys' 1618 plan for Virginia referred to bound Whites assigned to the treasurer's office to "belong to said office forever." The service of Whites bound to Berkeley's Hundred was deemed "perpetual."

Numerous documents from the seventeenth, eighteenth, and even nineteenth centuries reveal that these Whites in bondage certainly referred to themselves as slaves, and there are even records of Blacks referring to them as "White slaves."

Did you know that the expression "kidnapping," (originally kid-nabbing) had its origin in the abduction of poor White children to be sold into factory slavery in Britain or plantation slavery in America? Did you know that the expression "spirited away" likewise originated with the White slavers, who were also called "spirits"?

The White slavery in America was but an extension of the White slavery in the mother country, Britain, where the legal form of contracted indentured servitude and apprenticeship was maintained as a spurious cover for plain and simple lifetime chattel slavery. Particularly shocking was the enslavement of White children for factory labor. Children were openly seized from orphanages and workhouses and placed in the factories.

In Brian Inglis' Poverty and the Industrial Revolution we read: "Here then was a ready source of labor - and a very welcome one. The children were formally indentured as apprentices... What happened to them was nobody's concern. A parish in London, having got rid of a batch of unwanted pauper children, was unlikely to interest itself in their subsequent fate... The term 'apprenticeship' was in any case a misnomer...."

In Marjorie Cruikshank's Children and Industry: "many employers imported child apprentices, parish orphans from workhouses far and near. Clearly, overseers of the poor were only too keen to get rid of the orphans... children were brought (to the factories) like 'cartloads of live lumber' and abandoned to their fate... poor children, taken from workhouses or kidnapped in the streets of the metropolis, used to be brought down by... coach to Manchester and slid into a cellar in Mosley Street as if they had been stones or any other inanimate substance."

White children worked up to sixteen hours a day and during that period the doors were locked. Children - and most of the mill workers were children - were allowed out only to 'go to the necessary.' In some factories it was forbidden to open the windows... The child 'apprentices' who were on night shift might have to stay on it for as long as four or five years. They were lucky if they were given a half penny an hour.

This was labor without any breaks - unceasing labor. When the children fell asleep at the machines, they were lashed into wakefulness with a whip. If they arrived late to the factory, talked to another child, or committed some other infraction they were beaten with an iron bar known as a "billy-roller," eight feet long and one inch and a half in diameter. Many were thus murdered, often for trifling offenses such as calling out names to the next child.

Thousands of children were mangled or mutilated by the primitive factory machinery every year. They were often disfigured or disabled for life, then abandoned, receiving no compensation of any kind. Similar conditions obtained for enslaved White children on this side of the Atlantic, as what William Blake called "these Satanic Mills" spread to our shores.

Historian Oscar Handlin writes that in colonial America, White servants could be bartered for a profit, sold to the highest bidder for the unpaid debts of their masters, and otherwise transferred like moveable goods or chattels...

The controlled media focus exclusively on the enslavement of Blacks. The impression is given that only Whites bear responsibility for enslaving Blacks and that only Blacks were slaves. In fact, Blacks in Africa engaged in extensive enslavement of their own kind. Slavery was endemic in Africa, with entire tribes being enslaved through conquest on a regular basis. When Arabic, Jewish and White slave traders arrived on the coast of sub-Saharan Africa, they seldom if ever had to travel inland and fight or pursue their quarry. They were met on the coast by Africans more than willing to sell slaves to them by the thousands. And in America, records show that Black slaves were owned, not just by a few wealthy Whites, but by free Blacks and by Cherokee Indians. In some cases, these Blacks and Indians even owned White slaves.

White slaves were actually owned by Blacks and Indians in the South to such an extent that the Virginia Assembly passed the following law in 1670: "It is enacted that no negro or Indian though baptized and enjoying their own freedom shall be capable of any such purchase of Christians." The records of the time reveal that free Blacks often owned Black slaves themselves.

In 1717, it was proposed that a qualification for election to the South Carolina Assembly was to be "the ownership of one White man."

