The Conspiracy Thread

speaking of funny, you look funny ..and it appears your genetics lends itself well to a pretty hefty unibrow there
Tongue_Ring said:
are you one of those guys that posted pics of your cock?
and how come out of the 9 or 10 guys that did that, Lord Red Dragon was the only one that got banned?

LRD pm'd me to send him a photo actually; I'm glad I wasn't aware of this thread.

It's hard enough keeping the ET's at bay.
speed said:
LRD if you dare post a pic on this forum, I will delete every damn post you' and all your other incarnations have ever made. And as you've figured out, I can spot you and your different aliases immediately.

That being said, I thought that was a funny post LRD.
I won't post any pix here because no one will ever post a pic on THIS forum, it would never be appropriate
Silver Incubus said:
Conpiracy theory, is a buzz word for people who can't comprehend the information they recieve, and like Atheist explaining the inaccuarces of the bilbe to a christian, it is rejected simply because it doesn't fit into their view of the world. The more often then not, is the reality that is seen on the news , in the news paper, and in the education system.

The term Conspiracy Theory is a complete misnomer since their conspiring ended long ago - their plan for a one world order has been in action for ages.

Well the fact that they are not openly saying on the news and such that "this is indeed what we are doing" "we are planning on kill 2/3 of the population and creating a one world government whom rulers will be tyrants you will never know about."

But been in action and has come to happen are two things. People just don't give up all their rights instantly, they have to be erroded slowly away, using different events to justify it.
The downbreeding of the population's intelligence and dumbing down of our culture is essential to their power. As is making us lose our kin identity and just feel like a helpless individual (with few siblings or close family members compared to the past) who are cut loose in a sea of billions of people. Citizens of the One World - soon to be relagated to the status of slaves.
That is why MTV, MTV2, VH1, the E! channel, FUSE, BET, and other American Pop Culture tv stations are EVIL!! I personally think the government is working with Hollywood to do just that. Dumb the people down, and then get them to all be the same, so they can find ways to make everyone social slaves.
Ptah Khnemu said:
That is why MTV, MTV2, VH1, the E! channel, FUSE, BET, and other American Pop Culture tv stations are EVIL!! I personally think the government is working with Hollywood to do just that. Dumb the people down, and then get them to all be the same, so they can find ways to make everyone social slaves.
could anyone post some links to sites that back up this claim?
I couldn't back it up with any links because its just my own observation and Ptah Knemu has most likely figured it out for himself too. Putting circumstantial evidence together it seems logical to us both.
The FDA is fully of corrupt people and that is why poisins like aspartame are allowed. Big payoffs by super ultra mega corporations keep them from saying otherwise. Just think of how much Coke and Pepsi have to lose by them outlawing aspartame. The diet soda industry is huge, and that is why it is frightening to me, who knows that diabetic people drink this stuff, and with even more diabetics then there was 50 years ago, its like 1/3 instad of 1/50 in America then it becomes an even worse health risk.
Tongue_Ring said:
could anyone post some links to sites that back up this claim?

I can try, but I can't guarantee that it will satisfy your interests.

The Link that Tongue Ring requested :D

But seriously, I do stand by my views about Pop Culture working with big buisness and the C.I.A. and I do believe that America is a marionette hanging on strings made from the fibers of a complex spider web web of corruption.
Silver Incubus said:
Well i think the fact that most people wouldn't talk about it unless there was some sort of anonymity, because they are afraid of being called crazy, although they live normal kind of lives.
That's the same thing with being against what's mainstream. It's the exact same concept. If people don't do, talk, think, live or act just like everyone else, they're immediately excluded from society.
Ptah Khnemu said:
That's the same thing with being against what's mainstream. It's the exact same concept. If people don't do, talk, think, live or act just like everyone else, they're immediately excluded from society.
South Park showed an episode dealing with that issue last night

