The Conspiracy Thread

Nothng can make a 270 degree turn at 500 miles per hour descending 7000 feet in 2 1/2 minutes. Not even me.
Silver Incubus said:
yes, but that is really old news. The same video they released shows the same ammount of frames as the pictures. it doesn't show a frame with the jet in it, and even if it did i'd still be sceptical simply because there was no airplane wreckage at the pentagon. NO bodies, no luggage, no nothing indicating it was a plane. OH and let us not forget that the 'terrorist' who were said to have highjacked the plane are still alive. Hmmmm sounds like a coverup, or better yet, planned.

Plus, a plane cannot make a 270 degree turn at 500 miles and hour descending 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes.

Which would mean that the first planes hitting the towers was something planned as well.
PoisonSeed said:
Which would mean that the first planes hitting the towers was something planned as well.

Listen, there are way to many pieces of evidence that have been put out about 9/11. You know alex jones actually predicted that an event like 9/11 was going to happen. jones predicts
He knew this becuase some of the people in the government said they needed a pearl harbour type event to go to war. Alex Even tells us that they will probbably blame Bin Laden(whos family the Bushes vacation with) because Bin Laden is a CIA asset. Trained by them to fight the sovets in Afganistan. Now Bush Senior was the head of the CIA so I am more then certain that Bush knows Bin Laden.

Now there is also the 'coincedence' that they were running a wargame of the exact same situation, at the exact same time, so the people at NORAD were told to ignore it because it was part of the drill. (Noticed how lazy they got when they used the exact same excuse for the 7/7 London bombings)

There are tonnes of websites about it. Just google it. Or better google video or youtube
I'm with you on this one, I just pointed out something that to me seem obvious. If the attack on the pentagon was from the inside or planned then "they" had full awareness of the previous attacks on the towers before they occured. It would be impossible otherwise to take advantage, in such a short time, of the situation and amplify it.
But if this was true, does that mean the Taliban was still responsible for the Towers? Because I really really don't want to believe that my father's death was planned by my own government.
Ptah Khnemu said:
But if this was true, does that mean the Taliban was still responsible for the Towers? Because I really really don't want to believe that my father's death was planned by my own government.

The neo cons do not care about your father. He was just a means to an end to them. If these people wanted to fight so bad, they should be in Iraq front lines, but instead they sit back, as many of their troops die, so they can reap the spoils of war. The terrroist, whether they know it or not, are contolled by the same factions as they are fighting. The CIA has ammitted before in the past that they have sponsored terroist to overthrough people in countries, to create civil unrest for coos.

The point of Afganistan is that they were going to build a pipeline for oil through but the Taliban wouldn't let them, so instead they blame Osama, who has just as much to gain. There was an order given to the FBI and CIA a few months before 9/11 preventing them from arresting certian terroist because they were told that the terrrorists were CIA assest.
Presidential Directive W-199-I
heres a timeline of the events leading to 9/11.
Ptah Khnemu said:
But if this was true, does that mean the Taliban was still responsible for the Towers? Because I really really don't want to believe that my father's death was planned by my own government.

That sounds more like loyalty to the government than loyalty to your father. If you find that the government was probably to blame, then they are the people you should be angry with. Just like soldiers with Gulf War syndrome blame the government for trying to deny its existence and being uncaring about them. They didn't just believe the government, and now it has been established that Gulf War Sydrome does exist.

There were considerably fewer people in the twin towers on the day of the disaster than would normally have been there. It is said that certain people were warned off. And they are keeping their secret too. And some people supposedly were in the towers and died there, but there is speculation that they really just went to Israel and their deaths were feigned.

I thought of this scenario the moment I heard (on the day it happened) a reporter saying there were fewer people there than there normally would have been. After that, the whole conspiracy story just confirmed my own suspicions. That was the big clue to it all.
I'm glad there's people besides myself that believe the gov't was involved the the greatest coverup in the world...9/11.

I think we need to spread the word throughout the forum. I've put a link to my blog in my signature so maybe some people will decide to check it out and to find a bunch of conspiracy facts about 9/11 and coverups.
The pilot episode for a drama "The Lone Gunmen" aired on March 4 2001 concerned a terrorist plot to fly a hijacked airplane into the WTC towers. It can be seen following the link here:

Also, this is a documentary that is supposed to be the best expose of 9/11 around, check out the link on the first post (the url failed when I put it straight on)
I dont know if this is the right thread, but I'm constantly paranoid someones looking at my penis from parallel dimensions, while I shower. I'm always looking over my shoulder and when I do, I can't guarantee some hairless, perverted grey alien hasn't snapped a photo goddamn!

Now suppose they have time travel, I'm doubly fucked! They could go back in time and constantly take photos of my penis and send it around the fucking galaxy..

I think this is a pretty common concern.
Is your penis so embarassing then? Shouldn't you be flattered?
But, seriously do you agree with the subjects in this thread or do you think the official version of things is always the most reliable?
I think there's always some truth in fiction.

And you're right, I should flaunt my penis about with pride! :rolleyes:
Well, logic suggests that the official version is the fiction in the subjects mentioned so far on this thread, but there will always be people who will defend it (generally with little or no evidence presented)for their own reasons.
judas69 said:
I dont know if this is the right thread, but I'm constantly paranoid someones looking at my penis from parallel dimensions, while I shower. I'm always looking over my shoulder and when I do, I can't guarantee some hairless, perverted grey alien hasn't snapped a photo goddamn!

Now suppose they have time travel, I'm doubly fucked! They could go back in time and constantly take photos of my penis and send it around the fucking galaxy..

I think this is a pretty common concern.
are you one of those guys that posted pics of your cock?
and how come out of the 9 or 10 guys that did that, Lord Red Dragon was the only one that got banned?
Tongue_Ring said:
are you one of those guys that posted pics of your cock?
and how come out of the 9 or 10 guys that did that, Lord Red Dragon was the only one that got banned?

LRD if you dare post a pic on this forum, I will delete every damn post you' and all your other incarnations have ever made. And as you've figured out, I can spot you and your different aliases immediately.

That being said, I thought that was a funny post LRD.
judas69 said:
I dont know if this is the right thread, but I'm constantly paranoid someones looking at my penis from parallel dimensions, while I shower. I'm always looking over my shoulder and when I do, I can't guarantee some hairless, perverted grey alien hasn't snapped a photo goddamn!

Now suppose they have time travel, I'm doubly fucked! They could go back in time and constantly take photos of my penis and send it around the fucking galaxy..

I think this is a pretty common concern.

NO you were RIGHT! This IS NOT the right thread.

your looking for