From 1609 until the early 1800s, between one half and two thirds of all the White colonists who came to the New World came as slaves. White slaves cleared the forests, drained the swamps, built the roads, sweated in the fields, and died like flies in hellish factories. Owned like property, they had no rights nor recourse to the law. Fugitive slave laws applied to them just as to Blacks if they should flee their masters. Black slaves were expensive, and though at times cruelly used, were not often used beyond the limits of human endurance. That would have been a waste of a costly investment. White slaves, however, consisting of the poor and unwanted "surplus population" of Britain, were available for nearly nothing, just a few pence for a thug to billyclub them and shanghai them aboard a westward-bound vessel. Thus they were expendable.

Both psychologically and materially Whites in modern times are called upon to bear burdens of guilt and monetary reparation for Black slavery. This position is based entirely on enforced ignorance and the deliberate suppression of the record of White slavery in North America.

Reparations? Welfare and affirmative action as compensation for past slavery? Leaving aside for the moment the very questionable idea of punishing the great-grandson for the sins of the great-grandfather, let us consider the principles involved. Far more Whites in America are descendants of White slaves than are descendants of slave owners. And considering the endemic nature of slavery in Black Africa, it is quite likely that a large proportion of Blacks in America have ancestors who were themselves slave owners. So let us hear no more of White guilt and endless payments and "affirmative action" to atone for the sin of the enslavement of Blacks. These endless payments themselves are a form of slavery. For good of all races and peoples, let us rid ourselves of slavery for all time. "

I don't see this as a conspiracy any more than I see the tendency of people to watch soppy movies as a conspiracy. People like soppy artifacts in which the underdog is praised and emerges victorious over the strong; this is because most people are weak and underconfident. IMHO
infoterror said:
I don't see this as a conspiracy any more than I see the tendency of people to watch soppy movies as a conspiracy. People like soppy artifacts in which the underdog is praised and emerges victorious over the strong; this is because most people are weak and underconfident. IMHO
is this your explination of why american blacks think they're better than whites???
is this your explination of why american blacks think they're better than whites???

No, and the smart people I know of all races have parallelist not serialist thinking!

Silver Incubus said:
The new world order has very little to do with jews actually, and it really being created by certain bloodlines that are part of the european families that have ruled in previous centuries. These people are known for taking part of Satanic like rituals and belonging to the illuminati. Its the Builderburgs, the Rockefellers, the Royal British family and other royal families throughout europe.

What David Icke has researched it very compelling because the geneology of the royal family is quite availible for anyone to find out. The reason behind the interbreeding between the royal families is supposedly because they have special blood or aren't really human. I have heard of many different accounts of people saying that they have seen people Shapeshift into Reptilians, and those people are usually belonging to one of these ruling classes. Which in a way makes sesnse when you think about the whole "Devine right to rule" based off of their blood. Apparently these satanic rituals involve human sacrifices of Aryan children, because of something special in the Aryan genes that create a certain chemical reaction in their blood when they are scared.

The new world order started with the creation of the UN, and has been progressed by things like NAFTA and the euro. They are looking to centralize the world power so that those at the top have the most control and can keep control of all information and people. With the push for RFID chiped national ID cards, they are trying to create the tracking system to monitor people at all times through RFID readers. They even want to put RFID tags in all clothing, and merchandise, and then into people(this has already happend places)

:lol: Sure buddy. The royal family shifting into reptiles and sacrificing aryans claiming divine right. What a load of shit. Aristocracies had tendencies claiming divinity from the past but that is not necessarily bad.
MURAI said:
:lol: Sure buddy. The royal family shifting into reptiles and sacrificing aryans claiming divine right. What a load of shit. Aristocracies had tendencies claiming divinity from the past but that is not necessarily bad.

I didn' say anything about believing this, I just said apparently that is the connection to the family bloodline has been reported by individuals who have attended certain rituals performed. It hasn't been proven but even if it was, would you even believe that? You would instanly think of photo shop or some costume. In a way it sounds so crazy that it may be true. But until I see it, I won't believe it.