the one making fun of Pokemon where Japan tried to take over America and Kyle kept getting laughed at for always being behind the fads that kept changing every 2 days
Supreme Court upholds no-knock police search
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court made it easier today for police to barge into homes and seize evidence without knocking or waiting, a sign of the court's new conservatism with Samuel Alito on board.
The court, on a 5-4 vote, said judges cannot throw out evidence collected by police who have search warrants but do not properly announce their arrival.
It was a significant rollback of earlier rulings protective of homeowners, even unsympathetic homeowners such as Booker Hudson, who had a loaded gun next to him and cocaine rocks in his pocket when Detroit police entered his unlocked home in 1998 without knocking.
The court's five-member conservative majority, anchored by new Chief Justice John Roberts and Alito, said police blunders should not result in "a get out of jail free card" for defendants.
Dissenting justices predicted police will now feel free to ignore previous court rulings requiring officers with search warrants to knock and announce themselves to avoid running afoul of the Constitution's Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable searches.
"The knock-and-announce rule is dead in the United States," said David Moran, a Wayne State University professor who represented Hudson. "There are going to be a lot more doors knocked down. There are going to be a lot more people terrified and humiliated."
Supporters said the ruling will help police do their jobs.
"People who are caught red-handed with evidence of guilt have one less weapon to get off," said Kent Scheidegger, legal director of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation.
The case provides the clearest sign yet of the court without Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
Hudson had lost his case in a Michigan appeals court. Justices agreed to hear his appeal last June, four days before O'Connor's surprise announcement that she was retiring.
O'Connor was still on the bench in January when his case was first argued, and she seemed ready to vote with Hudson.
"Is there no policy of protecting the homeowner a little bit and the sanctity of the home from this immediate entry?" she asked.
She retired before the case was decided, and a new argument was held this spring so Alito could participate, apparently to break a 4-4 tie.

wow, this is looking grim for the people now
Kirstie_90 said:
I'm new here and my friend is a mod for this so that's why I'm here but I have a few things to ponder about. Mostly about ET...Extra Terrestrial. I hope you don't mind this thread and open up to your feelings about these theories. If this thread is not appropriate, please tell me. Thank you.

Extra Terrestrials...I have heard a few things about these little 'grey/green aliens'. One most interesting thing is that we are the result of experiments conducted by them. I find this humerous but also very interesting. Some witnesses describe them as having a human body type, tall or short, big eyes, hands, feet, nostrils etc. Although these witnesses all happen to be hicks from America... But it makes me think...Do we come from them? Or are they just something the media made up to grab people's attention and tweak with their imagination?....

Moved from independent thread. Sorry Kirstie, but this is a conspiracy theory style thread.
These ideas have nothing to do with "the media" as such. I don't believe what this account suggests. It is very interesting however.

"1: The Coming of the Elohim
Over fifty thousand years ago, the planet Earth was visited by a race of beings from what is known as the Collective.

The Collective is comprised of several races who work together for their mutual benefit. Each of these races, with but one exception, are of the Human species. These humans are the same genetically, as those found on the Earth. They are from three main colony zones: Sirius, Orion, and Pleiades.

The only other sentient race so far discovered is cetacean- based, or in simpler terms, dolphin-based. Unlike dolphins on this world, the Delphohim, or "Greys" as they are called, continued their evolution on land and have evolved into the most technologically-advanced race in this region of the galaxy. All life found in this region is from the same genetic blueprint. This is thought to be the result of the seeding of worlds by a single race with the same basic code of life. They are referred to as the "Seeders," within the Collective. They exist through, or outside of, time... it is thought.

One of the races they created was that of the humans mentioned above, who call themselves the "Annunaki" (ANK). Another is the human race found on Earth, who are referred to as "Tarans," within the Collective. It is the meeting of these two races of humans long ago that is the subject of this message.

The rulers of the Annunaki call themselves "Elohim." They came to the Earth for mining and colonization purposes. There was a revolt by Annunaki workers over conditions and leadership. There was a brief conflict and a change in the leadership. It was the younger generation Elohim, who then were in charge of the Earth project. All of this can be found in your historical myths and legends, and verified. The main source we will use is the history of the Sumerian peoples. They have left you the entire story of these events. A good book on the subject is "The Treasures Of Darkness" (by Thorkild Jacobsen; ISBN 0-300-02291-3).