You have to realize this is talking about certian conspiracies, while most of it is factually provable through documents and bad government cover ups like 9/11 and the web of lies spun around that.

But the main points are that the few are trying to control the many, and that is why they have to manipulate behind the scenes, use propaganda to get people to believe their version of what reality is. Which when you look into it, you see that their version of reality is not only harmful, but serves as a way of further controlling the individuals mindset, so that they remain dormant and easily led.

They do this in a number of ways. The main one used to day is fear. Fear of more terror (most of which they create on purpose), even threats of terror some of which are later, in tiny print, are admitted to being wrong.
They use tv to shape societies norms. It's not like the news reports stuff that you should know. It reports things they want you know. Things that they deem appropriate to report.
They also count on other people to keep each other in line. You will have some people telling you are crazy, you should think of such things, or that they believe so much in what they see and read in the news that they can not fathom that the government could do so much wrong to their own people.

But you have to ask yourself who gains by the policies that your government supports?
Well the USA supports the military industrial complex which have many interlocking members with the people in high posistions of power. Like Dick having connections to Haliburton whom of which benefits greatly in the Iraq war.
MURAI said:
Aristocracies had tendencies claiming divinity from the past but that is not necessarily bad.
the Egyptian Pharohs thinking they descended from the deity "Ra" and enslaving the Isrealites
the Chatholic Church thinking it was the will of their "God" to kill all the pagans durring "The Crusades"
aristocracies claiming divinity = slavery and slaughter
The many tendrils of the Globilist agenda:
1. Fear - This is done through many different ways. The main one is through the use of created terrorist events like Oklahoma city bombings and 9/11, 7/7 and so on to push a more facist police state. This is called Problem Reaction solution. They create the problem(terrorists) and then when the people demand that they need more protection from the terrorists they offer the solution, the increase in police and secret servaillence, wiretapping, and errotions of the bill of rights, constituion, or any other laws that are to protect the people(Patriot act 1 + 2). The use of the mainstream media, especially television(because of its multi sensory effects) is used to not only drill in the fear through reports, but also to sell you on the official whitehouse propaganda(because its lies not news).

Drugs - While there is denial of the CIA's involvement in the importation and distribution of Cocaine( most notably the case in Akansas while Clinton was still governor(MENA airport), there is still the major problem of the big drug companies. Right now 15% or more of the american public are on drugs. Some of which are more harmful and dangerious then street drugs. Anti depreessants like Zoloft or prozac have very serious side effects and actually cause psychotic behaviour, but that is the plan anyways. Because if they can make a problem, then they can make the drug that fixes that problem, because now you see a n increase of anti psychotic drugs on the rise. Check out the new documentry "Prescription Suicide", and the book "Confessions of an RX drug pusher". The media once again also plays roles in this. Many segments on new programs about drugs or drug related stories are payed for by drug companies and run through PR firms. But also they pay off doctors, especially the well respected and highly regarded to avocate the use of the drugs. Prozac, an anti depressant, can be prescribed for anxiety, and is an addictave drug.

Destruction of borders- as most are well aware, Illegal aliens have become a hot topic in the states. Police are not even allowed to arrest them now, for not having documents or papers, but they can still arrest you for the same things. Free trade, guest workers, protests are all a way to drain the economy as a way to destroy the middle class.

Destruction of the economy - Not only is the american government at its highest debt, it is also outsourcing jobs to other countries around the world. This is all a plan to destroy the middle class of america.

Peak oil is a myth - It is a well known and documented fact that there is no oil crisis. The facts are that the big oil companies have bought all the independant refineries and shut them down, while only increasing their output by a marginal ammount compared to what was out before. Back in the earily 90's Saddam was driving down the price of gas by overproducing oil and as a result the big oil needed to shut him down.