After the revolt, an ambitious Annunaki geneticist began to experiment on a certain member of the primate species. These animals were pre-human. This Annunaki woman decided to enhance the intelligence and body of the animal by splicing ANK genes with it. The resultant being they called "Adamu," or "Man of Earth." This is you -- modern man. This tale of creation as told by the Sumerians is in the Elish, or as you call it, Genesis. The latter version is greatly watered down and compacted, but still retains the basic story, if interpreted correctly. The Sumerians called these people the Annunaki. Their leaders are the Elohim. The word "Elohim" means "combined Gods and Goddesses," and was substituted with the word God (singular) by Bible translators. Elohim is plural and is the true word that was written. Every place you see the word "God" in Genesis, replace it with the word Elohim - the original word used. This sort of word replacement was a great deception of your people. It has kept you from learning the truth. By doing this substitution, you will be able to understand Genesis, which is a copy of much older Sumerian legends.

The Elohim are what the Sumerians called Gods, and these are the humans who came from the Collective. They genetically altered pre-humans, and you are the results. Now you know the answer to one of the greatest questions of the Bible - why it says, "Let US create man in OUR OWN image." There were six main leaders of the Sumerian Gods, known by the symbols of nature they represented. They are of seven different age generations. Their symbols are the Sun, Moon, Water, etc. The last generation God was called Marduk. He assumed control of the Earth. He was responsible for ordering the creation of the Adamu (man), and ordered them to be used as slaves to give the Annunaki workers some rest. These events are given in Genesis, but not well explained.

The first seven days of creation are a condensed version of what I have just told you. The first five days are when the Sun, Moon, Water, etc., were created. These represent the Sumerian Gods in exact order of generation and symbol. As an example, the first generation Sumerian Goddess is called Tiamat, or as her other name, The Deep Water. The first creation is of the deep, and the separation of its waters. The sixth generation God was Marduk. He ordered creation of man to give the Annunaki rest. The sixth day (Marduk) in Genesis, man was created. On the seventh day, God (Annunaki) rested. It is the same, but told in a different way to confuse you, and to keep you from the truth. You're familiar, I'm sure with the story of a snake tempting mankind. The "snake" is a "symbol," found all over the world. Today, abductees see a symbol of an upside down triangle and two snakes wrapped around each other, inside the triangle. There is an ancient medical symbol that consists of two snakes wrapped around each other, with a flying disk at the top. The Sumerian goddess who created the Adamu is shown with two snakes. The snake is in Genesis. What does this all mean? Get ready to have your eyes opened for the first time.

Remember what is going on now, and back then - genetic manipulation. The intertwined snakes are what primitive man saw on the uniforms of the Annunaki, the same emblem abductees see today. It is the symbol of their Genetic Corps. They are not snakes. It is the double helix of DNA, the genetic code. Thousands of years ago, man did not know about genetics and DNA. The helix symbol to them and to abductees today, look like snakes. The medical sign has the snakes and a winged disk.

DNA and a flying disk. You can't get any plainer than this. The "snake" gave the power of knowledge to man. In Biblical terms, to have knowledge of someone is to engage in reproduction. "He knew his wife, and she bore a son." The "snake" gave man the power to reproduce. This was considered as sin by some. Had they left the Adamu unable to reproduce on their own, then by not making more, they could end their deeds. Instead, they modified the Adamu further and the rest, as they say, is history. What happened after this will be told in The Way - 3.1 "

I particularly like the idea of the serpent in the Garden of Eden actually being the double helix - very imaginative and creative thinking at the very least:)
Elohim is a hebrew word for gods. Also see Genesis 6 vs4 "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days -and also afterwards - when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." Easy to see how this can be interpreted as creating hybrid people. The Nephilim were supposed to be giants.

The general view is that the annunaki are the reptilian aliens (or illuminati) but there is a lot of confusion in all the accounts I've found. If there's any truth in it, that confusion could be due to deliberate attempts by the annuaki to mislead. There is no mention in the above article of the tall blonde aliens either. Some say that they are the annunaki. But it could all be total nonsense on the other hand.....!
yes, when talking about interpretations of ancient text, it is very vague to beging with and with the idea of starseeding, which is very possible, it makes things even more complicated. I had thought when I was younger that angels where simply aliens, because they appeared in luminus lights the same way angels always appeared to people. Interesting read though