Servallence - More cameras more cameras and more hidden cameras. this is the least of it. Illegal wire tappings, information gathering, are all rampant in this day in age. They can track your cell phone no matter where you go, soon they will be tracking your vehicle through transponders, and taxing you per mile/km.(like in California) But the worst scenario is the RFID tags. These small chips will be put in your National ID cards/ licences and with them, they will be able to track you where ever you go. Camera's and tracking devices doesn't sound like freedom to me, sounds more like a prison. People are accepting of these because they think it will make them safer, but since when has a video camera ever stopped a crime from happening? And if a 'terrorist' wants to blow themself up, they are going to do it regardless.

Poison - Like drugs, there are many toxic substances we ingest without knowing what they do to our bodies and brains. Aspartame is a proven poision, causing many problems in the body like tumourous growths.
Plus things like Adding Flouride to drinking water, which is a by-product of the fertalizer industry, aluminium production and others.
and chemtrails

mind control - this one is very hard to notice at first becuause of its deceptive nature. It is well known, that the MK Ultra project was the study of mind control, but all that was released were the drug experiments like giving soldiers LSD without permission. But like all government millitary applicatiosn it was mostly kept secret.
The biggest effect of this is the mass consumer culture or materialsim. The use of unconscious, Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, created the start of mass media mind control.
heres a quote
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."

--Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

Thats it for now, feel free to ask questiosn or comment
Some good information there Silver Incubus! I didn't know about the US oil refineries being deliberately bought and shut down for the sake of maximising big oil companys' profits. I found this useful site about the problem:

It doesn't necessarily mean that world oil supplies are not running out fast though. (Of course oil is so environmentally damaging anyway. Alternatives exist and should be used).

Do you regularly check out
You would appreciate their articles Silver Incubus. For eg. there's one, "The Freefalling Dollar and Bush's war on the Middle Class". And a "must watch" documentary called "The Corporation" - "The government has fallen so completely under the spell of the corporations that it is virtually indistinguishable from them". (It would make no difference if it was a Democrat government).
Thanks for those links, very good info.

I have just recently found Alex Jones' weekly report (his cable access tv show) on some bit torrent sites. Some of the ones from this year are stunning. You can find them at I would recomend watching them because when it come to the oil scam, Alex knows first hand because both his parents where involved in the oil industry, and his grandfather too(because of the drought in texas)

I find it sad that people think Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist but in fact he is a history obsessed news junkie who validates all his claims with articles and many other links to credible papers and sources. Like he said on his one show, he reads the offical reports and legislation and that is where all the plans are set into stone, and that is where you will catch them trying to screw you over. I just wish there was something similar to him in Canada.
I think I trust Alex Jones. He does present his information very convincingly. What surprises me is that he is not just popular with the tiny number of people that I would expect to want to hear these ideas. I've heard he is very popular with quite a few people who vote democrat in the US, some of them Hollywood filmstars like Sheen. This is a whole lot better situation for Jones than being a persecuted dissident who is in imminent danger of being locked up as a terrorist for his revelations! There are no such characters like Jones in Britain, and if there ever were I can't see them being popular with Labour voters or anyone in the public eye daring to admit support for them. British people are a lot more slavelike and easily lead perhaps.
Yeah I didn't mean there were no people researching this kind of stuff and talking about it in Britain, only that they not getting anywhere here, and would be more likely to get ignored or ridiculed, while Alex Jones is well known and respected in the US. We have some documentaries occasionally that expose corruption in the system, etc, but they are not in the same category as the amazing revelations Jones comes up with.
proglodite said:
Anyone else seen the footage that's been released of the "plane" hitting the pentagon on 9/11? Looks more like a missile to me...

yes, but that is really old news. The same video they released shows the same ammount of frames as the pictures. it doesn't show a frame with the jet in it, and even if it did i'd still be sceptical simply because there was no airplane wreckage at the pentagon. NO bodies, no luggage, no nothing indicating it was a plane. OH and let us not forget that the 'terrorist' who were said to have highjacked the plane are still alive. Hmmmm sounds like a coverup, or better yet, planned.

Plus, a plane cannot make a 270 degree turn at 500 miles and hour descending 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes.